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Three DKU alumni among CEOs of the top 100 Korean businesses




‘Dankook ranks 6th in universities with the most graduates serving as CEOs of a top 100 business’ rated by the Korea Economic Daily Business Magazine (Hankyung Business) Three Dankook graduates were found to be serving as the chief executive officer (CEO) of a top 100 business in Korea. Among universities that have graduates in the CEO post of a top 100 company, Dankook ranked in 6th place. In the cover story of the 1,230th edition (Jun 24~30, 2019) of the Hankyung Business magazine, three CEOs among the leaders of the top 100 businesses in Korea were Dankook alumni – Han-woo Park (Department of Business Administration) at Kia Motors (8th), Do-jin Kim (Department of Economics) at IBK Bank (48th), and Il-moon Jung (Department of Business Administration) at Korea Investment & Securities (85th). Hankyung Business stated that the top 100 companies were selected based on revenue and net profits and introduced the profiles of each company’s CEO. While the named DKU graduates have frequently been in the media spotlight, most recently, IBK president Do-jin Kim became Chair of the ‘Department of Economics’ Scholarship Foundation’ and delivered 105.84 million KRW in scholarship funds to current students last May. Il-moon Jung, who was the first publicly recruited employee to become CEO of Korea Investment & Securities, has also recently been in the media often. FN Guide, which provides financial information services, reported that, following Jung’s appointment, Korea Investment & Securities is forecast to see a 20% increase in revenues compared to the previous year.


Professor Jin-ho Choy’s research at the Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering enables the administration of drugs without needles through radiation




Professor Jin-ho Choy and his research team at the Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering have developed a bio-transplantation device that delivers drugs through near-infrared radiation without the use of needles. The outcome of the joint research with professor Young-bin Choy of Seoul National University was published in the global scientific journal PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) on May 23, 2019. The device developed by professor Choy’s team is a transplantation device that enables the administration of drugs through an external application of near-infrared radiation to overcome the difficulties faced by patients who experience pain or a financial burden from repeated subcutaneous injections. The device implants several sealed drug reservoirs in the skin that release doses one at a time when near-infrared rays are directed at them. With a single implant, patients can administer the drugs whenever necessary by exposing the skin for a short period (around 5 seconds) to near-infrared radiation. It is small and does not require batteries or a separate power device, making it convenient for transplantation. The core technology in this research is the ‘responsive membrane that ruptures from near-infrared radiation’ which was developed by the Institute’s professor Go-eun Choi and researcher Hye-yeon Park. The key technology of the device in the limelight is a hybrid membrane made of graphene-based nanoparticles and special polymers. “It is a new concept medical device that can significantly ease the inconveniences undergone by patients suffering from chronic diseases who require repeated drug injections over long periods,” said professor Jin-ho Choy who went on to explain that “it will be a breakthrough for patients with short stature caused by deficiency in growth hormones or those suffering from type 1 diabetes.” The research was carried out with support from the Ministry of Science and ICT, and the National Research Foundation’s NRF Special Cooperation Program and Basic Research Program (mid-career research program).


Dankook to receive 9.1 billion KRW in state funds, being selected for Academic Research Project




BT specialization efforts bear fruit as the Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Core Facility are selected for the Ministry of Education’s project BT (biotechnology) researchers have generated a string of accomplishments. The Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering and the Biomedical Engineering Core Facility have been selected for the Ministry of Education’s Science and Engineering Academic Research Support Project and will receive 9.1 billion KRW in funding to carry out R&D activities. Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering to spearhead the University Research Center Support Program Through ‘convergent research on material-cell-factors for composite tissue regeneration,’ the institute will take the initiative in developing original technology for the restoration of damaged composite tissue and will be injected with a total 5.5 billion KRW by 2025 for R&D commercialization and a self-sustaining institute. A lineup of researchers of more than 30 professors from the College of Dentistry and Medicine including professors Hae-hyoung Lee (pre-dentistry), Jung-hwan Lee (pre-dentistry), Ueon-sang Shin (nano-bio medicine), and Jung-keun Hyun (nano-bio medicine) will take part in the program. Biomedical Engineering Core Facility stepping up to sharpen research capabilities The center was selected by the Ministry of Education for its ‘Basic Sciences Research Capability Reinforcement Project’ and is bringing together core biomedical engineering research equipment spread out across the university to the Cheonan campus Industry-Academia Cooperation Hall to set up a core facility and increase dedicated talent to take part in operations. A total 3.6 billion KRW will be put into the project by 2025. Led by professor Gyu-dong Han (nano-bio medicine), Professors Jin-chul Ahn (medicine) and Se-heang Oh (nano-bio medicine) will also participate in the project.


