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How to Unite International Students as Dankookians




DKU Holds 2013 International Student Culture Festival, Time to Become One with International Students “Special Screening of Videos with Foreign Language Subtitles” Run November 27 for International Students Living abroad can be lonely sometimes for international students who are unfamiliar with the language and environment. As a result of the current wave of internationalization in our university, more and more international students are entering DKU. In response, Dankook University has prepared various programs for these students to adapt to their surroundings, and these international students have voiced their approval. The Office of International Affairs of Dankook University organized Global Talent Network, GTN, to help international students to adapt to a new environment and to help domestic and international students better communicate with each other. GTN not only helps international students to register for classes and in various areas of overseas study life but also it is being used as a network resource between international students while playing an important role in their adaptation to the university environment. Also, various programs are in progress not only to attract more international students but also to help them get along with other students and help them adapt to their overseas study life. The International Student Culture Festival, foreign language subtitle movie screening, sharing briquette volunteer activity, etc., are among the activities in this program. International students are becoming true Dankookians through these activities as they share and learn educational goals and values of Dankook University along with our university culture. Let’s take a closer look at the International Students Becoming Dankookians Project DKU Holds 2013 International Student Culture Festival, Time to Become One with International Students With last fall came the yellow ginkgko leaves that covered the campus. On November 9, the 2013 International Student Culture Festival was held near International Hall, and the Student Union for international students to enjoy an afternoon of fun. This International Student Culture Festival under the subtitle of ‘A World in Dankook’ was joined by 75 foreign exchange students from China, Japan and other nations, as well as 80 international students, and Global Talent Network (GTN) students. A total of about 200 people enjoyed the festival. This event started at 1pm and was composed of programs aimed at giving the international students the chance to fully enjoy Korean culture. In the first part of the event, a chance to experience traditional Korean games was given at International Hall. International students and GTN students enjoyed playing traditional Korean games like Gong-gi (a game like jacks), Al-ga-gi (a game like marbles), Jegi Kicking and Arrow Stick Throwing together. The second part of the event was held at the Student Theater. International students showed their countries’ traditional clothing in a fashion show and visually entertained the audience while other students prepared a Taekwondo demonstration, lion dance, and K-POP performance, which all yielded memorable moments for international students. “This event was prepared to show Dankook University’s attractive points to international students and to facilitate a chance for different students to communicate with each other,” said a representative from the Office of International Affairs. “The goal is to develop a better culture festival every year by composing it with relevant activities.” “Special Screening of Videos with Foreign Language Subtitles” Run November 27 for International Students On November 27, an event entitled “Special Screening of Videos with Foreign Language Subtitles” was held for the viewing pleasure of international students at the Student Theatre at 9am. This event, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Gyeonggi Province and supervised by Lotte Cinema, was prepared to promote Korean movies to international students. Outstanding Korean films were selected for this event and English subtitles were provided for the films. A total of 250 international students including 170 from Jukjeon and 80 from Cheonan attended the event. In the morning, ‘Top Star’ starring Um Tae-woong and Kim Min-jun was screened. In the afternoon, ‘Wish’ directed by Lee Jun-ik and starring Sul Gyeong-gu and Um Ji-won was shown. After each screening, a prize raffle event was held and various gifts were given to members of the audience. “I always felt something is missing because international students usually don’t have many chances to watch Korean films, so I thank you so much for planning this on-site screening,” said Han Hee-jung, a Korean language instructor at the Global Education Center who hosted the event. “This event was very meaningful to me as I could experience and feel Korean cultural sentiment.”


Research results of Professor Lee Seong-wook and Min Dong-won were selected to the ’2013 Outstanding 50 Researches of Basic Research Results’




Professor Lee Seong-Wook, selected to the natural science basic research section with his research on suppressing colorectal cancer metastasis in the liver Professor Min Dong-Won, selected to the social science section with his research on the effect of psychological power on brand new products In the ‘2013 Outstanding 50 Pieces of Basic Research Results’, Professor Lee Sung-wook (Natural Science Basic Research section) of the Molecular Biology department and Professor Min Dong-won of the Business administration department (Humanities and Social Science section) were selected separately. The ‘Outstanding 50 Researches of Basic Research Results’ is carried out by the Ministry of Education to find and reward outstanding examples in the Natural Sciences, National Responsibility, as well as basic Humanities and Social Science among researchers that execute research development every year. A total of 30 from Natural Science, 11 cases from National Responsibility and 9 from Humanities and Social Science were chosen this year. Professor Lee Seog-wook, selected to the natural science basic research section with his research on suppressing colorectal cancer metastasis in the liver Professor Lee Seog-wook received recognition on developing ‘Nucleic Acid Aptamer’ which suppresses ‘Carcinoembryonal Antigen (CEA),’ a cancer marker found in many colorectal cancer patients dying from metastasis in the liver. As a result of an experiment with Nucleic Acid Aptamer, developed by Professor Lee’s team, on mouse test subjects who had colorectal cancer, 9 mice out of 10 showed the suppressing effect on metastasis. It is specifically being evaluated as a new next generation medicine that can easily infiltrate cancer tissue and overcome existing medicine’s limitations. Also, since Nucleic Acid Aptamers specifically merge with over-expressive Carcinoembryonal Antigen (CEA) that can cause liver metastasis, it provided a possibility to diagnose and cure metastasis between colorectal cancer cells at the same time. Professor Lee Seog-wook said “this will be the initial point that will close the source of colorectal cancer metastasis to the liver and lower the mortality rate” Professor Min Dong-won, selected to the social science section with his research on the effect of psychological power on brands and new products Professor Min Dong-won was selected as an outstanding result example as he presented a research paper on ‘Effects of psychological Power on the Stereotyping of Branch Extension Product’ under the subject of “Center of psychological power should be moved from the customer to the company” through experimenting on how much one’s mental power affects one’s perception of new brand products.” In the paper, he said brands are doing their best to attract the customers by performing various marketing strategies yet it also explained that general strategies that explain the relationship between the customer and the company by saying such words like ‘The customer is king’, ‘Customers are always right’ could have negative effects on customers, and suggested a new direction in marketing strategy. Professor Min Dong-won’s research was the only one selected in the field of Business among 3 thesis papers for outstanding results in the social science department, and he also received an award in 2013 from the Korean Advertisement Association’s New Scholar Outstanding Thesis Paper. Also, another one of Professor Min Dong-won’s research papers with the title of ‘Psychological Power’s effect’, ‘Is Power Powerful? Power, Confidence, and Goal Pursuit” was posted in the September issue of an A level international scholar journal, ‘International Journal of Research in Marketing (SSCI level) in the marketing field.


