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Jang Soon-kyu Awarded as 2012 Outstanding Individual of the Year




Jang Soon-kyu, a student of the Department of Visual Communication Design, received an award as the 2012 Outstanding Individual of the Year in the Republic of Korea, selected by MEST and the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity. The Outstanding Individual of the Year Award has been named since 2001 to encourage creative, outstanding and talented persons to lead the knowledge based society. Each year, 100 students (60 high school students and 40 university students) are selected around the nation and Yuna Kim (2008), Shin Ji-ae (2009), Son Yeon-jae (2011) previously received this award. Yang Hak-sun, the athlete receiving the gold medal for the first time in Korean history in Men’s gymnastics in the 2012 London Olympic Games, was also one of the winners this year. “I believe I received this award because I showed that a Korean university student who grew up only in Korea can communicate with people overseas through design,” said Jang, replying to a question about his feelings after receiving the award. He has a prestigious award history and list of past activities. He has a portfolio of awards in IDEA, IF, and Red Dot Design which are the 3 major design competitions of the world, and he also received the grand prize in the Adobe Design Competition (2010), which is considered as the best graphic design award of the world. In all, he has 36 design competition awards. Also, he participated in ETTEDA, a cultural exchange group of Korea-Japan designers as a representative for Korea and opened an exhibition in the Tokyo Design Center for the first time as a Korean. Also, he is actively working on writing a design related book, among other activities. Jang wasn’t always the most recognized designer. Until he received his first award in the competition, he had failed 20 times and even experienced dropping out from the competition once because his artwork was under scrutiny for possible copyright infringement in the final round of the competition. Also, he had to study English and Japanese on his own to prepare for international competitions exhibitions. However, he was able to become who he is today because he communicated with people via design under his belief of ‘Acting shall open the way’. “The ultimate lesson I learned through various experiences in the design field is that design is a medium that makes communication between people possible,” said Jang. “Now, I would like to share my philosophy, thoughts and experiences with others who are preparing to walk a similar path.” Jang is actively working on talent donation activities as well. He not only holds seminars in various universities during vacation but also helps students who are preparing for competitions by organizing study groups. Also, he has taught elementary school students as part of the design mentorship activities of the Seoul Design Foundation. He engaged in these activities to become a great designer who can motivate others by sharing his knowledge and experiences rather than only serving his own needs. “My ultimate goal is to find a unique Korean design,” Jang continued. “The world is going back to localism focusing on local characteristics although it is globalizing at the same time. I have done work focusing on the unique patterns and local color characteristics of Africa and Central and South America, I would like to find a unique design philosophy and color of Korea and to develop that as a design that can communicate in any place of the world.” Recently, talented Korean advertisers and designers are receiving attention from around the world because of their talents and ideas. Along with Mr. Jang, we can expect to witness the emersion of more new designers from our university with their own philosophy and outstanding talents. ▶ Artwork Title – Blue Diet Poster ▶ Artwork Title – Braille Dymo ▶ Artwork Title – Mother Land


