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News of success continues as DKU students are admitted to law schools and pass the customs broker license exam




Dankook University students are in the spotlight for successfully passing the 2021 Law School Admissions exam (13 students) and Licensed Customs Brokers exam (4 students). 13 students accepted by law schools…systematic support extended to students by DKU’s ‘law school prep course’ proves effective Recent news that 13 DKU students and alumni were accepted by law schools proves Dankook’s excellent ‘law school prep course’ is a source of strong support for our students. It is recognition of the value of the systematic programs provided by the College of Law to students beginning from when they enter Dankook up to graduation. The academic system, which requires students majoring in law to exert all efforts on studies to graduate, and the close mentoring between professors and students contributed to the largest number of successful candidates this year. Currently, approximately 80 students are enrolled in the College of Law’s ‘law school prep course.’ The sophomore and junior students are studying hard to manage their grades and sharpen their foreign language skills and are focused on reading and engaging in discussions to prepare for the LEET (Legal Education Eligibility Test). In addition, study groups and mock interviews with professors are being held to prepare for admission interviews. “It is unfortunate that there is little participation in the law school prep course by non-majors (those majoring in departments other than law) compared to other universities,” says Professor Cheoljoon Chang (Department of Law) who went on to add that “[we] look forward to more non-law majors to also join the prep course to illustrate the value in the many opportunities available through its strong program and consulting.” The 13 students accepted to law schools are △Byeong-hyeon Song (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Yong Kwon (Dept. of Law, class of 2019) △Gyeong-rok Kim (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Beom-seok Kim (Dept. of Law, class of 2017) △Dong-in Cheong (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Yong-hoo Choi (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Byeong-cheol Ahn (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Seong-hyeon Yu (Dept. of Law, class of 2019) △Ji-hye Cheong (Dept. of Law, class of 2017) △Yeon-heui Cho (Dept. of Law, class of 2018) △Woo-yeong Cho (Dept. of Law, Senior) △Tae-won Kim (Communications Division, Senior), and △Da-yeong Lee (Business Administration, class of 2016). Four alumni from the College of Business & Economics among the less than 20% of people to pass the customs broker exam Four Dankook alumni were among the list of names announced by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea last December who successfully passed the licensing exam for customs brokers. The success rate this year was 19.86% with only 149 of the 750 candidates passing the final cut score. The four Dankook alumni are △Min-jeong Kim (Business Administration, class of 2020) △Seol-bin Yang (Business Administration, class of 2011) △Sebin Oh (Dept. of International Trade, class of 2015), and △Jun-hee Kang (Dept. of International Trade, class of 2016).