Selected as an Outstanding University in Education Specialization by the Korean University Newspaper




Selected as an Outstanding University in Education Specialization by Korea University Newspaper New Start through Campus Integration, Promoting Specialization in ‘IT, CT, BT, and Foreign Language’ Dankook University was selected as an outstanding university in Education Specialization at the ‘Grand Prize Award Ceremony held by the Korean University Newspaper. In celebration of its 25th anniversary, The Korean University Newspaper held a Grand Prize Award Ceremony to reward the universities that contributed to the development of higher education in Korea through various endeavors. This year, a total of 13 universities around the nation including Dankook University, Kookmin University, Soongsil University, and Incheon University were selected. Dankook University was selected as an outstanding university in education specialization, and the award ceremony took place at the International Conference room on the 20th floor of the Gwanghwamoon Press Center on October 15, at 4:30pm. The Korean University Newspaper said that it selected Dankook University for its effort in establishing a specialization at each campus, its subject unit control plan, and its contribution in suggesting university specialization such as building a base to enforce future competencies through campus integration. University-Industry Cooperation Vice President Lee Gye-hyung who attended the ceremony said “(he will) put more efforts in enforcing university competence for its basic strategy of enforcing university enforcement.” New Start through Campus Merge, Transformation from Main•Satellite University System to Campus System Dankook University has been focusing on the development of specific majors in each campus based on each campus’s location and the strong points of specific majors; it has specialized the Jukjeon campus with IT(Information and Technology) and CT(Cultural contents) while specializing the Cheonan campus with BT(Bio-technology/life science), and foreign languages. For this, it has recently established a research institution focusing on university policy which will pull up the specialization of each major. Also, it merged existing similar majors in each campus to focus on developing majors that are suitable for the specialization of each campus. Also, it enforced competency of related majors by adding majors that are suitable for specialized fields. Through this, it has added 14 new majors in humanities and society as well as life science during the past 2 years. Based on these, on June 27th 2013, Dankook University received approval for a main-satellite university merge from the Ministry of Education, and therefore it will be transformed from a university system to a campus system in 2014. Dankook University will be strengthening the capacity of the university while vitalizing research on convergence and integration centered on similar majors to reinforce competency between majors while creating a synergy effect.


3 business groups are selected to the BK 21 Plus Specialized Professional Talent Cultivation Business




The 3 business groups selected to the nation’s development strategy include culture content, convergence and integration, and heath. It allows the university to develop with a specialized focus at each campus. 3 business groups from Dankook University were selected to the BK21 Plus specialized professional talent cultivation business announced by the Ministry of Education on November 1. 54 business groups were selected out of 41 universities in the nation for this business cultivating advanced practical professionals of graduate or doctoral degrees in national development strategy fields including high value added industries such as: information protection, cultural content, design, tourism, and health. Amongst business groups from universities, the second most business groups were selected from Dankook University which was selected for 3 business groups along with Kookmin University, Ewha Woman’s University, and Gangwon University. The largest number came from Jeonnam University with 4 groups. This business will be conducted for the next 7 years and new business groups will be selected in 2016 after re-evaluating the businesses in 2015. Selected Fields Name of Business Groups Manager Cultural Content Cultivating professional global filmmakers based on cultural content Woo Jeong-Kwon Convergence and Integration based on Human Resources Business group cultivating professional talent specializing in intellectual property and information protection law Song Dong-Su Health Cultivating professional talent specializing in sports and medical science for the improvement in sports efficiency and the national health insurance budget focusing on low birth rates and aging societies Ok Jeong-Seok Projects were selected from a total of 8 business groups in the BK21 Plus program. The businesses help prepare each of the Universities’ campuses to develop in specialized fields. Meanwhile, a total of 8 business groups including 4 groups from the Future Creativity based Cultivation Business, 1 group from the Global Talent Cultivation Business, and 3 business groups from Specialized Professional Talent Cultivation were selected to the BK21 Plus Business, comprising in total 3 different types. Dankook University, ranked one of the top 20 universities in South Korea if you count the number of selected business groups, has been able to achieve both internal and external success due to the fact that it has been able to develop its capacity of research and education due to its specialization. If you break it down by campus, 4 business groups were selected from the Jukjeon campus while 4 were chosen from the Cheonan campus. If you break it down by the business type, Jukjeon campus was chosen in the fields of photoelectron, convergence software, culture content and convergence and integration; while Cheonan was chosen in the fields of nano bio medical science, green life growth, foreign cultural heritage, and health. These selections match each campus’s specialization which is promoted by Dankook University. Due to these business groups each campus now has a base by which they balance their development through specialization. Until now, Dankook University has been putting forth tremendous effort to be selected to the BK21 Plus Business by composing a Task Force Team (hereafter TF Team) made of faculty and practical researchers. The TF team has been continuously supporting the university in various fields such as finding businesses connected to the university’s specializations and to be selected to the BK21 Plus business. A member of the TF team said “this is the result of various thoughts and support from the university to have it achieve its successful outcome,” and while also mentioning that “this result will be the initial point of informing people outside the university about the university’s specialization and capacity enforcement in the future.”