Department of Economics Scholarship Foundation accumulates 105.84 million KRW in scholarship funds




The Department of Economics Scholarship Foundation, made up of alumni who majored in economics in the College of Business & Economics, has compiled a total 105.84 million KRW in scholarship funding since 2014. Professors Myung-hun Kang and Moon-seok Seo (Department Chair) of the Department of Economics and alumni Dojin Kim (entered the department in 1979), President of the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK), visited Dankook President Hosung Chang on May 22 to deliver the scholarship funds to be used in improving the learning environment for economics majors and nurturing outstanding talent. Other alumni including professor Hyeon-soo Cho of Pyeongtaek University (Graduate School class of 1988), Sang-jun Cho (entered DKU in 1985, current deputy branch manager of IBK Samyang-dong), and Jeong-hwan Song (entered DKU in 1987, current team leader at KB Securities and Secretary General of the Scholarship Foundation) also visited their alma mater, along with DKU Executive Vice President for External Affairs, Dae-shik Kang and Associate Vice President for External Affairs, Jong-gon Yang. “Some departments have cumulative scholarship funds that have exceeded 100 million KRW but the Department of Economics is the first to surpass 100 million KRW this year,” said President Hosung Chang who went on to express his appreciation by saying that “I am grateful to see incumbent professors, graduates who are actively serving in the financial field, teachers and students joining hands to support the university’s next generation.” Professor Myung-hun Kang, who donated the seed money to set up the scholarship foundation, explained that alumni put their minds together for years to gather the funds; Professor Moon-seok Seo persuaded individual alumni and Jeong-hwan Song exerted himself by taking on the Secretary General position. IBK President Dojin Kim commented that “there are around 200 Dankook alumni currently working at IBK and there are plenty of graduates doing their part in the financial sector, including Hana Financial Vice Chairman Yeong-ju Hahm,” and went on to send a message of encouragement to current students saying that “there may be many difficulties ahead, such as the stagnant job market, but don’t give up and keep marching forward toward your future.”


Groundbreaking ceremony for Dankook University Hospital Cancer Center, "250 beds to be completed by 2021"




Three stories underground and an additional seven stories tall, the building will provide 250 beds to be available in October 2021 The ‘Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Dankook University Hospital Cancer Center’ was held on the morning of April 11 at the Dankook University Cheonan campus. More than 300 guests from home and abroad attended to share their hopes for the successful construction of the new Cancer Center; honored guests included President Choong-sik Chang of the DKU Board of Directors, DKU President Hosung Chang, Director Woo-seong Park of the Dankook Medical Center, CEO Jong-tae Cho of the Dankook University Hospital, Mayor Bon-young Koo of Cheonan City, and Chairman Myeong-su Lee of the National Assembly’s Health and Welfare Committee. Dankook University Hospital decided to build the cancer center in order to protect the local community from ‘the number one cause of death among Koreans,’ cancer. The cancer center, scheduled to be completed in 2021, will have 10 floors – 3 underground and 7 above ground (total floor area of 29,869.91㎡) with 250 beds. It will consist of separate centers dedicated to different types of cancer, in addition to a health enhancement center and an endoscopy center. The Cancer Center will have a comprehensive cancer treatment system with different cancer centers for thyroid and breast cancer, stomach, colon and peritoneal cancer, liver, biliary tract and pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and blood cancer. Once the center opens, cancer treatment that has been dispersed across the hospital will be integrated and new talent and medical equipment are planned to be added. The latest medical equipment such as NGS (next generation sequencing) analysis equipment and linear accelerators will be introduced or supplemented and multidisciplinary integrated diagnosis will be offered with medical staff working together to prepare top-notch diagnosis and treatment plans for customized treatment through gene analysis. A psychology clinic that diagnoses and treats psychological symptoms such as mental stress and depression among cancer patients will provide a new type of cancer treatment system that is distinctive from what has been previously offered. When the Cancer Center is completed, the Dankook University Hospital will become a large-scale general hospital with over one thousand beds.


