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DKU selected for two government sponsored projects - LINC+ and SW-oriented University




Dankook University has been selected for the Leaders in Industry-university Cooperation+ (hereinafter LINC+) business led by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea. Participating in the LINC+ project is expected to serve as an opportunity for DKU to share the knowhow and skills it has acquired over the years in industry-academia partnerships with other businesses and communities, and cascade it across academic systems and the education sector in general. Under the vision for ‘Co-development of University ‧Businesses ‧Community through open industry-academia partnership 4.0,’ Dankook University has set the following four aspirations; ▶Cradle for fostering convergent talent fit for the 4th industrial revolution ▶World’s leading 4th industrial revolution cluster ▶Central engine for development of local industries and economy ▶Core platform for revival of local communities In order to achieve such goals, the SUN (‘線’, Society-University Network) platform will also be implemented. Specialized programs will be operated for across disciplines by building the Jeong Yakyong Park (Education), Edison Park (Startups), Family Park (Industry Partnerships) and Athens Park (Community Partnerships). The ‘Dasan Linc School,’ a college focused on industry-academia partnerships, will be established within the Jeong Yakyong Park while four industry partnership centers including the Wearables Industry Center will be set up within the Family Park to play the backbone role in industry-academia cooperation. In addition, advanced education programs such as field practice sessions, internships and capstone design will be operated while the university’s intellectual property, high-end equipment, labs and research rooms will be open to businesses and the local community to encourage synergy creation starting at the university. Last month, Dankook University was also selected for the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning’s ‘2017 SW-focused University project.’ In 2018, DKU will accordingly set up a ‘SW Convergence College’ in March 2018 and plans to open a ‘SW Convergence Division.’ The SW Convergence Division is scheduled to offer majors in ‘SW Convergence Bio,’ ‘SW Convergence Architecture IT,’ ‘SW Convergence Cinematic Contents,’ ‘SW Economy and Business Administration’ and ‘SW Convergence Autonomous Driving.’ A software convergence department will also be established in the graduate school to create an education and research foundation that connects undergraduate and graduate programs together. Efforts will also be made to attract outstanding SW talent. Beginning in the 2019 academic year, a new program for SW talent will be introduced to recruit 20% of the SW Convergence College student admission capacity. Six tailored scholarships such as the SW prospects scholarship, merit-based SW scholarship, SW convergence scholarship, industry-academia partnership scholarship, graduate school prospect scholarship and globalization scholarship, as well as a special international scholarship are planned to be offered. DKU President Chang Hosung said that “universities must take on the challenge of preparing for the fourth industrial revolution. (We) must build an academic system fit for the future that preserves the dignity of universities as an intellectual ivory tower while also reflecting current times,” and added that “the designation as a university for industry-academia partnerships and software focus will serve as a starting point for DKU to nurture talent with challenging spirits who can lead our future.”


DKU’s Academy of Asian Studies and China’s Nankai University host joint academic conference




Dankook University’s Academy of Asian Studies (Director and Professor Han Sijun) and Nankai University’s Korea Research Center hosted an international conference on ‘Studying the past and present of Sino-Korean relations’ on March 19th at the School of History at Nankai University in Tianjin, China. The academic conference was held to celebrate the opening of the Korea Research Center at Nankai University and promote active research exchanges between the two institutions in the form of meetings and research projects. Three presenters and two discussants representing Dankook University, and 11 presenters and six discussants from Nankai University participated in the conference which consisted of four sessions; ‘Sino-Korean Relations in Ancient History’, ‘Nationalism and Historical Studies’, ‘Sino-Korean Relations in Modern History’ and ‘Sino-Korean Relations in Literature.’ "Studying the past and present of Sino-Korean relations” is a topic in the limelight these days in order to improve deteriorating relations between the two countries caused by the THAAD deployment issue. As a timely topic, the conference looked back on the relationship between China and Korea while engaging in intensive discussions on the future outlook and initiatives to tackle going forward. Dankook University’s professor Kim Cheolwoong (School of General Education) focused especially on Taoism among the religious influences Goryo received from Song and Yuan Dynasties to interpret the history of interactions between Korea and China. Meanwhile, Professor Lee Jaeryoung (College of Humanities) set forth projections and tasks for the future looking at recent academic achievements by reviewing how Sino-Korean relations are seen by researchers of Chinese history in Korea. Research professor Yang Jisun (Academy of Asian Studies) looked at Arirang and how Korean independence activists during the Japanese colonial rule used the arts as part of their independence movement in China. Meanwhile, Nankai University’s professor Zhao Ji (趙季) gave a presentation analyzing Chinese characters in the Chinese poems of Lee Kawon (李家原), attracting attention as it is unique for a Chinese scholar to interpret the work of a modern Korean scholar of Chinese literature.