Future of Korean Movies finds its answer from Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content




Equipping students with the proper talents and skills, as well as outstanding faculty Allows the cultivation of manpower and content that can compete on a world class level Promoted visible successes within 2 years of opening by being selected to the Busan International Film Festival and receiving awards as well as being selected for the BK21 Plus Business Project. November 7th, 11pm. Jukjeon campus west hall is still brightly lit at late hours of the morning. That is due to the Graduate School of Cinematic Content. On the 5th and 6th floor of West hall where the project room, research room, and creative room is located, graduate school students are busy working their scenarios. On the black board and board plates, scenario plots and character constructions are scribbled out and students are discussing their opinions on the scenarios while reading out loud. This is a scene of students preparing for a feature film production competition which accepts scenarios till the 8th. A feature film scenario is selected after intense competition evaluated by judges. Feature films and medium length films are selected by a panel of professors (faculty). Students do their best to have their efforts be selected for feature length films. Some of the scenarios that weren’t selected as feature films are made into medium length films. In any case, to graduate students must produce a film during their time at school. Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content is promoting individuals with practical talents who can be put into the film production industry right away through such thorough evaluation processes. This newly opened graduate school, only open 2 years, is already blowing fresh winds in the Korean Film Industry. Film ‘10 Minutes’, which was produced by first generation of specialists, won 2 prizes in the New Currents Section Writer, Kim Ja-ryung won first place at the BIFF-MPA Film Workshop Project Presentation At the 18th Busan International Film Festival (here after referred to as BIFF) that ended on October 12, feature film ’10 Minutes (Directed by Lee Yong-seung)’ produced by the first generation of students from the Graduate School of Cinematic Content won the KNN Audience Award and FIPRESCI Award (International film critics award) as an invited piece of the BIFF New Currents section. It is a proud product of Asia’s Busan Film Festival while also being a product of one of the most talented directors of Asia. Also, it was invited to the Young Forum Section of the 64th Berlin International Film Festival which is opening in February 2014. Writer Kim Ja-ryung won first place at the ‘BIFF-MPAA Film Workshop’ Project Presentation which is a scenario workshop for scenario writers held by BIFF and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) at Dong-suh University which is held at the same time as BIFF. Writer Kim Ja-ryung was also rewarded with special Hollywood training. ’10 Minutes’ is the first feature film produced with the support of the Graduate School of Cinematic Content, and production was solely done by the first generation of students from the graduate school including director (Lee Yong-seung), screenwriter (Kim Da-hyun), and producer (Kim Ki-cheol). The movie ‘10 Minutes’ is a piece that describes the workplace in comparable details with the popular web-toon ‘Misaeng’ that is called the bible of workers. The story describes the conflicts and confusion of a youngster who was once lured into a regular job at a work place after working as an intern but finds out that another person is employed to that position which forces him to face some difficult choices. Director Lee Yong-seung of ’10 Minutes’ says that he “tried to pull out common emotions that the audience can identify with by describing the dreams of youth and the unemployment issue in a realistic view based on his personal experience of working as a short term worker” and he also said he “will put every effort to make movies that speak in the same point of view with the current era’s youth.” Teamed up with talented and passionate students along with the best faculties in the nation The Graduate School cultivates professionals in directing, producing, and screenwriting What is the secret of Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content that brought fresh air to the nation’s film industry in such a short period? The secrets include an education system strictly focused on film production and adequate support from the university, as well as support from top notch companies working in film production and distribution. The outstanding faculty is one of the proudest and greatest assets of Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content. Faculty including named chair professor Kim Dong-ho (BIFF Honor execution chairperson), and Lee Choon-yeon, Shim Jae-myung, Kim Mi-hee, Lee You-jin, Oh Jung-wan, and Kim Sun-ah of the producing track, and Lee Myung-sae, Yoon Jae-Kyun, Kwak Gyung-Taek, and Park Ki-Yong of the directing track, and Woo Jeong-kwon, Jeong Suh-kyung, Baek Chul-hyun, Song Min-ho, and Yum Jong-hee of the screenwriting track, and Kang Ji-Young and Lee Hyun-Jung of the interactive cinema track are the best in their fields in the Korean film industry. This faculty has abundant field experience and has achieved remarkable research results. Especially, the faculty who are researching theories are educating students on the existing rules of filmmaking while also developing new filmmaking theories for students to apply and make creative films. That being said, the university is providing the highest level of support in the nation in equipment establishment and facility investment. Meanwhile, the university also has a perfect environment for students where they can fully focus on filmmaking and creation such as Lotte Cinema supporting feature film productions of the university. In addition, the university is operating a ‘2+1’ joint GPA system with universities in the United States to help talented young Korean filmmakers to enter the Hollywood film industry and help grow in the world. Selected to the BK 21 Plus Specialized Professional Talent Cultivation Business Making Dankook Global Video Content Research Center the gateway to Hollywood and beyond The capability of Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content is connected to highly visible outcomes. ‘Culture code based global filmmaker cultivation Business Group (director Woo Jung-kwon)’ which is centered on the Graduate School of Cinematic Content was selected to the BK 21 Plus Specialized Professional Talent Cultivation Business section announced by the Ministry of Education last November 1. Through this, the business group will be able to educate professionals who can develop film content; and that could work overseas and using their knowledge. Also, last July, the Dankook Global Video Content Research Center (director Woo Jung-kwon) Los Angeles campus in the United States built. The Dankook Global Video Content Research Center manages to research the current state of domestic video content holding technology and technology demand in the US market. It is planning to perform an international joint research project with large size film companies and universities. In addition, it is planning to develop a global educational program so that they can provide a short term focused education program conducted by the masters of Hollywood filmmaking for students and to make a joint movie with universities in the US. Also, it is planning to open various Korean-US video technology seminars, symposiums and other forums to activate and spread outstanding Korean cultural technology to the United States. The Dankook University Graduate School of Cinematic Content is executing various businesses to make films and content that can appeal to the world while educating filmmaking professionals. If someone should ever ask about the future of our nation’s film industry, the answer about its future would be that it is bright because of Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content. Along with its various supporters, faculty and students equipped with talent and passion, Dankook University’s Graduate School of Cinematic Content is securing its status as the producer of our nation’s young filmmaking talent.