Two members of the Dankook Wearable Thinking Center win awards from the government




Director Young-geun Choi of the Wearable Thinking Center and researcher Dong-seok Yang receive the Minister of Science ICT and Future Planning Award Two members of Dankook’s Wearable Thinking Center received Minister Awards and were recognized for their research achievements. At the ‘2019 ICT Tech Commercialization Festival’ held at the COEX Center on March 24, Director of the Center, Young-geun Choi (Graduate School of Computer Science Engineering ) received the Minister of Science ICT and Future Planning Award for outstanding performance. Choi launched the Wearable Thinking Center in 2015 in order to carry out research on IoT-based smart wearable devices and has been striving to secure source technology and nurture professional talent at the masters and doctorate degree levels. The center has also contributed to industry-academia cooperation by supporting source technology development and technology transfers to NEOFECT, a smart rehabilitation medical device company that went public on the KOSDAQ last November and is a part of the Dankook Startup Support Foundation. “I am grateful that our achievements have been recognized thanks to the support of professors and students who worked closely together at the center,” said Professor Choi who went on to share his aspirations to “continue to exert efforts in research to do our utmost for technology commercialization.” At the ‘2019 ICT Future Talent Forum,’ held on the same day, researcher Dong-seok Yang (doctorate program in computer science ) also received the Minister of Science ICT and Future Planning Award in the ‘Creative Talent’ category. Yang is currently engaged in studies at the Wearable Thinking Center focusing on ‘deriving body skeletons from images’ and ‘lightweight deep learning.’ In addition to having his research paper listed in the SCI, Yang has 7 patents (5 registered, 2 filed) and is preparing to launch his own startup. “Serving as a researcher at the center has helped me gain experience in various projects which I would like to leverage to create a startup item of my own that can amaze the world,” commented Yang.


Professor Yong-geun Choi donates 200 million KRW to the university development fund




On March 27, Professor Yong-geun Choi (Graduate School of Computer Science Engineering, Head of the I-DASAN LINC+ project group Wearables Industry Center) donated 200 million KRW, asking DKU president Hosung Chang to use the funds for the advancement of the Department of Applied Computer Engineering. Professor Choi donated a significant portion of his personal profits from NEOFECT, the smart rehabilitation medical device company where professor Choi serves as CTO (Chief Technology Officer), after it successfully went public on KOSDAQ. NEOFECT has been in the spotlight in the U.S. homecare market after developing the ‘RAPAEL Smart Glove’ which offers rehabilitation services to patients by automatically measuring the movement of their fingers as well as the ‘smart pegboard,’ which received the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) Innovation Award 2 years in a row (2017~2018). Recognized for its outstanding technology, NEOFECT passed screening for IPO last November and was listed on KOSDAQ. In addition to this, Professor Choi said that over the course of the next 10 years he would also donate the fees he receives from transferring the ‘smart LED glasses technology’ to NEOFECT, which is estimated to reach at least 100 million KRW in total. “After jointly founding NEOFECT, the company received ample assistance from the Dankook Startup Support Foundation in terms of source technology development, business support and evaluations of product quality and consulting,” explained Professor Choi for why he made the donation. He expressed hopes for it to be used in creating a smart system for the learning environment at Dankook University.


Ji-won Park sweeps medals at the short-track speed skating World Cup




Ji-won Park, a Dankook senior majoring in physical education and a member of the short-track speed skating national team, swept the medals at domestic and international events, emerging as a dark horse in the winter sport. At the ‘29th Winter Universiade’ held in Krasnoyarsk, Russia from March 2 through 12, Park took the gold medal in the 500m race, contributing to Korea’s overall ranking of second place at the end of the games. Immediately following the end of the short-track event at the Winter Universiade, Park went on to take part in the ‘2019 World Short Track Speed Skating Championships’ in Sofia, Bulgaria from March 8 through 10 where he won another gold in the 5000m relay with fellow teammates Dae-heon Hwang, Hyo-jun Lim and Jun-seo Lee. After passing tryouts, Park joined the national team last year and had remarkable performances during the five events of the ‘2018-19 ISU World Cup Short Track Speed Skating’ series from November 2 through February 10. At the first event in Calgary, Canada, he came in second in the 1000m and 5000m relay, as well as in the 2000m mixed relay. He followed up by coming in third in the 1000m during the second event and first in the 1000m during the fifth event. He also added a silver medal in the 1000m at the sixth event. The South Korean men’s team won all 4 of the individual gold medals that were up for grabs during the sixth event, highlighting the strong succession to a new generation of skaters, including Park who was noted for his outstanding performances. Meanwhile, Gun-hee Kim (freshman, Department of International Sports Studies), who also took part in the ‘2019 World Short Track Speed Skating Championships’ along with Park, won a gold medal in the women’s 3000m relay, adding vitality to ice skating sports at our university.