Change of Command Ceremony for the Chairman of the Dankook Foundation




Outgoing 26th Chairman Choong-sik Chang and incoming 27th Chairman Hosung Chang “Faith and service are the pillars of my life,” says outgoing Chairman JoongJae Choong-sik Chang, while incoming Chairman Hosung Chang states “only truth and service will be the roads I follow.” On December 28th, the change of command ceremony was held at the Nanpa Concert Hall at Dankook University’s Jukjeon campus for the 26th and 27th Chairmans of the Dankook University Foundation. The event was kept simple and held in compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols. Guests included former Chairman of the Dankook Foundation, Choong-sik Chang, along with its new Chairman, Hosung Chang, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, Director Yoo-cheol Park and other board officials, as well as President Sang-bae Lee of the Dankook Alumni Association. The ceremony started with participants reminiscing about the past 60 years of Chairman Choong-sik Chang’s dedication and leadership that shaped Dankook. “Sacrifice·Dedication·Philanthropy … Dankook trusted Choong-sik Chang even throughout crises” "Education eventually comes down to loving other people and defending their dignity,” said former Dankook Foundation Chairman Choong-sik Chang as he looked back on his 60 years of love and devotion as a teacher. In his remarks, he shared how “[he] strived to save the university from crisis and difficulties when first being appointed as Head of Student Affairs at the young age of 30,” and added that “[he] was determined to make sure not a single student was sacrificed to political or judicial authorities and was dedicated to nurturing our students to support the nation.” “Founded following Korea’s liberation amid the agony of being ruled by surrounding powers and separation on the peninsula, our university has been at the forefront of democratic university operations, despite political pressure, thanks to a strong drive for education and strength of knowledge,” continued Choong-sik Chang who also asked “for the newly appointed Dankook Foundation Chairman Hosung Chang, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, professors and faculty members out in the education field, and our 230 thousand alumni and students to work together to seek new roads toward transforming the university in the name of tradition and innovation.” He also added that he would “like to spend the rest of [his] life focusing on a project to relive the spirit of Nelson Mandela, who was dedicated to practicing reconciliation and tolerance,” and asked for “young students on campus to learn and practice philanthropy for their lives to beautifully bloom, as well.” Incoming Chairman Hosung Chang to “place all efforts on securing stable resources for the Board to pursue future educational innovation” “Dankook University today is the result of 60 years of leadership by my predecessor Choong-sik Chang that displayed patience, modesty, sacrifice, and dedication,” said newly appointed Chairman Hosung Chang in his inauguration speech. He added, “I am aware of my calling and the responsibilities bestowed upon me and will take the road of truth and services along with DKU President Soo-bok Kim, professors and faculty members out in the education field, and the 230 thousand Dankook alumni and students.” The new chairman also promised to take the lead in making sure Dankook University can respond wisely to situations in the internal and external environment, such as by carrying out restructuring to address the decreasing school-age population as well as by preparing for the 4th industrial revolution and a post-COVID-19 era with educational innovation. In his remarks, he said that he will “do [his] utmost to increase profits from the various business sites and hospitals belonging to the foundation to support the basic education and research purposes of the university.” “I will do all that I can to preserve the tradition and values of Dankook that portray the spirit of our founders and will go further to realize the values to which my predecessor dedicated his entire life, which are humanism, love for the Korean people and hope for overcoming separation between South and North Korea.”


Dankook takes Silver for ‘Most Creative Corporate Institution Video’ at the QS Creative Awards




Dankook University’s PR film (English version) won the silver award at the QS (Qaucquarelli Symonds) Creative Awards for the most creative corporate institution video. Quacquarelli Symonds is a UK-based institution that offers global rankings in various education-related fields. The QS Creative Awards are chosen each year at the QS-APPLE (QS-Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education) Forum held at major Asian universities. Awards are handed out in four categories — best print advertisement, best creative corporate institution video, best international student recruit brochure, and best international website — to promote the globalization of universities and effective communication between universities and students, as well as highlight the importance of building a strong university brand. Due to COVID-19, this year’s event was conducted online from November 25 to 27 on the QS website. After evaluating entries, based on four criteria of concept originality, strong narrative, impactful content, and quality of execution, the top 3 universities were named for the most creative corporate institution video. This year, Dankook was the only Korean university to be named among the finalists for the video category. Dankook University offers Korean, English, and Chinese translations for our PR films and university website in order to attract excellent foreign students and pursue globalization of the university, while building a strong brand. The film can be viewed on Dankook University’s official YouTube channel, ‘ddokdanbal.’ (똑단발)