DKU senior vice president Kim Byungryang for academic affairs donates 100m KRW




“Alumni help fund the University Museum, embodying Dankook’s founding spirit” as DKU senior vice president Kim Byungryang for academic affairs donates 100m KRW Alumni sponsorships for the 70th anniversary memorial project that Dankook University is preparing to commemorate its 70th birthday are increasing. As the University Museum will serve as a venue for displaying the founding philosophy of Dankook and the past footsteps of Dankookites, a consensus is being formed that active support from alumni is essential. In particular, DKU senior vice president for academic affairs, Kim Byungryang, recently made a donation of 100 million KRW in addition to extending 10 million KRW last year to the construction fund. On February 24th, Kim explained his intent as he delivered the funding agreement to President Chang Hosung. Kim said that “I received scholarship benefits starting from when I entered the university until I graduated and was able to study abroad during my studies in my master’s and doctorate programs thanks to support from then university president Chang Choong-sik.” He went on to explain that “my children also benefited from such grants after entering the school, so I have always thought that I should give back for what we received. I’m happy to be able to contribute at least a little bit toward the debt of gratitude I owe through this opportunity.” The funding agreement was delivered to Dankook president Chang Hosung who said that “knowing vice president Kim does not have the luxury, it is overwhelming to be faced with his determination,” and promised that “(I) will do my utmost to ensure a worthwhile University Museum that can be welcomed by all of our alumni is built.” Senior vice president Kim said that “many alumni who studied at the Seoul campus feel a sense of loss because the campus is no longer there,” and shared his hope for “a stage to be added to the University Museum where people can experience and recall what it was like back at the Hannam-dong campus, as well as a convention hall that can be used for large academic conferences or a venue for alumni wedding ceremonies, so the hall can bring together fellow students to relive memories and reunite friendships.” Meanwhile, the University Museum will start construction in September of this year and is scheduled to be completed in December 2018. The 6-story building that covers a total 3,300㎡ in area will become home to a memorial hall, lounge, exhibition hall and Dankook Honorary Hall of Fame to host major events such as ceremonies for domestic and international cooperative agreements and symposiums. In order to celebrate alumni who extended support for the construction of the University Museum, the names of all donators, regardless of amount of donation, will be engraved on the new building.


FashionGroup Hyungji Chairman Choi Byung-oh,donates 110millionKRW to the university development fund