Former recipients of special scholarships give back to return the gift of scholarships




Graduate Jong-ran Kim(entered the Department of Law in 1984) extends donations of a total of 70 million and graduate Yong-rok Kim (entered the Department of Special Education in 1984) donates 50 million KRW “Giving back scholarship benefits enjoyed during college” Alumni who received scholarships as freshmen are attracting attention as they return to make donations to be used as scholarships. Jong-ran Kim, who has been quietly donating 10 million KRW each year for seven years, is an inspiring example. Kim, who received a special scholarship when entering the university in 1984, has made a cumulative donation of 70 million KRW (College of Law Kim Jong-ran scholarship). Kim currently serves as the vice president of the Trust Division at KB Bank. She was in the media spotlight earlier this year as one of the newly promoted female executives after serving as the manager of the KB Seodaemun branch, Bangbae-South branch and head of the bank’s Campus Plaza Group. On March 8th, Yong-rok Kim, another alumnus who entered Dankook University in 1984, donated 50 million KRW to be used as scholarships for the Department of Special Education from where he graduated. Kim, who was also a special scholarship recipient as a freshman, was appointed as a teacher in 1988 upon graduating from Dankook and served in the frontline of education for disabled students for 31 years before retiring this year from Seoul Jeongin School. “The special scholarship I received helped me study and enabled me to pass the teacher’s exam,” explained Kim when asked about the reason for making such donations. He added that “preparing for my own retirement may be important but I believe the time is right for me to give back what I received.” The External Cooperation Team did not take a picture of Kim as he turned down requests for a photo and asked that his donation be kept quiet.


Dankook alumni Hui-seok RyuㆍMin-hee Kang make finalists in the Spring Literary Contest




Two Dankook alumni from the Department of Literary Creative Writing were selected as finalists in this year’s spring literary contests, the annual literary contests hosted by local newspapers for new writers. Hui-seok Ryu, who graduated this February, was chosen as a finalist in the Seoul Shinmun’s spring literary contest. His poem titled ‘Random Box’ was praised as a “song of our times that could only be written by someone who has experienced both success and failure” and was viewed as “a reliable [piece of work] as it pushes forward with poetic thought and a critical mind from beginning to end.” Ryu, who started writing after reading a poetry book for the first time as a high school senior, became immersed in writing poetry during college, fascinated by the beauty of contrast between text and white space in poems. “University was a place where my creative desires were endlessly stimulated. It was like a second home to me where the people I met shared a common love for creative writing, supporting each other and where I was able to passionately write poems,” said Ryu, expressing affection towards his alma mater. He also encouraged current students to “interact with the people around [them] and spend time pondering for productive writing.” Min-hee Kang (class of 2006) was selected as a finalist in the critical writing category of the Gwangnam Ilbo spring literary contest. Her work titled ‘A Topos called Convenient Store’ talks about the role of convenience stores as a place that instills meaning in the lives of characters and functions as a literary subject that embraces social and moral qualities. Judges said that “the greatest virtue of the winning work was how it goes beyond interpreting individual texts and displays a broader perspective that projects the entire field of literary arts.” Kang, who received her undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees from Dankook University, currently serves as a full-time lecturer at the Daegu Haany University’s College of Culture and Information teaching students writing and creative writing. Meanwhile, DKU’s Department of Creative Writing is attracting attention for continuously nurturing finalists for best new writer awards and renowned literary contests including Yeji Choi(class of 2014), who is also a graduate of the Department of Creative Writing and was chosen as a finalist in the Maeil Daily’s spring literary contest in 2016.


DKU alumnus Il-moon Jung appointed as President of Korea Investment & Securities




On January 2nd, Dankook alumnus Il-moon Jung (entered the Department of Business Administration in 1982) took office as President of Korea Investment & Securities Company Ltd. (KIS), a leading financial investment firm in Korea’s capital market. Jung’s appointment made headlines as it bears meaning with him being the first publicly recruited employee to take the chief position of the company. Since graduating from DKU, Jung joined Dongwon Securities (predecessor of KIS) in 1988 and spent 27 of his 30 years there working in the IB department in charge of investment activities. He has been praised for playing a “leading role in shaping Korea Investment & Securities into a reputable investment bank” and has served as a key executive in the financial sector, holding posts such as the head of the retirement pension department and EVP/head of retail business. “I’m excited to be president of the company where I first started my career but I also feel responsibility and a sense of obligation to make the company grow,” said Jung in a media interview on January 7th. He added, “I will be more actively out in the field with the thinking that it is where the answer lies,” as he shared his ambitions of taking office. As the leading subsidiary of Korea Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., Korea Investment & Securities has an asset scale of 43 trillion KRW, 87 branches, 2531 employees, 7 overseas subsidiaries and 3 overseas branches as of the end of September 2018.