Dankook’s 73rd Anniversary Ceremony and Joint Memorial Service for DKU Founders




During the morning on Monday, November 2, 2020, a joint memorial service took place in the Convention Hall of the Dankook History Museum on the Jukjeon campus to commemorate 56 years since the passing of DKU founder Beomjeong Chang Hyong and 73 years since the passing of Hyedang Cho Huijae. The ceremony was held in compliance with COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and disinfecting procedures (e.g. taking temperatures and making sure all participants work masks). Over 100 people attended, including Chairman Choong-sik Chang of the Dankook University Foundation Board, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, university officials, and family members, in remembrance of Dankook’s founders and to relive the motto behind the founding of the university. “As the achievements of Mr. Beomjeong Chang Hyong and Mrs. Hyedang Cho Huijae offer great lessons to future generations and have virtuous influence, we ask for your blessings,” read Dr. Choong-sik Chang in his oration during the ceremony. After the memorial service, the 73rd anniversary ceremony for Dankook University was held at the Nanpa Music Hall. Due to the novel coronavirus, this year’s ceremony was held with less than 100 participants including only faculty members, special guests, and recipients of the Dankook University Anniversary Award. Participants looked back on the proud history of the university and shared their wishes for Dankook to march forward toward a brighter future. “Dankook University was born following Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule while Korea was caught between external powers and undergoing deep sorrow from division of the peninsula. However, the intelligence and strong willingness of our founders to educate are what drove Dankook to take the lead in running the school based on democratic principles,” said Dr. Choong-sik Chang. He also asked for “efforts from our professors, faculty members, 230,000 alumni, and students who are working hard to defend the frontline of education to unite in the name of tradition and innovation to support the university in leaping toward becoming a prestigious global educational institution.” DKU President Soo-bok Kim also made a speech expressing his “appreciation to all the members of the Dankook community who have been part of the university’s history with honor and glory for the past 73 years,” and also said that “[the university] will make further strives to build a student-centered advanced curriculum and smart education infrastructure to nurture talent to take the lead in the fourth industrial revolution and post-coronavirus world.” “[We] will do all that we can to prepare for an IT-based, student-oriented education system that includes implementing stronger infrastructure for remote learning, expanding open online platforms, and increasing online diploma programs as part of the university’s mid-to-long-term development plan, ‘Dynamic Dankook 2027,” added President Kim. “As Dankook celebrates its 73rd anniversary, I look forward to my alma mater building an innovative learning environment guided by its founding spirit of national salvation, self-reliance, and independence, which will enable it to take another leap toward becoming a prestigious institution in fostering creative talent fit for the fourth industrial revolution,” said Sang-bae Lee, president of the DKU Alumni Association. He went on to say that “I will also do my utmost to serve as a bridge between Dankook and our alumni to bring together the potential of the 230,000 Dankookites.” A dedication ceremony also took place with the university’s affiliate organizations and researchers. Professor Moon-sik Kim, head of the Institute of Oriental Studies, presented the largest volume of the ‘Idu Korean dictionary (1 volume)’ in Korea, and Director Hyeon-su Kim of the Toegye Central Library donated a copy of ’70 years of the Dankook University Library (2 volumes)’ that covers the history of the library. In addition, faculty members who have been with the university for 10, 20, or 30 continuous years were recognized at the anniversary ceremony along with professors and administrators who contributed to the advancement of the university.


Unveiling ceremony held for the Dankook History Museum Donor Wall




Alongside Dankook’s Anniversary Ceremony on November 2nd, a ceremony was held in the lobby of the Dankook History Museum on the Jukjeon campus to unveil the Dankook History Museum Donor Wall. Names of all the donors were engraved on a nameplate and placed in the lobby for students to remember the noble cause for which so many people made donations to make the history museum a reality. More than one hundred guests attended the ceremony, including Chairman Choong-sik Chang of the Dankook University Foundation, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, Director Hosung Chang, President Sang-bae Lee of the DKU Alumni Association, DKU Former President Seung-kuk Kim, President Sun-uk Kim of the DKU Faculty Council, Chair Gwang-min Jin of the DKU Labor Union, and university faculty members. “The campaign to collect donations for building the Dankook History Museum started in 2016, ahead of the university’s 70th anniversary based on a consensus for the need to have such an institution,” said professor Seung-wan Roh, head of the Office of External Affairs. He noted that “construction was completed thanks to the valuable contributions from over 1,300 professors, staff, alumni, and students, including Chairman Choong-sik Chang, Director Hosung Chang, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, and President Sang-bae Lee of the DKU Alumni Association.” Professor Roh went on to express his gratitude by adding that “[we] prepared this unveiling ceremony so the next generation of students can remember the noble cause for which so many people extended their hearts and kind generosity.” The Dankook History Museum opened on November 1st of last year and offers a holistic view on the past 73 years of the university. Standing six stories tall (total floor area of 5,432㎡), the museum consists of a wide range of facilities, including the University History Museum, convention hall, MOU office, museum collection storage, administrative offices, meeting rooms, a café, and parking lot.