Scholarly Activities of Professors Kim Nam-chun, Kim In-ho, Jung Hoon-dong




Kim Nam-chun, Dean of the College of Bio-Resources Sciences, Receives Presidential Award Kim Nam-chun, Dean of Bio-Resources Sciences (professor of the Department of Environmental Science and Landscape Architecture) received the President’s Award for Nature Conservation Contributor at the nature conservation charter declaration ceremony held in Namsangol Korean Village on Nov. 9. Dean Kim received the award for his outstanding research on environment restoration technology and his efforts to build systems for natural life restoration. Dean Kim currently serves as chairman of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, chairman of the Natural Environment Department of the National Environment Regulatory Reform T/F of the Ministry of the Environment, committee member of environmental effect evaluation/prior environmental auditing for the Han River Basin Environmental Office, and planning/auditing member of the Korea Environment Corporation. Professor Kim In-ho Receives the 13th Grand Prize for Korean Pig Raising Promoting various industry-university collaboration activities relating to LINK projects Kim In-ho, a professor of the Department of Animal Resource Science won the 13th Grand Prize for Korean Pig Raising in the 31st National Pig Raising Seminar held in the Training Institute for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries on Oct. 17. This award, sponsored by the Korean Pig Industry Research Society, was targeted for manufacturers and researchers who contributed to domestic pig raising industry development, and this award is known as the biggest award in the pig raising field. Professor Kim has appeared in 3 ‘Who’s Who’ directories, acknowledged for his past research work in the pig raising field, and recently he received the Research Technology Grand Prize for his research on stockbreeding and feeds from Cargill Agri Purina culture foundation, the world’s largest agricultural corporation. Also, Professor Kim has executed 83 research assignments outside of the school over the past 3 years and obtained about 2.6 billion won of research funding, and he also has posted about 80 thesis papers in academic journals of SCI level over the last 3 years, including the Journal of Animal Science - the most prestigious international academic journal in the stockbreeding field around the world. Lately, he is undergoing work on Research for Industry-University Joint Technology Development and Technological Businesses with 67 million won of research funding supported by our university’s LINK Project (industry-university collaboration). Also, as part of the LINK Project, he has built cooperation systems with 10 domestic organizations like Daejeon Chungnam Pig Raising Nonghyup, Woosung Feed, etc., and he is continuing with a number of previous industry-university collaboration projects. Professor Jung Hoon-dong Receives Red Dot Design Award Rewarded for his artwork, ‘EARTH,’ that emphasizes that we should listen to the sound of the Earth ‘EARTH’, an artwork of Professor Jung Hoon-dong (Department of Visual Communication Design) was selected as a prize winning work in the Red Dot Awards, one of the 3 major design awards of the world. Professor Jung won the prize out of a total 6,823 pieces of communication design submissions with his artwork, ‘EARTH,’ which portrays the message that we should listen to the sound of the Earth. Red Dot Design Awards, which has been held in Germany since 1955, is one of the 3 major design awards along with iF Design award (Germany) and IDEA Design Award (US). This year’s Red Dot Award Ceremony was held in Konzern House of Berlin, Germany on Oct. 24. ▶ ‘EARTH’ by Professor Jung Hoon-dong


Mo Yan, Invited Professor of Dankook University, Wins Nobel Prize




Mo Yan, an invited professor of Dankook University since 2008, has been invited to the ‘World Author Festival’ to be held at Dankook University in Oct., 2013. In the year 2000, world famous authors like Nobel Prize winner Gao Xingjian, poet Go-Eun, and director Zhang Yimou were named endowed professors of Dankook University. Mo Yan (莫言, age 57), the original author of the movie ‘Red Sorghum’ and invited professor of Dankook University, was selected as the Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 2012. Mo Yan, who is known as a pro-Korean author, has been working for Dankook University since Dec. 2008 as an invited professor ever since he shared his experiences and philosophy on his literature pieces at the ‘2008 Conversations with World Authors’ visiting Dankook University after receiving an invitation from Dankook University’s International Creativity Writing Center. Mo Yan also attended the ‘World Author Festival’ hosted by Dankook University from Oct. 3-6, 2010, along with 40 other invited Nobel Prize in Literature winners and strong nominees for the prize and shared his imagination and experiences in his speech on ‘Poetic Soul of the Ocean,’ participating as a reader and a topic announcer on his work ‘Life is Difficult’. At the time, Mo Yan even donated his brush-writing ‘藝高人膽大’ (Only the bold express themselves artistically) to Dankook University. Dankook University is planning to invite Mo Yan to the ‘2013 World Author Festival’ to be held next October. Dankook University also invited Gao Xingjian (age 71), a Nobel Prize winner of 2000, as an endowed professor emeritus. Gao Xingjian participated in the ‘2011 Conversations with World Authors’ hosted by Dankook University on May 24, 2011 and lectured on ‘The End of Ideology’. Dankook University employs an impressive list of renowned scholars and talented individuals as endowed professors, including Director Zhang Yimou (Zhang Yemou), who became a world famous director by making Mo Yan’s ‘Red Sorghum’ into a movie; Poet Go-Eun, who was named for a Nobel Prize in Literature from Korea; and Kiu Zaifu, a representative scholar and literature critic of China. ▶ Professor Mo Yan, World Author Festival 2011