DKU Alumna Hye-mi Yoon tops the national exam for speech-language pathologists




For the first time since the licensing exam for speech-language pathologists became a state examination in 2012, a Dankook University graduate passed the exam with the highest score. In the spotlight is Hye-mi Yoon who graduated from the speech-language pathology program offered through Dankook’s Specialized Graduate School in August 2017. Among the 857 applicants who took the level 1 exam for speech-language pathologists, Yoon topped the qualifying applicants with 117 points (out of 140). (Results were announced by the Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute on December 27, 2018). National professional licenses (licensed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare) are issued for speech-language pathologists, more commonly known as speech therapists, who receive training in diagnosing and improving various speech impairments and treat people experiencing difficulty with communicating. While preparing for the national exam, Yoon has also been acquiring extensive field experience working at the Children’s Development Support Center within the Junggye Social Welfare Center since 2017. When asked about how she felt regarding her high scores, she started off by saying that she “wants to become a warm-hearted therapist who can help people with speech impairments and be by their sides.” Yoon went on to express her gratitude to Professor Mina Hwang who was always there for her with words of support and encouragement whenever Yoon was feeling physically or mentally tired from studying for the exam. After encountering various clinical studies through both theory and practice at graduate school, Yoon says she continued to take part in study groups where case studies were shared with fellow classmates. Yoon says she aspires to become a devoted speech therapist by bringing together the fields of psychology, cognitive science and Korean language studies.


Warm hearts heat up the holiday season




As 2018 came to an end, efforts to give to those in need continued during the holiday season. On Monday, December 31 of last year, Byung-ryang Kim, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, visited Yongin’s city hall to donate 50 boxes of ramen, worth around 1 million KRW. Vice President Soo-bok Kim of the Cheonan Campus also delivered 100 boxes of ramen, worth approximately 2 million KRW, to Cheonan’s city hall the week before on December 24. The donations of instant noodles will be delivered to low income families based on demand surveys carried out by each respective city government. “The ramen donations were special orders given by DKU president Hosung Chang in order to practice the university’s educational direction of truth and services and share growth with local communities,” said Vice President Byung-ryang Kim who added that “[we] will strive to become a university that takes the initiative in being there for those in need and extending a helping hand.” In November, volunteer corps at Dankook’s two campuses also took part in preparing kimchi and delivering coal briquettes to basic livelihood security recipients and senior citizens living alone to help them get through the cold winter. On November 9, the Jukjeon volunteer corps and student council visited basic livelihood security recipients and the elderly living alone in Yongin city to deliver four thousand coal briquettes and 80 kg of rice to eight households. The Cheonan campus volunteer corps and student council spent November 23 making kimchi for the local community, completing one thousand heads of kimchi cabbage to share. The winter kimchi project has been ongoing for years with around 60 students and faculty members joining in this year. The kimchi made was donated along with two thousand kilograms of rice to the Cheonan Welfare Center for the Disabled, the Chungnam Welfare Center for the Visually Challenged, welfare centers ‘Beautiful House’ and ‘Warm Nest’, and the Kiun Up volunteer group and Dogwangsa temple which operate free meal stations. “I’m sure there was room for improvement, it being my first time making kimchi, but it was worthwhile thinking that the kimchi I made may be fulfilling for someone in need during the winter. I hope I can take part again next year,” said Yong-deck Kim (Industrial Engineering, Junior). On November 30, the Cheonan Campus faculty volunteer corps helped out at the ‘Beautiful House’ welfare center for the severely mentally challenged located in Buk-myeon, Cheonan city. They installed insulation material to windows and helped clean while also delivering cold weather goods to the residents. On December 5, the College of Dentistry held a ceremony for the Equal Opportunity Volunteer Corps and local children. The ‘Equal Opportunity Volunteer Corps’ was jointly planned by I-Dasan LINC+ Project Group’s Smart Society Partnership Center and the Department of Public Administration to expand the collaborative network between the university and the local community. It consists of around ten students who have engaged in volunteer work since 2017. As part of the activities of its 3rd session, volunteers offered counseling and education services to 12 students in upper elementary grades at Anseo, Shinbu and Shinan Elementary Schools. Talent donations by Dankook students included foreign language tutoring and counseling, not to mention various programs for first-hand experiences such as visiting labs at the College of Pharmacy and the university library, dental checkups at DKU’s Dental Hospital and training on how to brush their teeth.