“Smart Dankook” embarks on education innovation including implementation of a cloud-based learning management system




Dankook University is stepping up its efforts for ‘untact’ (no contact) education innovation and is setting up a cloud-based LMS. It has set out on a journey to implement a new education infrastructure for effective online learning that has been expedited due to COVID-19. Leading the ‘future-like’ untact education innovation for universities Building 30 recording classrooms for efficient online classes in the fall semester Learning lessons that solely offering face-to-face classes is no longer viable in university education, Dankook University is renewing our campus with digital-based automatic recording classrooms and Active Learning Classrooms (ALC). Automatic recording classrooms are equipped with video recording and editing facilities so professors can convert their lectures directly into online contents. Around 30 classrooms were built during the summer, with a second phase of expansion plans coming up. Active Learning Classrooms look like something you would find in a university from the future and have been in the Korean media spotlight as a leading step in pursuing educational innovation. The person behind this accomplishment is none other than Dr. Jung-chul Park of Dankook’s School of Dentistry who is well known as Korea’s first Google Innovator. Last January, Park attracted attention when he streamed a periodontal surgery live on YouTube for second-year medical school students to observe. Park, who has challenged the perception of conventional medical education based on apprenticeships, serves as an innovator in education, breaking down long-standing barriers in college education by designing creative learning environments. “The ALC classrooms have 80 Chromebooks installed with trapezoid shaped desks, fitting for teamwork assignments and offering a creative learning environment,” explains Park who added that “using a smartphone camera to show students actual surgical procedures is much more effective than learning how to stitch through textbooks or apprenticeships.” Dankook University is spearheading efforts to develop various forms of learning and to build a college model based on smart learning in order to nurture the next-generation talent needed by the fourth industrial revolution. 1.15 billion KRW invested in implementing cloud-based LMS…40TB cloud server put in place Dankook University offers over five thousand courses each year. Last year, less than 2% of these courses were held online. However, now efforts to expand online courses and build the necessary infrastructure are actively being carried out, not only to respond to COVID-19 but also to prepare for the post-pandemic era. Accordingly, DKU’s Innovation Institute for Future Education is in its final stages of implementing a ‘cloud-based learning management system (LMS),’ a project for which 1.15 billion KRW was assigned this year. While it was overwhelming to open even 100 online courses just 6 months ago, now we have put in place a system that can provide all DKU courses online. Twelve web servers and a 40-terabyte cloud server have been secured to set up the cloud system needed for LMS operations. Key features include: △services for various OS systems and multiple devices (mobile, tablet, etc.), △attendance system for online learning, △alignment with plagiarism prevention system, △compatibility with Google Classroom, △exclusive mobile app and alert features, △team project support, and △free discussions and real-time chats. The cloud-based LMS is scheduled to open on August 24th at http://nlms.dankook.ac.kr . Four levels of combined online and offline classes to be offered in the fall semester, “Be sure to check class formats for each course using the Schedule Assistant prior to registering” Dankook University announced its plans for the fall 2020 semester based on outlines that include both online and offline classes. Classes will be carried out in four levels: △ Online classes 1 (all online), △Online classes 2 (combination of prerecorded videos and real-time remote lectures), △Blended classes (biweekly rotation of online and offline classes), and △In-person classes (all offline). Course formats were determined based on lecture size and characteristics and were announced through the Schedule Assistant ahead of course registrations. This allows professors and students to prepare for the upcoming semester according to their course formats. Lab, practice, studio, and design courses with fewer than 40 students enrolled will be conducted face-to-face while practicing safety procedures thoroughly. However, when the government raises social distancing measures due to further spread of COVID-19, blended classes and in-person classes will also switch to online mode. Taking into account the unique circumstances triggered by COVID-19, midterms, finals, and other student evaluations will be conducted in phases depending on the severity and degree of prevention and control measures (social distancing levels 1~3). Tests will be carried out as follows: △Level 1 (both offline/online tests), △Level 2 (courses with more than 30 enrolled students - all online tests), and △Level 3 (all online tests). Other evaluations will be differentiated as △Level 1~2 (relative grading with increased A grade section) and △Level 3 (absolute grading). From mobile student ID cards to unlimited mail (Gmail) and Google Drive services, DKU goes digital Dankook’s IT Planning (IT4U) Center will start offering Google mail (Gmail) services including access to Google Classroom, unlimited email accounts, and Google Drive to all Dankook members starting August 18. This will give professors and students alike a flexible online learning environment for blending online and offline classes. This service is being provided as part of the Smart Campus program that kicked off earlier in April. The Smart Campus program aims at building a smart internet learning environment focused on students to foster talent needed for the fourth industrial revolution. Specific services include: △mobile student ID cards (NFC mobile student ID, QR Code-based mobile student ID), △library entry/exit control system (seat assignment system, book borrowing/return system, etc.), △dormitory entry/exit control system, △integrated security system for on-campus buildings, △electronic attendance system, △tuition payment system using virtual accounts, △Google mail services, and △mobile app renewal and system alignment. In addition, the center is also expanding areas with Wi-Fi connection to allow lectures to be accessed from anywhere on campus as long as you have a tablet PC or mobile device.