In Distinguished Love for Junior Colleagues, Lawyer Kim Seung-Nyeon Donates Scholarship Funds




Lawyer Kim Seung-Nyeon donates 10,000,000 won as development funds forhis junior colleagues He also opened a public special lecture for junior colleagues Lawyer Kim Seung-Nyeon donated development funds for his junior colleagues. On October 10, Kim visited the university and donated 10,000,000 won for his junior colleagues in the College of Law. This isn’t the first time Kim has shown his love for his university and junior colleagues. In the past, he has donated development funds for the improvement of the College of Law. Especially, for this year he has donated a total of 20,000,000 won including a donation of 10,000,000 won in January. Also, he been supporting for the future of his colleagues by showing consistent concern for his university and junior colleagues and by opening various special lectures and teaching sections. “The College of Law at Dankook University was known for its name in the past and even called Dankook University for the Jurisdiction Examination. I am donating the development fund hoping that Dankook University’s College of Law can be restored to its glory from the past and prosper again like yesterday with my junior colleagues following the path of graduates.” On the day of the donation ceremony, Kim gave a special lecture for junior colleagues in the College of Law. He emphasized that they should live a slow life experiencing various types of conflicts and problems in their 20s instead of dreaming of romance as he defined the age of 20s as the generation of romance out of life in his special lecture held in room 319 of Law School with the subject of “Life is determined in your 20s” at 4:30pm. He also advised his junior colleagues on how to study law. He emphasized to find an equation in law as in mathematic studies since all studies have their own context. He also suggested that students to listen to their senior students’ advice, inquire of professors and discuss with fellow students in group studies to find the equation faster. Also, he said it is important to learn Chinese characters and prepare a dictionary next to one in studying law because it helps one to understand the meaning of each word and its concept. Then he concluded the lecture with a word of advice, saying that everyone should work hard with courage and confidence as he or she may lose an opportunity if she is just satisfied with the current situation. Kim graduated from the College of Law in 1974. He passed the 15th Jurisdiction Examination in 1973 when he was a senior. For the past 20 years, he has worked as a prosecutor for Busan District Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor for South Seoul District Prosecutor’s Office, Senior Prosecutor of Seoul District Prosecutor’s Office, and Head Officer of Yeoju Government Office, etc. After his resignation from East Seoul District Prosecutor’s Office as Assistant Prosecutor General in 1998, he is currently working as a lawyer.