Professors Lee Jun-yeop, Park Bum-jo and Ahn Tae-young Recognized for Outstanding Research Results




Professor Lee Jun-yeop was ranked No. 1 in number of engineering research papers published by Joongang Daily’s university evaluation He published 41 research papers in top international academic journals in 2012 regarding OLED related research. Professor Lee (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering) was ranked 1st nationwide for engineering research publications in the university evaluations by the Joongang Daily in 2012. According to the university evaluation data announced by Joongang Daily on Oct 9, professor Lee obtained 41.8 points in individual international research publications and was selected as a research master in the engineering field. DKU’s “Research Master” was named after reviewers evaluated 51,154 research papers published in academic journals representing the top 60% among 86,055 research papers posted in SCI level international academic journals last year by professors. The contribution rate of each professor in the relevant research papers were multiplied by the impact factor of each journal to calculate the final scores. Last year, Professor Lee developed the blue luminous OLED element, which was found to have the best efficiency rate in the world, and he posted 41 related papers in the top materials science journals. Besides that, he transferred the related technology to a domestic major company and trained many experts in the OLED field by focusing efforts on training younger students. Professor Lee graduated from Seoul National University and received his Master’s and Doctoral Degrees from the same university. He was appointed to our university in 2005. Currently, he is executing research on development of organic material for OLED, development of new OLED element structure, development of organic solar batteries, development of organic TFT, development of macromolecule nano material, etc. Professor Park Bum-jo was named among the top 10% in the List of World Economists Based on the number of downloads of his publications, according to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). Professor Park Bum-jo (Department of Economics) has been named among the top 10% on the List of World Economists announced by Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). At the beginning of every month, FRB’s Economic Research Division announces the list of top 10% of world economic organizations, economic academic journals and economists registered in Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) based on a table reflecting number of references, number of downloads, and international levels of research papers. Professor Park was ranked in the top 10% of world economists based on the accumulated number of downloads for the last one year in the data announced by RePEc in Aug 2012. World class scholars who are registered to RePEc include Economics Nobel Prize winners Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman and economist Peter Diamond. Professor Park has been receiving recent attention in the academic world for his successful publications in financial economics and behavioral economics related to financial risk and uncertainty in the field’s famous academic journals, like Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Banking and Finance, etc. An economic research team led by professor Park has been at the helm of the research in this field after Park was selected for a SKK (Social Sciences Korea) project of the Korea Research Foundation under the subject of ‘Future Economics Society under Uncertainty based on Behavioral Science’ (Research Manager: Professor Song Jae-eun). Professor Ahn Tae-young found new bacteria in Cheonho Lake and named it with a university name. Ahn named the bacteria ‘Flavibaterium Dankookense’ and officially registered it with the international bacterial taxonomy committee. Professor Ahn Tae-young (Department of Microbiology) found new bacteria that aren’t registered yet in academia. The research team under the direction of Professor Ahn removed the new bacteria from Cheonho Lake near Dankook University and named it “Flavobacterium Dankookense.” Flavobacterim Dankookense is a microorganism widely existing in marine environments and polar zones. Ahn published his findings in the Oct. 2012 issue of IJSEM (International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, international microorganism type taxonomy transactions), which is a world class microorganism life academic journal out of England. The prestigious IJSEM is the official journal of the International Bacteria Taxonomy Committee, which registers new bacteria discoveries. “As it is a bacterium found for the first time in the world, various academic societies and researchers are asking for papers on our results,” said a representative of Ahn’s research team. The representative continued to say that the team will focus on securing the new strain and studying the verity of microbiology including additional research on the newly found bacterium. On a side note, Professor Ahn has also found and announced various new bacteria like “Flavobacterium cheonanense”, “Flavobacterium chungnamense” and “Flavobacterium koreense”c in the past.