[Interview] NEWSIS interview with DKU President Soo-bok Kim,




NEWSIS sat down with Dankook University President Soo-bok Kim for a 1-year anniversary interview, this time under the theme, “The Post-Corona Digital Renaissance”. The interview was part of NEWSIS coverage on Kim’s blueprint for a ‘digital renaissance in university education during the post-coronavirus era.’ It shed light on Kim’s proactive leadership based on communication and affection toward the university and his efforts to design a creative learning environment as universities stand at a crossroads of change triggered by the fourth industrial revolution. The following is the full article. [NEWSIS August 13, 2020 / Reporters Jun-gu Lee, Jong-taek Kim, Jeong-hun Shin] Last semester, Dankook University President Soo-bok Kim was given a task no one has had to handle before; moving over 5,000 of the university’s courses online due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. “The challenges faced by universities due to COVID-19 are about practicing preventive and safety measures in the face of this severely contagious disease, as well as protecting our students’ right to learn,” stressed Kim who shared plans to “build the perfect remote learning infrastructure that includes a 40-terabyte cloud server and e-learning systems.” Kim, a graduate of Dankook University’s Department of Korean Language and Literature, became the first DKU alumnus to be appointed university president in its 73-year history. As he reaches the end of his first year in office, Kim is determined to make Dankook a pioneer of the ‘Digital Renaissance’ as online classes, which started amid worries, have now become the norm in colleges and as the field of education moves toward online learning all around the post-corona world. "I believe moving quickly, instead of staying in one place, and being open - interacting with other tribes - are what made it possible for Genghis Khan to conquer the world. Now, colleges will also move beyond classroom walls toward a new way of online education where students can roam freely across fields of knowledge like digital nomads,” said Kim. He added that “[we] will develop ways to learn without being restricted by physical space and build various education programs which will be leveraged to promote credit exchange programs and joint projects with other universities abroad.” Dankook University’s Emergency Committee is already studying potential issues surrounding online classes such as reduced student concentration and fairness in evaluations. As demonstrated in such preemptive responses, DKU has proven to have a strong commitment to become the most competitive university in higher education in the post-pandemic world. Learning from the COVID-19 experience that ‘face-to-face’ teaching and learning is no longer effective in college education, Kim shared his vision to turn lectures given by professors directly into online contents by implementing digital-based active learning classrooms (ALC) and installing recording and editing facilities in 30 of the university’s multimedia classrooms in order to take the lead in the fourth industrial revolution. He also spoke of Dr. Jung-chul Park of the School of Dentistry who is widely known as the first Google Innovator in Korea. Kim explained how Dr. Park is tearing down the existing walls in college education and innovating in the field by taking advantage of technology to promote creative learning. A case in point would be a periodontal surgery performed by Dr. Park that was streamed live on YouTube. When asked about how college education is on the brink of a crisis, he talked about Dankook’s preparations to set up a smart and internet-based learning environment demanded by the current industrial revolution as the world enters fiercer competition. He mentioned practical training demanded by society, student-centered curriculum, and smart learning conditions as the three key innovations needed in Dankook’s strategy for survival and further growth. Kim foresaw the expansion of online learning early on when first being appointed as university president. Last October, he made a visit to Arizona State University (ASU) which has one of the most innovative college models in the U.S. It was a benchmark trip to see first-hand how ASU changed trends in U.S. higher education by introducing its innovative online learning model ‘EdPlus.’ Upon returning, the university’s heart and soul were put into developing DanAI, Dankook’s academic counseling chatbot, based on what was learned during the visit to offer advanced services such as acting as an advisor to students for everything from academics to employment. “[We] have set goals to create an IT-based, student-centric education system as part of the education innovation strategy implemented to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution and the post-pandemic era, focusing on the how and what aspects of classes,” said Kim. He also stressed that “instead of relying only on lecture videos and lesson plans, [the university] will actively adopt flipped learning where knowledge is recreated through group discussions and outcomes are cross evaluated among classmates.” Kim also spoke of a modular curriculum that is underway to allow students to build their own curriculums and study in line with their interests and career paths rather than being confined by academic borders set up when committing to a single major. Dankook University’s exclusive ‘Young-Woong free semester (Young熊 Story)’ will offer various student support services for career planning, studying majors, general counseling, and potential career opportunities as part of the flexible study program. For example, a student interested in self-driving vehicles can take a mechanics course from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a course on electrical equipment offered by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering to shape a personalized portfolio. Such endeavors led to Dankook’s achievement of being selected as a university leader for K-MOOC, the Korean massive open online course project. Dankook ranks fourth for developing the most online contents for K-MOOC among Korean universities and announced its plans to actively utilize it for general education of undergraduate students. In addition, Dankook was named a participant for the second phase of the Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation (LINC+) project, being funded as much as 13.5 billion KRW over a period of three years. DKU has already been acknowledged for its excellence in entrepreneurship education as it was named to represent universities in the Seoul metropolitan area as one of only two universities among the 55 LINC+ members nationwide to serve as a ‘Startup Training Hub Center,’ not to mention being selected as a leading startup university for six consecutive years. "As Dankook, a university founded by a Korean independence activist, commemorates its 73rd anniversary, I feel it is the mission of the current generation to spark a Digital Renaissance. Dankook was the first four-year private university to be established following Korea’s independence from Japanese colonial rule, so we feel a sense of responsibility to live up to our experience. When society calls, we will answer. And as part of our hard-working efforts to respond to society’s demands, we will aim to revive humanism by making education smart and digital. I will also do my part so Dankook University can create meaningful value in opening a new chapter for college education in the post-corona era highlighted as the ‘Digital Renaissance,” said Kim as he ended the interview. DKU President Soo-bok Kim entered Dankook University’s Department of Korean Language and Literature in 1974 and has been a poet since making his literary debut in 1975. He was appointed Professor of Korean Literature at DKU in 1985 and has served in posts such as the Provost, Dean of the College of Arts, and Vice President of DKU Cheonan Campus. He has written 15 books which include books of poetry and essays on poetry, a theory on cultural contents, as well as the first Korean critical biography of Yun Dong-ju.