Dankook, to Another [Dankook], in Celebration of Unified Campus, Video Produced




Students make video celebrating university’s new start with unified campus In remembrance of university merger, video footage of two campuses cross edited. Students made a video celebrating the merger of the two DKU campuses of Jukjeon and Cheonan. The title is ‘To Another [Dankook],’ and it was produced to celebrate the new start of Dankook University as it converts to the One University, Two Campuses system. The video is composed of students of each campus enjoying school life, and the footage was edited in split screen. This video is especially worth notice because its story and video editing direction came directly from the students. Moreover, it is notable that the video illustrates the two campuses as one university. Filming one student waking up another dozing student at the other campus but showing it all in one screen with a split image or showing people playing soccer in different spaces yet editing the footage as if they are playing soccer in same place sends a message of Dankook University’s unification. Director Park Hee-Yeon (junior, Department of Visual Communication Design) said, “it was difficult to move between Jukjeon and Cheonan every time to shoot footage, but I feel that each campus has become closer like brothers watching this completed film.” Last June 27, Dankook University received approval from the Ministry of Education for a Main-Satellite campus merge, and each campus is now enhancing its specific competency; Jukjeon Campus for specialization in IT and CT, Cheonan Campus for specialization in BT and foreign languages.


Which Department Scored the Highest Employment Rate?




Departments with high employment rates receive rewards Career Development Center announces departments with outstanding employment rates Jukjeon Campus’ Chemical Engineering Department and Cheonan Campus’ History Department record 1st place in employment rate ▶ Jukjeon campus An award ceremony for departments with outstanding employment rates of graduates was held for two days on Oct 1 and Oct 2 at both DKU campuses (Jukjeon and Cheonan). The Career Development Center selected the departments with outstanding employment rates based on survey results on employment statistics for the class of 2013 in order to encourage the departments that had the most outstanding employment rate while providing bases for future employment rate improvements. Outstanding departments were selected by calculating the employment rate increase rate for each department compared to last year, employment rank compared to other universities and the number of employed students, among other variables. Based this standard, a total of 8 departments including Chemical Engineering which took 1st prize from Jukjeon Campus were selected, while total 7 departments including the 1st prize winner History from Cheonan Campus were selected. The Chemical Engineering Jukjeon Campus won 1st place in employment rate as its employment rate for this year has increased 14.4% over last year, from 59.0% to 73.4%. Also, the History Cheonan Campus came out 1st with the highest employment rate of this year at 70.6% representing a 17.6% increase over last year’s 53%. Departments chosen for outstanding employment rate were awarded 2 million won for 1st place, 1.5 million won for 2nd place, 1 million won for 3rd place and 500,000 won as a consolation prize for runners up. ▶ Cheonan campus ※ Selection Details of Departments with Outstanding Employment Rates Ranking Jukjeon Campus Cheonan Campus 1 Chemical Engineering History 2 International Trade Environmental Horticulture 3 Japanese Language and Literature Food Engineering Consolation Prize Law French Urban and Regional Planning Materials Science and Engineering Business Administration Chinese Architecture Crafts Design Fiber System Engineering


Gong Hee-Taek won Grand Prize in University student advertisement idea competition held by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism




‘Becoming More Abundant’, wins Grand Prize in TV storyboard section Emphasizes cultural merge overcoming skin color and ethnicity using musical notes and score Gong Hee-Taek (senior, Department of Visual Communication Design) won the grand prize in the ‘2013 University Student Advertisement Competition’ sponsored by the Korean Press Promotion Foundation and held by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The award ceremony was held at the Grand Conference Room of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism located in Jongno-gu, Seoul on September 4. This competition was held under the subject of cultural prosperity, which is one of the 4 bases of government administration, and there were 3 sections including TV storyboards, print advertisements, and UCC videos. 17 artworks were selected as winners out of 422 submissions. Gong Hee-Taek won the grand prize and received an award presented by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism along with 5 million Korean won in prize money for his artwork ‘Becoming More Abundant’ in the TV storyboard section partnering with Lee Jung-Yoon (University of Science and Technology of Seoul). The grand prize work ‘Becoming More Abundant’ is based on the idea and fact that many problems occur because people don’t fully understand and accept the current world where people with different skin colors and ethnicity are living together even in Korea as the global era has begun. The artists used musical notes and high and low sounds to symbolize these concepts; Gong’s work contains a message that our culture will prosper more abundantly if people from various ethnic backgrounds live together in Korea and get along with one another as more notes make a more interesting and beautiful musical score compared to the one single note. “I thank you for giving me such a huge prize that I could never before imagine I would receive,” said Gong. “I consider this prize a message encouraging me to walk forward, so I will put in every effort to become a cool advertiser.”


DKU Rank Rising in Press and External Evaluations Giving Green Light to Dankook for Enhancing