Choi Byung-oh, Chairman of Fashion Group Hyungji, made a donation of 110 million KRW to the Dankook University development fund. Chairman Choi delivered the donation to DKU President Chang Ho-sung at the Dankook Alumni New Year Gathering that was held at six thirty in the evening on February 9th at the Sejong Center in Seoul. Chairman Choi’s relationship with DKU started when he completed the Advanced Financial Management Program of the College of Business and Economics. Inspired by how Dankook has strived to nurture talent for the advancement of society and the nation since its founding, Chairman Choi also previously donated 100 million KRW in 2008 and 200 million KRW in 2011. But Choi’s support for DKU did not stop there. At the ‘Dankook, Dream 2016’ event in September of last year, he said that he would “contribute 110 million KRW to the DKU development fund to support Dankook’s determination and vision to advance as a global university as the university prepares to commemorate its 70th anniversary.” And on February 9th, he kept his word. After delivering the development fund donation, Choi said that “my connection with DKU started off small, but I have been indebted by its kindness. My wish was to be able to support DKU whenever I had the chance and I am extremely pleased to be able to deliver the development fund donation as the university celebrates its 70th anniversary,” and added that he “has no doubt that if DKU continues to strive forward as it has done for the past seventy years, it will continue to shine in the area of talent development and education research just as it does now.” Chairman Choi of Fashion Group Hyungji is a self-made entrepreneur who started his work as a small business owner in Dongdaemun Market 35 years ago and grew the business to a fashion powerhouse that carries a total of 20 brands including Crocodile Ladies, Yezac and Wild Rose, just to name a few. Holding his business skills and sense of service in high regard, Dankook University presented Chairman Choi with an honorary doctoral degree in business administration in 2011.


Three DKU alumni pass the Korean National Bar Exam and 17 go on to Law School




Three DKU alumni pass the Korean National Bar Exam and 17 go on to Law School - the most successful applicants yet! Dankook University’s efforts to foster outstanding talent to move into legal professions are bearing fruit. In fact, DKU alumni have been performing solidly in law school admissions, the Korean National Bar Exam and the certified public labor attorney exam. Seventeen DKU alumni were accepted into professional graduate schools for legal studies (law school) for the 2017 academic year (as of February 13, 2017). This sets a record for the most successful number of applicants since the law school system was first introduced in Korea in 2009. DKU’s College of Law has continuously presented successful candidates for the Korean National Bar Exam (judicial examination) and has also made efforts to increase acceptance into law schools. In particular, as law schools become the mainstream route to legal professions, the College of Law opened a law school preparation class to extend full-fledge support to students. Sophomore and junior students enrolled in the law school preparation class focus on managing their GPA, sharpening foreign language skills and strengthening reading and debating skills tailored to the LEET (Legal Education Eligibility Test). Lectures are designed to prepare students for aptitude tests when they reach their senior year; study groups and practice interviews where professors also participate are offered, as well. Advisors and all professors of the College of Law engage first-hand in consulting with students while preparing for such exams. As a result, the annual number of successful applicants went up from an average of two to four by 2014, to reach double digits with a record of 11 in 2016. In 2017, the number increased by six more with a total 17 students being accepted by law schools in Korea. In addition, three DKU alumni accomplished a remarkable achievement in passing the 59th Korean National Bar Exam held in 2016 and registering the best outcome during the past five years for DKU alumni taking the bar exam. It also placed Dankook among the top ten schools in terms of successful applicants in the bar exam. Six of our alumni also passed the 25th public labor attorney exam in 2016. Six alumni made the cut in 2012 followed by five in 2013, but then figures dropped to three in 2014 and zero in 2015. This year, DKU restored its reputation as six students successfully passed the exam. In 2016, most of the recruiting court officials were from DKU among all the representatives from other Korean universities. This shows how DKU alumni are playing an active role in all areas of legal practice such as the Korean Bar, law schools, public labor attorneys and court officials.


Alumni Kim Dojin(Economics, ‘83), appointed as the 25th Chairman of IBK Industrial Bank of Korea




▶ Alumni Kim Dojin (Dept. of Economics, class of ‘83) Kim Dojin, Dankook University alumni (Department of Economics, class of ’83), was officially inaugurated as the 25th Chairman and CEO of the Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) on December 28th. Kim entered Dankook University in 1979 and graduated in 1983. He joined IBK in 1985 and has served as the head of the Card Marketing Department, Strategic Planning Department, South Central District Division and Southern District Division. He also served as the Vice Chairman of the bank from 2014 until being appointed Chairman. The Financial Supervisory Commission said that “Kim Dojin is a seasoned financial expert that has acquired expertise from serving in various key positions within IBK” as they nominated Kim for the chairman position of IBK. In addition, the FSC added that “he is equipped with all the experience and skills needed in a bank CEO from sales and organization management to business strategy, just to name a few.” In a media interview, Kim said that he “will strengthen integration and communication within the organization and build on IBK’s unique organizational culture.” He also shared his determination to “start by making sacrifices to create a bank where the staff is happy and a place where people want to work.”