Graduation performance of musical majors and “tomorrow’s musical stars” receive a ‘standing ovation’




“Maintaining caution in such tough times, we have prepared what should be one of the most celebrated performances. We ask for your warm support and hope you enjoy the performance that was made possible, despite so many difficulties, thanks to the passion of our students.” This was the special opening by student advisor and professor Jeong-han Kim on June 29th at the graduation performance of seniors majoring in musicals at Dankook’s School of Theater and Film that was held at the Baekam Art Hall in Seoul. It was a message asking for support and encouragement for students who prepared the performance with passion despite the current conditions where many cultural events are being discouraged due to COVID-19. The performance was a spectacle that fascinated the audience of more than 400 people who filled the performance hall. Thirty-five students were split up into six teams which each put on a 30-minute performance. Even though the entire program lasted over 3 hours, there was not a single moment for the audience to feel bored thanks to the stunning singing performances and dazzling dance numbers that filled the stage. Not only were there scores from famous Korean and international musicals, such as ‘Wicked’, ‘Rent’, ‘Mozart’, and ‘Kinky Boots,’ but also fusion performances that blended in “Trot” music were performed by students who showed off their individual talent and production skills. Students shed tears every time a performance ended as they lowered the curtain on their college life while the audience responded with a standing ovation. Members of the musical, film, and music industries also attended the performance, which was fittingly titled ‘SHOW 2020 Showcase,’ to preview the talent of the next generation of performers in Korea. The performance was also an opportunity to witness the power of ‘K-CULTURE’ which has recently been sweeping the world. Foreign students Jiyean Chow (China) and Victoria (Malaysia) who came to Dankook in hopes of becoming a musical performer were also highly praised by the audience. “My dream of becoming a musical actress is what brought me here to Korea from Malaysia,” said Victoria who performed ‘Always Starting Over’ from the musical If/Then and overwhelmingly added that “the time I spent at Dankook University with outstanding professors, colleagues, and fellow classmates has made my life shine.” The performance was held in compliance with all COVID-19 safety procedures including temperature checks, mandatory hand sanitization, and attendees obligated to wear masks at all times during the performance. The performance was broadcast live on YouTube and also received acclaim from those who were unable to attend in person. ▼ SHOW 2020 쇼케이스 공연 실황