Honorary Doctoral Degree in Education Granted to Former First Lady of President Sheikh Zaid of UAE (video)




First Lady H.H. Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak contributed to gender equality and the improvement OF women’s rights. DKU President Chang Ho-sung pledged to exert efforts to expand exchange and cooperation in the Middle East area. Dankook University (President Chang Ho-sung) awarded an honorary doctoral degree in education to First Lady H.H. Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, wife of former President Zaid of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after evaluation of her outstanding contributions in gender equality and women’s rights. An honorary doctoral degree presentation ceremony took place at Nanpa Music Concert Hall on October 27th (Thur) at 10:30 am, and UAE Secretary of State H.E. Dr. Maitha Salem Al Shamsi attended on behalf of the former first lady. Secretary Maitha Salem Al Shamsi visited Dankook University Hospital and the Subsidiary Hospital of the College of Dentistry at Cheonan Campus on Oct. 26th and expressed his interest in medical exchange cooperation. “Our university has established and operated the Department of Middle East Studies since 2010,” said President Chang during a dinner reception, “And through this honorary doctoral degree presentation, we will put more efforts toward cooperating and building friendly relations with the Middle East region including UAE.” In 1973, First Lady Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak facilitated the Women’s Development Conference to further the self-regulating development of Arab women corresponding with the traditional values and moral standards of Islam. In 1975, she formed a women’s council and started a movement to eradicate the illiteracy of women. Especially, she declared 1988 as the “Year for Women’s Studies” and set a goal to eliminate illiteracy among UAE women by the year 2000, bringing huge changes in education for women. Currently, she is expanding Arab women’s local and international involvement in fields as a director of the Women’s Cooperation Committee in the Gulf Zone headquartered in Abu Dhabi. Dankook University made the decision to present the honorary doctoral degree in education to First Lady Bint Mubarak considering that she had significant influence on improving Arab women’s education and their position while improving national welfare and social welfare policies for women. ▶ Visiting Dankook University Hospital ▶ Visiting construction site for new hospital of the College of Dentistry ▶ Presentation of honorary doctoral degree ▶ Presentation of honorary doctoral degree ▶ Overall view of the event ▶ Ambassadors based in Korea and related personnel of Middle East countries participating in the event ▶ Traditional dance performance by Dept. of Dance students ▶ Traditional dance performance by Dept. of Dance students ▶ Traditional dance performance by Dept. of Dance students


Profits from Sales of Talent Donation Album Featuring 2PM’s Taecyeon Donated for Scholarships (Video)




10 million won of profit earned from the talent donation album released last February has been donated for student scholarships. A scholarship presentation ceremony was held in the Grand Conference Room of Jukjeon Campus on Sep. 24. The profits from the first talent donation album released among domestic universities, ‘1st Album of Blue Bears Featuring Taecyeon ’ will be used as scholarship funds for DKU students. Dankook University granted scholarship funds to 10 students with the profits from the talent donation album made by Taecyeon of 2PM (Senior, Business Administration) and Practical Music students last February. A scholarship presentation ceremony took place in the Grand Conference Room of Beomjeong Hall in Jukjeon Campus of Dankook University on Sep. 24 at 11am. President Chang Ho-sung, Vice President of External Affairs and Planning Kim Byung-ryang, and singer Taecyeon of 2PM attended the presentation ceremony. “The fact that the scholarship was granted with funds from talent donation activities of the university students itself has a significant meaning,” said President Chang. “We will build donation culture so that the university can contribute to society in with various types of talent donation activities of our students.” ▶ Taecyeon of 2PM and members of Dankook University’s <1st Album of the Blue Bears Featuring Taecyeon ’ deliver the profits to President Chang 5 university students including Taecyeon of 2PM, as well as Yang Ji-hoon (Senior) and Song Jae-young (Junior) of the Department of Practical Music participated in the first talent donation album among domestic universities. The album, ‘The 1st Album of the Blue Bears Featuring Taecyeon ,’ contains two songs including “Wing,” an original song and “Night Like Tonight,” a remake. Taecyeon of 2PM wrote the rap lyrics and sang for both songs while Department of Practical Music students and Dankook honorary ambassadors (Wing Dandae) wrote lyrics, sang, developed movements and produced the music videos. Dankook University decided to grant a total of 10 million won of scholarship money gathered from sales of the digital music album and supported by various people to 10 university students who are studying under financial difficulty. The students received 1 million won each. ▶ Scholarship award students and Taecyeon of 2PM