Ko Un, professor emeritus at DKU, named this year’s international poet by Fondazione Roma




Poet Ko Un, Dankook University professor emeritus at the Department of Creative Writing, will receive the International Poet award from the Fondazione Roma, a foundation based in Italy, during its annual Ritratti di Poesia international poetry festival. The award ceremony will be held during the festival that will take place from February 1st to 4th at the Temple of Hadrian and the Piazza di Pietra. The award will be presented by Italy’s minister of culture and the Chairman of the foundation while professor Ko is expected to give a reception speech and poetry reading at the ceremony. Italy’s Fondazione Roma is a private organization that sponsors areas such as cultural arts, education and welfare. Its poetry festival has been held annually since 2006. The International Poet Award has been awarded since 2014, and professor Ko Un will be honored as the fourth laureate following Adam Zagajewski (Poland), Jacobo Cortines (Spain) and Carol Ann Duffy (UK). Professor Ko’s most recent work of poems was published in a new book last year while he plans to meet with readers in Europe after releasing a revised edition of ‘White Butterfly’ and ‘Maninbo’ in Sweden this coming April.


Former Filipino President Arroyo visits DKU to propose Korea-Philippines academic partnership




On January 9th, Gloria Arroyo, former President of the Philippines, visited Dankook University’s Jukjeon campus. Ms. Arroyo served as the President of the Philippines from 2001 to 2010 and is currently an active member of its House of Representatives. Her visit was accompanied by a delegation of 15 people including the governor of her district, the Honorable Lilia Garcia Pineda of Pampanga. Former president Arroyo and her delegation made a courtesy visit to DKU President Hosung Chang to explain the purpose of their visit saying that “(we) plan to develop sports training and sports tourism facilities, major shopping and residential facilities in the Pampanga province,” and asked for “the city of Yongin and local public institutions including DKU to take interest in the development project.” In particular, Ms. Arroyo and her delegation emphasized that “Lubao in Pampanga is an open and vibrant city for golf and tourism, so it would offer many advantages for locating a high school affiliated with a renowned foreign university or operating a golf academy,” and added that “(we) would certainly welcome Dankook University.” DKU President Hosung Chang responded that “expanding academic and human exchanges with the world is essential for a university to advance,” and stressed that “pursuing a joint education project between DKU and Pampanga will be reviewed based on principles of reciprocity.” The two institutions agreed on a memorandum to work together on △academic exchanges based on Pampanga’s development plan △information exchanges on technology and industry trends △building a network for mutual knowledge and information exchanges and △human exchanges to provide employment and internship opportunities etc.


MOU with New Hampshire Law School for Joint Degree Program




On December 14th, Dankook University signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the University of New Hampshire’s (UNH) School of Law regarding joint operations of an intellectual property professional degree program. Dankook University’s Graduate School of Information Technology and Intellectual Property (Dean Han Kyung-ho) and the UNH Law School will join together in nurturing global talent equipped with practical skills related to intellectual property. Through the MOU, the two schools discussed details on operating the joint degree program for the Master of Intellectual Property (MIP) that will start in 2017 including recognizing credits from courses of each other’s schools and how to run the overall curriculum. Therefore, any student enrolled in the MIP program that meets admission qualifications, can take online courses during the summer semester without having to go abroad and complete the program to earn a degree within a single year. In particular, students of DKU’s Graduate School of Information Technology and Intellectual Property can also enjoy deductions in their tuition. The DKU Graduate School of Information Technology recruited select students for its MIP program which starts this year. The master’s program will offer basic courses on intellectual property such as intellectual property laws, patent laws and design laws, as well as a multi-disciplinary, convergent curriculum with courses covering technology business development, design management and cultural contents legal agreements. Lee Chul-tae, director of the Intellectual Property Education Center, explained that “the MOU with the New Hampshire Law School for a joint degree program will focus on fostering global talent that can efficiently manage and protect intellectual property rights while also effectively responding to various disputes that may occur.” The UNH Law School is a part of the state university in New Hampshire, located along the East Coast of the U.S., specializing in intellectual property related legal studies.