DKU now 11 ranks higher compared to the last year’s Joongang Ilbo University Evaluation DKU scores high in Education and History in Dong-A Ilbo Major Evaluation Lately, Dankook University has been recording a continuous rise in its ranking in evaluations conducted by the press and other outside sources. This means that the university’s competitiveness has been strengthened driven by the focus on promoting the university’s specialization after it moved its location to Jukjeon from Seoul. 11 Ranks Up from Last Year’s Results in Joongang Ilbo’s University Evaluation According to the University Rankings of 2013, announced by Joongang Ilbo on October 7, our university has risen 11 ranks. This achievement is mainly due to DKU’s rise in the Globalization Index of the evaluations. According to Joongang Ilbo, the percentage of foreign professors of Dankook University has increased to 10 times greater than in 2008, and the Globalization Index rose intensely as the number of overseas exchange students has continued to increase by expanding relevant infrastructure including dormitories. Also, in the Faculty Research Index, the number of academic publications per professor in Humanities and Society and Physical Science recorded 7th place among universities around the nation. Moreover, the university was selected as the 16th university that corporate employers want to hire new employees from in the Reputation and Society Index. Education, History Departments Selected in Top List of Dong-a Ilbo Department Evaluation The Education Department took 4th place and the History Department took 7th place in the competitiveness rank for each department based on the results of the impact of academic paper publications on 7 different areas of Humanities and Society as announced on September 23 by Dong-a Ilbo. These achievements are the result of joint projects executed by Dong-a Ilbo, Korea Research Foundation, and Trium― a social media analysis corporation― on analyzing the registered academic journal article database in the Humanities and Society area within the Korean Citation Index (KCI). Specifically, in the top 20 list of most effective scholars in each field, the following professors from Dankook University were chosen: Professor Ga Sang-Jun in 9th place (Politics and Diplomacy), Professor Kim Eun-Kyung in 10th place and Professor Kim Ae-Hwa in 14th place (Education), Professor Kim Mun-Sik in 6th place with Professor Jeon Duk-Jae in 11th place and Professor Lee Jong-Su in 18th place (History), and Professor Huh Jae-Young in 7th place (Korean Language and Culture). This is a direct result of the university’s support for each department’s competitiveness through our university’s continuous investment in Humanities and Social Sciences. Recently, regarding the university’s continuous upward movement in evaluations, the Planning and Evaluation Team Manager said, “Finally, the fruits of our long-term investments of promoting the university’s specialization and moving the campus to a different location have been revealed in the effect on evaluation ranking”. Also, he said the university will do its best to push up the rank even further by preparing concentrated support for the areas that need more attention.


2013 World Writers’ Festival, an Encounter with Great Poets around the World




Opened with the subject of ‘Poets, Dreaming of Another World’ 30 Poets from around the world including Michel Deguy, Ryu Jai Poo, Go-Eun, and Shin Kyung-Rim joined the event “Cultural imagination plays an important role in transforming this era, as the topic ‘Poets, Dreaming of Another World’ implies. This ‘New World’ and ‘New Civilized Society’ cannot be built without a bold change in imagination. Suwon City and Dankook University opened this conference in the face of countless challenges because they believe in the power of cultural imagination. Suwon City values scholarly work in the humanities, and Dankook has been searching for the spirit of humanities by delving deep into the research of Eastern Studies. I hope you all enjoy this four day event held in both Cheonan and Suwon to widen your imaginations. Please feel free to converse with others openly, to listen to the poetry readings and to communicate with young Korean poets.” (Excerpt from the Opening Speech of President Chang Ho-Sung) 2013.10.1 Tuesday. 2013 World Writers’ Festival Opens The World Writers’ Festival started with a party celebrating its eve in Suwon Ramada Plaza Hotel. The festival was held until Oct 4 at Dankook University’s Cheonan Campus and Hwaseong Fortress of Suwon City providing a place where famous poets around the world can share their cultural perspectives with others. Major poets including famous French poet Michel Deguy, who received a Legion d’Honneur Chevalier, which is one of the best awards in France, and Ryu Jai Poo, a representative literature critic of China and professor of the University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong, Australian poets Barry Hill and Dan Disney, American poet Jane Hirshfield and Christopher Meril, English poet David Harsent, Indian poet Navkirat Sodhi, and Korean poets Shin Kyeong-Rim, Shin Dal-Ja, Kim Seung-Hee, Do Jong-Hwan, Kim Sa-In, Ahn Do-Hyeon, Na Hee-Duk and young poets Jin Eun-Young, Ahn Hyun-Mi, Kim Joong-Il, and Lee Geun-Hwa participated in this event celebrating literature on a cool autumn night. This joint event hosted by Dankook University and Suwon City was the second such event since 2010, and the International Creative Writing Center planned and executed the overall event. The festival started with an evening ceremony on Oct 1 (Ramada Plaza Suwon), and featured various activities like Poetry Reading (Oct 2, Cheonan Campus), ‘Night with Poets and Music’ (Oct 3, Suwon Outdoor Music Hall 1), and ‘Communicating Night’ (Oct 4, Suwon Hwaseong Haenggung Palace Naknamhun). “This event is not just another boring symposium but a venue that provides opportunities for writers to build relationships with others through poetry reading, communicating and sharing their dreams for the world’s future,” said Director Lee Si-Young of the International Creative Writing Center, who managed the festival.