Startup Support Foundation sponsors entrepreneurs entering Vietnam




The DKU Startup Support Foundation, headed by Ki-hoon Yum, signed an MOU on December 22 with Bizwell (CEO: Hyeong-taek Cho), a company that assists businesses entering overseas markets. Based on the agreement, the two parties will make joint efforts to help startups and incumbent students successfully settle into the Vietnamese local market. Bizwell, which specializes in marketing and consulting, opened ‘Bizwell Business Center’ in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to help corporate efforts lead to exports. It was also designated as an ‘overseas private network’ by the Small and Medium Business Corporation. According to the agreement, the Startup Support Foundation will select startups or students from the Startup Student Club to send to the newly founded Dankook University Vietnam Business Center where the two parties will train them on Vietnamese local commerce and real estate related legislation in advance to help them develop business markets. “Starting with Vietnam, we will also help entrepreneurs advance into the U.S., Japan, India, Malaysia and China,” said Yum who also emphasized that “[our] goal is to build a strong global network by having companies receiving support from the Startup Support Foundation enter markets all around the world.” Recently, Vietnam has emerged as Korea’s third largest trade partner following China and the U.S. and is seen as a land of opportunity for businesses with its high growth rates that are nearly double that of global figures. An increasing number of companies are also entering the South Asian country based on friendly ties formed thanks to the popularity of coach Hang-seo Park of the Vietnamese national soccer team.


Professor Seung-ki Lee and his research team develops a biosensor that improves prostate cancer diagnosis rates by 100-fold




Three diagnosis patents using 'biosensor combining optical fiber, gold nanoparticles.' Groundbreaking change expected in the field of cancer diagnosis Strong potential of commercialization with biosensor diagnosis technology that can be applied to various cancers in addition to prostate cancer A Dankook University research team is in the spotlight for its development of a biosensor that raises prostate cancer detection rates by more than a hundredfold compared to current levels. The team is led by Professor Seung-ki Lee and Professor Jae-hyoung Park along with researcher Hyeong-min Kim of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. The biosensor developed by Professor Lee’s team is made of a structure where gold nanoparticles are attached to the surface of optical fibers on top of which a microfluidic chip is added. Blood is dropped onto the biosensor where the prostate cancer antigens blend with antibodies on the surface of gold nanoparticles and send a specific optical signal which enables diagnosing whether cancer has occurred or not. According to the research team, the new biosensor is forecast to trigger innovation in the field of prostate cancer diagnosis as its ability to detect antigens is 100 times more effective than existing equipment, not to mention having a shorter testing time of only 5 minutes. The diagnosis error factor also drops from the current 10~15% to 4%. According to professor Lee, “the antigen reaction takes place along optical fibers with ultra-thin diameters of 250㎛ (micrometers), detecting 124fg [femtogram, 1fg refers to 10-15 g (10 to the power of negative 15, 1 in 1 quadrillion grams)] of antigens in 1ml, proving the excellence of the diagnosis technology.” In other words, optical technology comes together with biosensors and nano technology. Professor Lee explained that “while prostate cancer is the 5th most common cancer among Korean men, treatment becomes very expensive if not diagnosed early on,” and added that “the newly developed biosensor can be commercially produced at around 2~3,000 KRW, attracting the attention of domestic and foreign medical equipment players.” Currently, prostate cancer is diagnosed by 1) measuring prostate specific antigen (PSA) protein levels in blood·urine, 2) digital rectal examination (DRE), 3) prostate ultrasound, and 4) biopsy. Among them, the biosensor developed by Professor Lee’s team is based on the PSA protein measurement method. “This technology is reliable for clinical feasibility,” says Professor Lee who added that “the biosensor technology will be able to be used not only for diagnosing prostate cancer but also for detecting various other cancers that react to antibodies.” This study was carried out with the support of the National Research Foundation of Korea’s Promising Future Convergence Technology Pioneer Program and the Mid-career Researcher Support Program. In addition to developing the biosensor, the research team completed applications for and registered three patent licenses: a surface plasmon resonance sensor device and sensor unit manufacturing method using microfluidic channels, a surface plasmon resonance sensor signal correction method, and a surface plasmon resonance sensor testing method. The research outcome was published in the international academic journal Sensors and Actuators B on November 10.