DKU Alumnus Lee Jeong-woo Donates 100 Million Won to Support Training




Lee Jeong-woo, CEO of U Green Culture, Inc., donated 100 million won as development funds to the university “to support training for outstanding student athletes.” A DKU alumnus decided to support the university to help in achieving greater recognition in university athletics and to help students who are studying and training at the same time. This alumnus is Lee Jeong-woo (CEO of U Green Culture, Sports Science Class of ‘05) who runs a sports marketing and promotions business. Lee visited President Chang Ho-sung on Sep. 7 and donated 100 million won as development funds to raise the value of university athletics at Dankook. Lee, who graduated from Sports Science in 2005, has been continuously supporting the university with consistent interest even after graduation while running his business. Especially, he has been continuously supporting our university’s women’s basketball team, which is composed of general university students (who are not supported athletes) as a supporting director and has been providing vehicles and various products as needed. Thanks to Lee’s support, our women’s basketball team has begun to achieve noticeable results like entering the semi-finals in the WKBL Women’s University Basketball Competition of 2012 and 3rd place in the National Tournament. Lee didn’t stop there and decided to continuously support non-sports major athletes who study and train simultaneously. “To accomplish top honors in university athletics, consistent interest and support is needed not only for sports majors but also for non-sports majors,” said Lee in the donation presentation ceremony. “I will support them so that they can become outstanding athletes who study and train simultaneously.” President Chang Ho-sung appreciated Lee’s kindness, saying “Lee’s precious contribution will encourage the sports spirit and increase the value of university athletics.” U Green Culture, Inc. operated by Lee is a company that conducts promotion activities like sports marketing, events and exhibitions. It also does promotions through performances and plans promotional events for local self-governing groups, government offices, associations, etc. It also handles programs related to corporations and plans boat parties and hotel dinner shows. ▶ Presentation of Development Funds by Lee Jeong-woo, Alumnus


KBS Campus Big Concert Held in Celebration of 65th Anniversary of DKU Founding




A KBS Campus Big Concert was held in the Gymnasium and Performing Arts Center of Jukjeon Campus in celebration of the 65th anniversary of the founding of Dankook University. The concert was held from 7:30pm in the Gymnasium and Performing Arts Center of Jukjeon Campus with about 3,000 viewers in attendance including local residents and students. Top class singers like Kim Jo-han, Park Jeong-hyun, Park Wan-kyu, Bobby Kim, Ulala Session, ERU, and GINA performed passionately in the concert, and the audience exploded with appreciation. The event was broadcast on KBS2 Radio FM89.1 on Sep. 16th.


Nonscheduled Admissions for 2013 Closed (Jukjeon Campus 13.72:1, Cheonan Campus 13.79:1)