From Bow Tie to Kimchi Refrigerator, a Sharing Story of ‘Fortune Team’




‘Bow Tie Project’ Sends Kimchi Refrigerator to Local Children’s Center JTBC On-Air Heroes Win Grand Prize How many stages should we pass to buy a kimchi refrigerator with a bow tie? This may sound ridiculous, but there is an answer to this question. Naturally, it is under the premise of sharing. There is a group of heroes who made this ridiculous project possible. The heroes are the members of Fortune Team: Kim Hae-Ni (senior, Sino-Korean Education), Kim Do-Won (senior, International Trade), Ham Cho-Rong (senior, Visual Design), and Lee Jee-Yea (senior, Business Administration at Dongduk Women’s University). They won the grand prize from ‘On-Air Heroes’, a JTBC University Student Supporters Program held between July 4 to August 22 with their ‘Bow Tie Project’. According to Fortune Team, the answer to the above question is 8 stages. The ‘Bow Tie Project,’ started to provide a kimchi refrigerator to a local children’s center, was completed through 8 stages of product exchange. A bow tie provided by Kim Do-Won of Fortune Team was exchanged for a stand-light and book stand (Shin Kyung-Sik, a student preparing for exams), then perfume (Lee Jee-Hyun, a university student), then a TV (Kwon Hyuk-Jun, a professional soldier), then a food drier (Kim Hyun-Wook, a junk store owner), a fan (Cho Seung-Wook, the JTBC hidden singer PD), some clothes (Chun Hyun-Moo, TV entertainer) and finally a kimchi refrigerator (Ko Young-Kil). “While I was thinking of what meaningful task I could do through the On-Air Heroes Program, I thought of this project because I wanted to give a kimchi refrigerator to the children of an Incheon city children’s center,” said participant Kim Hae-Ni. “When I was volunteering there, I saw them eating over-fermented kimchi in the summer because they did not have a kimchi refrigerator. I am happy and grateful for the project’s successful results.” Fortune Team, working together to build a more meaningful donation culture, operates a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/bowtieproject) to notify interested people of their goals and to share the donation culture. They also posted their goal statement on a famous website and uploaded a video of their product exchange process on Youtube. Their video was very popular and has thus far recorded about 13,000 hits on Youtube. Their outstanding idea and their efforts to spread sharing culture yielded the grand prize and 3 million won of prize money. However, these heroes gained much greater insight beyond the joy of winning this prize. They learned the fact that there are still many people sharing and helping others in our society. They said they felt proud because of peoples’ cheering and attention given to them during the ‘Bow Tie Project’. “I was able to try something that I used to think was impossible through this project,” said Kim Do-Won (senior, International Trade). He also said that he expects the 8 weeks of activities in the program will be imprinted in his memory because of the pleasant outcome.


“Lined Up” Rises in Succession of “Lip Dub”




Students Participating in DKU’s International Summer School Produce Line-Up Video Live Emotion of Youths Spanning East and West Stands Out In succession of “Lip Dub,” a Dankook University introductory and promotional video which gained attention among universities 3 years ago, another interesting video has been shot. More surprisingly, it was made by foreign students who came to Dankook University from abroad to study during summer vacation. It was a blazing hot afternoon in August. A small number of foreigners oblivious to differences in skin color started to gather in Jukjeon Campus. They were smiling all the time. They had blue and red wigs in their hands and were busy memorizing something. They were students participating in DKU’s 2013 International Summer School (ISS). It was shooting day for ‘Lined Up’ (a video of lined up students singing but pretending to lip sync a song – the original audio soundtrack will be added later to the video). They set up the location at Deulsaem Street between Beomjeong Hall and Toegye Memorial Central Library. They prepared to shoot the video by setting up a fixed camera and helping each other practice their parts. About 40 foreign students were repetitively mumbling the lyrics and poses next to the camera to perform their parts perfectly. This UCC video was planned and produced by foreign students who were participating in DKU’s ISS to record their memories in Dankook University while getting to know each other a little better. Starting from the music and poses to the prop selection, all of the elements were planned out and prepared by these students. Swedish female duet singer Icona Pop’s “I Love It” was selected. This is a well known song to the public since it has been used in a popular cell phone advertisement and other media. 2 hours after starting the video shoot, foreign student participants monitored their performance, encouraging each other for their efforts. With satisfaction, each of them carried a joyful memory from Dankook University in their head and heart. John Legaspi (Electric Computer Engineering at California State Polytechnic University, USA, age 24) who planned the video sent thanks to the participants saying he “planned the video shoot to keep the short yet joyful time and memories in Dankook University forever.”