'Triples revenue in two years' Dankook University Startup Support Foundation’s undeniable growth




Total revenue of around two billion KRW attained in its first year in 2014. Two years later, total revenue is nearing six billion KRW. Are we talking about a soaring venture startup? No. This is the success story of Dankook University’s Startup Support Foundation where creative ideas spark and go on to be made into actual products. All you need when coming to the DKU Startup Support Foundation are ideas. Everything else for starting up a new business, from entrepreneurship training to financial and administrative assistance, is provided by the Foundation. It operates 1:1 mentoring services, global startup internships, pilot product exhibitions and IR (investor relations) programs, just to mention a few. People who have been on the verge of failure when starting up new businesses due to unexpected legal and institutional impediments or being unable to find the right investor can come and receive practical support. As a result, entrepreneurs who are a part of the DKU Startup Support Foundation have seen remarkable growth in their revenues. The Foundation is also active in offering startup programs for DKU students to encourage entrepreneurship. More than 320 startup courses have been opened since 2014 with more than 10 thousand students having participated. Thirty nine student startup clubs are operating this year while each club can receive as much as five million KRW in sponsorships to be used for prototype productions and other expenses. Thanks to the systematic and pragmatic operations of the DKU Startup Support Foundation, Dankook University recorded the highest number of student startups in Korea, and was the runner-up in terms of business startup and employment support among Korean universities (based on Korea Economic Daily’s evaluation of science and engineering universities). The business that registered the most revenues among those that receive support from DKU Startup Support Foundation is Hello Factory, a startup that develops bicycle theft prevention and tracking systems. It takes the idea of using ‘beacon,’ a wireless communications frame, in its products and has achieved annual revenues of 380 million KRW. Offers from leading Korean conglomerates and local provincial governments to partner with the startup are flowing in. Among student startup clubs, ‘Alt-A,’ has, as part of its track record, coming in second at the 2015 ‘Product Ideas to Change the World Contest (Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation).’ Their products stem from the idea of communicating hidden dangers in blind spots to drivers. The blind spot sensor installed on existing vehicles is limited to identifying risks on the sides of cars, but Alt-A’s product provides information on all blind spots surrounding the vehicle including those out of view on the other side of corners. There are high expectations for its future as it has already secured 100 million KRW in government grants and seed money. DKU president Hosung Chang said that “DKU’s Startup Support Foundation will lay the groundwork for marking a monumental milestone in Korea’s economy going forward,” and added that “our university will continue to nurture innovative entrepreneurs to lead the fourth industrial revolution with challenging spirits and creativity.”


KimWook,Vice President of Cheonan Campus,receives presidential citation for scientific investigation




Dankook University Vice President Kim Wook (professor of life sciences) received a presidential citation at the ‘12th Korean Scientific Investigation Awards.’ First introduced in 2005, the Korean Scientific Investigation Awards recognizes those who have contributed to the advancement of scientific investigations and awards science in police work to lay the foundation for human rights protection of the Korean people. ▶ KimWook, Vice President DKU professor Kim Wook was selected as the recipient in the area of forensic sciences and received the presidential citation. Professor Kim Wook was honored for his service as the chairman of the Korean Society of Forensic Science, the Korean Society of DNA Investigation, advisor to the National Forensic Service and the National Police Agency, member of the DNA identity database management committee and other activities that have helped develop the field of forensic science in Korea. Professor Kim was appointed to Dankook University in 1988 and has carried out educational research on genetics and evolutionary biology. He has mainly focused on molecular biologic studies to gain a clear understanding on the origin of mankind and how the Korean people were formed. Kim also works on academic activities such as DNA typing based on DNA profiling and studies on genetic variations.