Jukjeon Campus (Nonscheduled 1st, 2nd: 13.72:1 (recruiting 1,406 / 19,285 applicants) Cheonan Campus (Nonscheduled 1st): 13.79:1 (recruiting 1.072 / 14,774 applicants) As Korea has limited the number of application filing times for nonscheduled admissions to 6, the competition rate has dropped slightly from last year’s rate. According to the results of applications on September 11th, Jukjeon Campus recorded a competitive rate of 13.72:1 and Cheonan Campus recorded a competitive rate of 13.79:1. (2nd application period for nonscheduled admission is in November) 19,285 hopefuls applied for 1,406 spots in Jukjeon Campus, while 14,774 applied for 1,072 spots in Cheonan. In reflection of test-takers’ interest in essay exams and aptitude exams, students applying for 2nd nonscheduled admissions at Jukjeon Campus (essay exam) showed a competition rate of 24.64:1, while students applying for 1st nonscheduled admissions at Cheonan Campus showed 24.16:1. [Go to Competition Rate Status for Nonscheduled Admissions for Academic Year 2013] ▶ Dankook University’s Competition Rate Status Jukjeon Campus Cheonan Campus Recruiting Applicants Competition Rate Recruiting Applicants Competition Rate 1,406 19,285, 13.75 1,072 14,774 13.79 2nd Nonscheduled Admissions, General Type (Essay) 24.63:1 1st Nonscheduled Admissions, General Type 24.16:1 School of Journalism and Communications (Admissions Officer Special Admissions) 17.6:1 Counseling (1st Nonscheduled, General) 18:1 School of Journalism and Communications (2nd Nonscheduled, General) 42:1 School of Theater and Film (Theater: Acting) (1st Nonscheduled, General) 147.58:1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering (1st Nonscheduled, General) 33:1 Department of Computer Science (1st Nonscheduled, General) 33:1 Department of Practical Music (Vocal) (1st Nonscheduled, General) 459:1 (recruiting 3 / 1,378 applicants)


Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering Achieves Highest Grade in Stage Evaluation




Selected as No. 1 Pharmaceutical College Research Center Support Business by MEST (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Dankook University’s Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering (Institute Director Professor Kim Hye-won) achieved the highest grade in the Stage Evaluations and showed outstanding research results. The DKU Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering which is executing MEST’s University’s Main Research Center Support Business advanced to No.1 as it received the highest score in the pharmaceutical field in the Stage Evaluations in its 1st stage from 2009 to Aug. 2012. As a result, the Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering will be supported with 1,835,000,000 won of government funds - a 5% increase over the original amount promised for the 2nd stage of research for the next 3 years starting from Sep. 2012, and a total of 2,735,000,000 won including the university’s matching funds will be input for the research business. The Institute is focusing on the tissue restoration of damaged bones, teeth and central nerves, and its goal is to put the technology into practical use through clinical trials after securing original technology to perfectly restore damaged tissue by controlling miscellaneous environments of imitating body tissues. The institute is focusing on convergence research of bio materials, stem cells and body factors for successful research. A total of 50 researchers including 12 professors majoring in body materials, biomedicine, physiology, chemistry, materials engineering, biochemistry, and rehabilitative medicine along with 8 full time researchers are participating in the research project. The institute has published about 200 research papers in international academic journals, and it also has 50 domestic and international patents. Also, to train professionals and to exchange academic research with overseas scholars, the institute is executing joint research with 13 leading organizations overseas including the Dental Research Institute of the University of London and the Life Engineering Research Institute of the College of Engineering of Catalunya University of Spain. Last year, it even won a contract (research fund of about 40 million Korean won) for an international joint assignment for the Australian government with the College of Pharmacy of the University of Sydney. Director of Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering Kim Hye Won said “With the university’s support for the BT specialization strategy of Cheonan Campus, unification research between disciplines has been drawing successful results,” said Kim Hye-won, Director of the Institute. The institute “will focus on securing original technology and training outstanding scholars while research on tissue regeneration engineering is receiving attention as elderly society is increasing worldwide.” * (Reference) Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering Homepage: www.itren.kr