Dankook University is selected as a BK 21 Plus Business Corporation




Four Future-based Creative Talent Building Project Teams and One Global Talent Building Business Group Selected Foundation for Research Capacity Advancement in University Specialization Established Four Type-3 Future-based Creative Talent Building Project Teams Selected Four teams from Dankook University were selected as future-based creative talent building project teams - Type 3 BK Plus Projects - announced by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea. 345 business groups and 866 project teams from 108 universities around the nation in all types of fields including science and technology, humanities and social science applied, and among these, only 195 business groups and 280 project teams from 64 universities were selected as finalists for this year’s BK21 Plus Business. The program is executed by the Ministry of Education to enforce education and research capabilities of local graduate schools and to advance research-based universities while fostering individuals at the master’s and doctorate levels who will lead Korea’s creative economy. 4 teams from Dankook University were selected as finalists and will be receiving a total of 760 million won of government funding in the first year. This program lasts for 7 years starting from this year until 2019, and business groups may be re-selected upon evaluation after initial support for 2 years. ※ Details of Future-based Creative Talent Type Business Selection Department Project Team Manager Participating Professors Polymer Science and Engineering Organic Photoelectron Function Material Human Development Team Lee Joon-Yeop Jin Byeong-Doo, Hwang Seok-Ho Computer Science & Engineering Intelligent Object Convergence Software Professional Development Team Choi Jong-Mu Shin Won-Yong, Chang Seok-Ho, Cho Sung-Jae Choi Sang-il, Choi Yong-Keun Animal Science Animal Resources for Environmentally Friendly and Safe Livestock Production Professional Development Team Kim In-Ho Kang Dae-Kyung, Kim Jin-Young, Cho Jin-Ho Mongolian Bio-cultural Heritage Research Talent Development Team Lee Sung-Kyu Chultemsuren Rinchin, Song Byeong-Koo For Global Talent Building (Type 1) Business Group, 710.5 Million Won of Funding Provided In addition to the other finalists, the Global Research Group of the Nano Bio Recovery Medicine Department was selected as a BK21 Plus Global Talent Building (Type 1) Business Group finalist, as announced by the Ministry of Education on September 11, 2013, along with 21 business groups of 15 universities from across the nation, including Seoul National University and KAIST. In this business group, not only do graduate students of the Department of Nano Biomedical Science Department participate but also the research manager, Professor Kim Hae-Won, as well as Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Life Science professors including Kong Myung-Seon, Shin Won-Sang, Shim Ho-Seob, Yang Hee-Seok, Oh Sae-Heng, Chang Young-Ju, Han Kyu-Dong, Hyun Jung-Keun, Hong Kwon-Ho (Department of Nano Biomedical Science undergraduate/graduate school) and Ahn Sang-Mi (Department of Pharmacy). For this 7-year project, 550 million won of funding will be provided in 6-month increments for the first year, followed by 1.1 billion won of funding annually for the remainder of the project tenure for a grand total of 7.15 billion won. 40% of the business cost will be given to participating graduate students as research scholarships. The goal of the business group is to cultivate outstanding researchers in Recovery Medicine based on the recently completed WCU Project. 16 famous scholars from 9 research institutes overseas including Harvard University and Duke University of the United States and UCL of England will be invited. Eventually the group hopes to have 150 Ph.D. students and 120 Master’s students in conjunction with this 7 year project.


‘I want to study abroad at Dankook University’, 2+2 Collaboration Program between Dankook University and Yantai University Starts




Dankook University Establishes Material Science and Processing Department in Yantai University Dankook Establishes Its Name Globally with Opening of Relevant Majors and Korean Classes “Although Korea has a higher cost of living than China, I will definitely come back to study in Korea because of its advanced studies, good learning environment, and, most of all, because of it offers a promising future for employment after returning to China.” “I will come to study at Dankook University,’ answered Mr. Wang-Chun-Ja (王天佐, freshman, Yantai University Material Science Processing Major) even before we had finished asking his impression of Korea and the Korean cultural experience program. Mr. Wang is a freshman in Yantai University of China majoring in Material Science and Processing who recently participated in the DKU IKLCP (Intensive Korean Language Culture Program) conducted by Dankook University from last August 1st to 23rd. A total of 9 students of Yantai University’s Material Science and Processing Department, including Mr. Wang, participated in IKLCP. They visited Dankook University not only to participate in the training program for Korean language and culture, but also to check out the school before deciding whether to study abroad here. Ms. Wang-Suh-Heum (freshman, Yantai University Material Science and Processing Major) said, “I will definitely share stories of what I’ve learned and felt at Dankook University to help my friends’ preparation for overseas study once I return to my school.” She also said many students of Yantai University are hoping to study abroad in Dankook University. To be Employed by Korean Companies in China, Students Study in Both Universities At Yantai University, located in Shandong Province, the Korean wave extends to education. About 3,000 Korean companies, including large corporations such as LG, as well as medium size corporations, have branches in regions in Shandong Province surrounding Yantai. For this reason, the number of Chinese university students seeking employment in Korean companies that have entered China increases every year. This means that they will enforce their competitiveness for employment to be hired in Korean corporations by not only becoming proficient in the Korean language proficiency speaking skills but also by obtaining advanced knowledge in major subjects. Korean companies located in major eastern Chinese cities of Shandong Province like Qingdao, Weihai, Yantai, etc., are very popular among local residents. Because of the high quality working conditions and high wages, many Chinese residents are hoping to enter these companies. There is a growing population of Chinese university students hoping to be hired by these firms as technicians, researchers or office workers rather than as laborers. In such an environment, the collaborative education program between Yantai University and Dankook University is gaining in popularity among Chinese students. There are two types of Material Science and Processing programs at Yantai University. The first one is a 4-year education program in Yantai University, and the second one is a 2+2 Program which allows students to spend their first 2 years in Yantai University and the second 2 years in Dankook University. In the traditional program, students can take Korean language classes, and over 1/3 of their major classes are taught by exchange professors. In the 2+2 Program, students take classes at both Yantai University and Dankook University, respectively, for 2 years each. Dankook University is planning to teach Polymer Engineering, Fiber System Engineering, and Chemical Engineering to Material Science and Processing Department students of Yantai University. These courses represent promising majors in Dankook University because of their high competitiveness factor in employment and high future industrial quality. In addition, industries related to such majors are continuously growing in China. Especially, since many companies of related industry fields are located in the Yantai area, these majors are popular in Yantai University. Moreover, when the program was established, majors in these fields received support from the Chinese government and Shandong Province.