DKU performance group fascinates Chinese audience with a collaborative performance




DKU performance group fascinates Chinese audience with a collaborative performance of tradition and K-Pop. On November 4th, Dankook University took part in the Korea-China Culture Festival in Wuxi, China, promoting Korean culture to the 2,600 audience gathered there. The spectacular performance which was fully sponsored by SK Hynix, including air fare, accommodation and all other expenses, mesmerized residents of Wuxi, China’s largest digital valley and a city with a population of 6 million, not to mention local tourists. SK Hynix invited Dankook University’s Korean Dance Team which has been an ambassador of Korean culture through performances around the world including in the U.S., Europe and Asia, and students of the departments of contemporary music and modern dance who are prospective stars of the Korean wave of the future. Forty four students from the Jukjeon and Cheonan campuses put their hearts and minds together to create an amazing collaborative performance. Professors and students practiced and worked with each other, going beyond different campuses and student- teacher relationships to unite in the name of Dankook. The four hour event included performances by Wuxi Institute of Technology (무석특수대학교) and Jiangnan University, followed by DKU’s performance that attracted the most attention as it put on the grand finale. The Korean traditional dance team performed the buchaechum fan dance, mudang chum shaman dance, mask dance and nongak folk dance. The audience held their breath in awe as they watched how the dancers twirled their fans to create beautiful flowers during the fan dance while experiencing the unique Korean marvel found in the shaman and mask dances. The lively nongak folk dance had the audience clapping along to the beat in no time with the pounding of traditional Korean drum instruments such as the janggu, sogo and buk. The modern Korean music performance in collaboration with K-POP was received with cheers thanks to the popularity of the Hallyu, Korean Wave. Students majoring in modern dance moved to the rhythm of popular K-POP songs by Big Bang, Miss-A, and others, while the students of contemporary music received thunderous applause for their creative musical performance. This performance not only helped spread Korean culture, but it also served as a remarkable opportunity to promote Dankook University to Chinese students. SK Hynix, the world’s second largest player in semiconductors, is also very popular among local Chinese students and admired as a ‘dream workplace.’ The Korean based semiconductor player prefers Chinese recruits who have studied in Korea, and, thanks to the performance, more Chinese students now want to study at Dankook University. Dankook University’s Office of International Affairs answered questions that Chinese students had on exchange student programs, studying overbroad and internships offered to actively attract students to DKU and further advance the industry-academia partnership between the university and Chinese businesses. Kang Daeshik, Executive Vice President for External Affairs, said that “it is even more meaningful as the output was made by joint efforts of professors and students from the Jukjeon and Cheonan campuses,” and added that “we hope this performance will help attract foreign students to our school, and we will encourage students to actively take part in fully sponsored and meaningful events to provide students with the opportunity to perform overseas and promote our university.”


DKU Korean Traditional Dance performance team touches the heart of Europe




Rounds of cheers and applause… helping spread Korean traditional arts Dankook University, a leader in international exchanges to promote Korean culture abroad, recently took its Korean traditional dance performance to Hungary and Sweden. The start of the Europe performance was held at the Korean Culture Festival in Budapest, Hungary on September 26th. Part 1 of the performance, ‘TaePyungSungDae (Peaceful Era)’ displayed palace life and royal costumes with a grand stage and magnificent music that captured the eyes and ears of the audience. The performances in Part 2, ‘Spring Scenery’ and a ‘Love Song,’ demonstrated traditional Korean lanterns (cheongsachorong) and the beautiful yet mysterious image of the traditional Korean scholar-class. The Nongak traditional folk dance with janggu (hourglass drum), sogo (handheld drums), and buk (barrel drum) etc went on stage and in an instant drew in the audience who were soon clapping along the beat. As soon as the performance ended, cheers and applause followed. Fascinating the Swedish audience at the Stockholm Concert Hall, home of the Nobel Prize Ceremony The Sweden performance was held during the Korean National Day event hosted by the Korean Embassy in Sweden on October 3rd to commemorate Korea’s National Foundation Day. Wanting to introduce the beautiful performance of DKU’s Korean dance group to the Swedish people, Ambassador Nam Gwan-pyo of Korea in Sweden directly contacted DKU President Chang Hosung to invite the dancers to the Scandinavian country. The performance mesmerized the audience of more than 900 people including ambassadors, government officials and Korean citizens in Sweden who gathered at the Stockholm Concert Hall where the Nobel prizes are handed out each year. Ambassador Nam said that “DKU is the first foreign performance group to give such a monumental and spectacular performance,” and expressed his gratitude as he said that “the ambassadors and representatives from different countries couldn’t stop marveling ‘excellent!’ DKU has contributed to enhancing the image of Korea.”