Dankook University Receives Industry-University Collaboration Contributor Award




Our university received the Industry-University Collaboration Contributor Award presented by the Director of MEST in recognition of its contributions in technological innovation for small and medium size businesses through Industry-university collaboration. The Korea SMBA (Small and Medium Business Association) presented the Industry-University Collaboration Contributor Award to organizations and individuals who have contributed to national industry development with industry-university collaboration and technology innovation at the opening ceremony of the 13th Small and Medium Business Technology Innovation Competition held at COEX, Seoul on Nov. 5th at 10am. Our university, recipient of the award presented by the director of MEST, has operated a Small and Medium Business Industry-University Collaboration Center at Cheonan Campus since 1997 and has contributed to the research development and the growth of the competitiveness of local firms. The center has input 6.6 billion won of research funds and executed 153 research assignments with 170 small and medium businesses. It also has obtained 54 intellectual property rights, developed 92 prototypes and improved 148 procedures. Our university has been recognized before, including receiving an award presented by the Secretary of State at the 4th Small and Medium Business Technology Innovation Competition held in 2003 and being selected as the best university (Chungnam Region) for Industry-University Collaboration in 2007. In this year’s competition, a total of 10 organizations and 31 individuals were selected for the Industry-University Collaboration Contributor Award among other organizations and individuals who have contributed to the technology development and resolution of technological difficulties of small and medium businesses through 3 stages of evaluation by the Korea Association of Industry Academy and Research Institute and a review by the official evaluation committee of the SMBA. ▶ Lee Gye-gyung, Vice President of Industry-University Collaboration (center) receiving award on behalf of DKU


DKU Musical Majors Win Grand Prize in National University Musical Festival




Performed Musical in the 2012 Let’s Go Musical Festival; Awarded Grand Prize just two years after in 2010. Musical majors in the Department of Performance and Film performed the musical at the “2012 Let’s Go Musical Festival” on August 26 at Uijeongbu Arts Center and won the Grand Prize (Minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Prize). A total of 21 teams participated in the festival, and 7 teams were selected to compete in the final round. Dankook University won the Grand Prize and was praised for performing with the essence of black comedy by staging 1930s Berlin. In addition, Han Kyu-jeong (Senior, Department of Performance and Film), who played the MC in the musical, was awarded the Best Performance Award. This is the third time Dankook University has won the Grand Prize at the Let’s Go Musical Festival, and it has been just two years since winning top honors with the musical in 2010. Han, who received the Best Performance Award, was also the winner of the Best Performance Award at the Daegu Musical Awards. He is the first to win both performance awards within the same year. “By differentiating our version of from the commercial Broadway musical, we tried to interpret it in a new way and present new attractions that we can all relate to,” said Producer Park Sung-yoon (Senior, School of Theater and Film). is the story of an American writer, Cliff, and his roommate, Sally, in a cabaret in Berlin under the rule of the Nazis in the 1930s. The story portrays the reality that people face due to changes in the political ideology and confusion in their values. Under the production of Hol Prince, it was premiered in 1966 at the Broadhurst Theater on Broadway and since has become one of the longest running musicals with over 8000 shows in over 30 years. Starting with the 1966 version, a recent revival version was made in 1998, and director Bob Fosse made it into a movie. It is considered one of the best musicals on Broadway with dozens of Tonys and Oscars. Dankook University’s Musical Theater Major in the School of Theater and Film is the first of its kind among universities in Korea. It was opened in 2001 and has achieved excellent results in various musical competitions. It has also become a representative musical education institute in Korea with solid skills based on a systematic curriculum. ▶ Performance of Dankook University’s


2012 Retirement Ceremony for Faculty Held




The 2012 Faculty Retirement Ceremony was held. Dankook University (President Chang Ho-sung) hosted the faculty retirement ceremony on Aug. 20 at 11am at the auditorium in Humanities Hall in Jukjeon Campus. Thirteen people including 6 professors and 7 staff members were honorably retired. The retirees were awarded various medals and rewards for their hard work. President Chang Ho-sung thanked them for their hard work in the advancement of the university and said that although they are leaving the campus, he hopes they will continue to support Dankook University. List of the Retirees Title Name Department Professors Kwon Oh-hoon Dept. Ceramics Art, College of Arts Yu Tae-kyun Dept. Physical Education, College of Education Lee Gwang-joo School of Business Administration, College of Business & Economics Chang Myoung-sook Dept. Food Science and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences Cho Tae-hwan Dept. Applied Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering Joo Soo-ki Dept. Political Science and International Relations, College of Social Sciences Staff Ahn Kyu-chae Administration Team, College of Business and Economics Hong Sung-hoon Jiphyeonjae Maintenance Team Lee Chul-seung Administration Team, College of Liberal Arts Lee Soon-hee Administration Team, College of Law Lee Sung-ho Division of Facility Management (Cheonan) Choi Jae-ok Division of General Affairs Song Chang-jae Division of Administration, Dankook University Dental Hospital ▶ Commemorative Photograph of Retirees ▶ View of Retirement Ceremony