Dankook Dream 2016, Dankook’s strong supporters gather together




In celebration of Dankook University’s (DKU) 70th anniversary coming up in 2017, DKU sponsors gathered to share wishes for the university’s further advancement and make commitments for more donations Dankook University Development Advisory Committee hosted ‘Dankook, Dream 2016’ to express its appreciation to the university’s sponsors who extend strong support for DKU. More than 500 guests from inside and outside the university attended ‘Dankook, Dream 2016’ which was held at the Grand Hyatt’s Grand Ballroom on Tuesday, September 27th. Guests included Chairman Kim Dong-ho of the University Development Advisory Committee (Dean of the Graduate School of Cinematic Content), Chairman Chang Choong-sik of the Board of Trustees, President Chang Ho-sung of DKU, and sponsors, potential donators and alumni from the political, business and cultural arena who share the vision to foster talent and further develop the university. On behalf of the participants, chairman Kim Dong-ho delivered a total 9.358 billion KRW that was gathered for the university development fund from March this year up to the day of the event. In addition, Ms. Shin Dong-soon, wife of Chairman Chang Choong-sik, donated 100 million KRW at the event while CEO Choi Byoung-oh of fashion group Hyungji donated 110 million KRW, and CEO Kim Young-guk of Dongsung Precision LX donated 100 million KRW. The event was also full of performances to congratulate the occasion. Professor Kim Jung-taek of the College of Arts kicked off the evening with a piano performance followed by a musical performance from current Dankook University students and pop singer Wheesung. DKU alumni and pop singer Ali (Applied Music, 2003 Freshman) and freshman Song So-hee (Korean Traditional Music, 2016 Freshman) also took the stage to celebrate the evening. In reply to an unexpected request from the MC, Chairman Chang Choong-sik also gave a stunning singing performance before the audience. In his congratulatory remarks, President Chang Ho-sung extended his gratitude as he said, “thank you to the sponsors of the university and our students for your constant support and encouragement” and added that “we believe that the way we can give back (to our sponsors) is to nurture outstanding talent that fit the founding spirit of our University.”


The Philippine’s De La Salle Araneta University Language Center Donates 100 million KRW to DKU Devel




The De La Salle Araneta University’s language center in the Philippines made a 100 million KRW donation to Dankook University’s development fund. The ceremony to deliver the donation took place on Thursday, August 25th at the Jukjeon Campus with Joseph Hyun (Hyun Jongkwang), the director of the center, handing over the agreement letter to DKU president Jang Hosung. Joseph Hyun, who leads the De La Salle Araneta University’s language center, entered Dankook University’s department of construction engineering in 1982. He took teaching courses during his college years and also served as a teacher before moving to the Philippines 16 years ago to work at the language center. Hyun said that “my alma mater Dankook University is like a home to me. When I was in college and taking teaching courses, the university Recruitment Team found a high school teaching position for me which led me to a profession in teaching. Since then, I have been busy focusing on my work, but I have never forgotten my appreciation for the school.” He went on to say that “I always wanted to give something back, and it is a great pleasure to be able to make at least a bit of a contribution. I want to support the development of the university and above all, help fellow Dankookians currently in school to advance as future leaders.”