Professor Jeong Sun-joo and Team Identify new Principle of Colorectal Cancer Occurrence




The RNA Molecular Biology Research Center (National Research Lab) led by Professor Jeong Sun-joo (Department of Molecular Biology, BK21 Project Leader) has found a new principle of occurrence in colorectal cancer. The team has discovered that by adding a certain protein to the RNA of COX-2 (Cyclooxygenrase-2), which is the gene that leads to the formation of colorectal cancer, will increase the level COX-2 protein and will accelerate creation of the cancer cells. This finding has shown internationally for the first time that creation and spreading of cancer cells may be regulated through certain RNA. Also the finding is especially significant in that it has uncovered the creation principle of the cancer cell. The research results were published in the August edition of Nucleic Acids Research, which is a prestigious journal in molecular biology. The RNA substance used in the research is also registered as a U.S. patent. “This research presents new possibilities in finding the principles of creation in cancer cells,” said Professor Jeong. “I expect it will have a major impact on cancer medicines in the future.” ▶ Picture Description: Principle of colorectal cancer occurrence In the process of transformation from a normal to a cancer cell, β-catenin protein combines to COX-2 mRNA β-catenin by recognizing the structure and sequence of the RNA. Then HuR protein, which controls the creation of RNA, is drawn out to increase the level of COX-2 protein to promote the creation of cancer cells. In particular, post-graduate students actively participated in the research, which has attracted outside attention. In May, the first author, Kim In-ae (Ph.D., Department of Molecular Biology), was awarded Best Research Award, which is given to the person with the most excellent research paper by Korea’s largest academic society for Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In addition, the first co-author Kwak Ho-yoon (Ph.D., Department of Molecular Biology) received the Best Publication Award in the Korea Cellular Biology Society in June and the Excellent Poster Award from the Association of Korean Geoscience Societies, RNA Subcommittee Society and Korea Nuclear Acid Society in July. Prof. Jeong said the results are the fruits of diligently performing many years of theoretical and experimental studies from the undergraduate level and accumulated experience from various studies including BK21. ▶ Research team that discovered the principle of colorectal cancer occurrence (From the left: Kwak Ho-yoon, Prof. Jeong Sun-ju, Kim In-ae)


Heroes of London Olympics, Meet Kim Hyun-woo and Park Tae-hwan




Kim Hyun-woo and Park Tae-hwan, who made Korea proud during the London Olympics, visited the university. On Aug. 21, Kim Hyun-woo and Park Tae-hwan visited DKU President Chang Ho-sung and thanked DKU staff who supported them during the Olympic Games in London. Kim Hyun-woo fought well in wrestling even when he could not see with his injured right eye. He took the Gold Medal for wrestling 8 years after our last gold in Athens. He is currently a student majoring in Leisure Sports in the Department of Sports Science at Cheonan Campus. “Thank you for supporting me during the Olympics and I plan to win a gold medal in the Asian Games and World Championships and achieve a grand slam,” said Kim. Park Tae-hwan went through ups and downs including a mistaken disqualification that was overturned, but with his unyielding will he won Silver Medals in the 400m and 200m. “I know that many people cheered for me even though the race was held in the early morning. I really appreciate that and I will try harder to become a proud Dankookian,” said Park. This video shows Dankook University students cheering for Park in the 2012 London Olympic Games. ※ Kim Hyun-woo and Park Tae-hwan took time for an interview out of their busy schedule when they visited the university. Details of the interview can be found at the Dankook University Blog (http://blog.naver.com/dkupr).