MOU with Siemens to 'Nurture Future Engineers for Smart Manufacturing Together’




Dankook University is partnering with Siemens Digital Industries Software (Country Manager: Byung-joon Oh) to foster professional talent in smart manufacturing and plants to lead Korea’s manufacturing industries. Smart Manufacturing and Plants refers to an automated system where digital solutions are applied across all areas of manufacturing from design to manufacturing to distribution in order to enhance efficiency. To this end, the two organizations held an MOU signing ceremony on June 30 at Dankook’s Beomjeong Hall on the Jukjeon campus. There, Siemens Digital Industries Software provided DKU with 50 ‘3D Modeling and Simulation’ solution sets that include Simcenter 3D Academic Bundles and 3 other software programs. The software not only uses modeling but also simulation tools to learn performance evaluation and machine programming, which enable students to gain insight on overall product manufacturing. The solution is already contributing to smart manufacturing in the digital age and innovation in plant engineering. DKU will take the solutions to improve the quality of engineering education at the university and leverage it for online and offline programs that will be available for current students and faculty members. The university also plans to issue certificates to students who have successfully completed all courses. The two organizations will also develop an educational program and teaching material together based on the software. Founded in 1847, Siemens is a Germany-based global company with around 380 thousand employees across more than 200 countries and annual revenues of 86.8 billion Euros (117 trillion KRW). Siemens Digital Industries Software is its industrial software arm that offers integrated solutions that cover all areas from design to services. It leads the effort to enhance production efficiency of manufacturing players by sharpening their manufacturing competitiveness with smart manufacturing and smart plants. DKU President Soo-bok Kim, Executive Vice President for External Affairs Sooncheol An, professor Seung-wan Roh, Head of the Office of External Affairs, Director Sung-han Lim of the Innovation Institute for Future Education, Director Seong-jae Bae of the Smart Manufacturing Industrial Center and other university officials, as well as Country Manager Byung-joon Oh of Siemens Digital Industries Software and representatives of the company, including Bong-am Kim (Division Head), Soo-ah Lee (Department Head), Ye-seul Park (Professional), and Chiwon Lee (Director) attended the MOU signing ceremony. “The MOU will accelerate the effort to nurture leading talent tailored to the domestic manufacturing industry,” said DKU President Soo-bok Kim who also added that “the donated software will be utilized in various training programs to facilitate the improvement of job skills of our students and faculty.”


DKU signs MOU with Bentley Systems, joining hands to ‘foster engineering design experts’




Bentley Systems donates 50 engineering design and analysis SW programs worth 80.1 billion KRW The computer lab in room 501 of the College of Engineering Building 1 set up as a venue for developing engineering design capabilities Dankook University has joined hands with multinational engineering software solution provider Bentley Systems (Kim Ducksup, Head of the Korea Office) to foster engineering design specialists to lead the fourth industrial revolution. On May 19th, the two parties held an MOU signing ceremony at Beomjeong Hall on Dankook’s Jukjeon campus. At the ceremony, Bentley Systems donated 50 engineering design and analysis software programs worth 80.1 billion KRW. The software are educational solutions that can be used for engineering/analysis of digital-based 2D/3D designs that are needed for basic work in engineering fields such as civil engineering, architectural engineering and mechanical engineering. Dankook plans to use these solutions not only to improve the quality of engineering education but also to issue certificates for those who complete online courses offered through the ‘Bentley LEARN server.’ Bentley Systems (based in Philadelphia) is a global firm founded in 1984 that has offices in more than 50 countries with annual revenues of 600 million dollars. The company provides the world’s leading software solutions in design, construction, operations, and maintenance for large capital projects such as for roads, airports, and high-rise buildings. The ceremony was attended by DKU President Soo-bok Kim and university officials, including Executive Vice President Soon-cheol Ahn for External Affairs, professor Seung-wan Roh, Head of the Office of External Affairs, Director Sung-han Lim of the Innovation Institute for Future Education, professor Boosik Kang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and professor Wanjei Cho, Head of the LINC+ Education Center for Incumbents, as well as Director Ducksup Kim and Manager Yena Hong from Bentley Systems Korea. “We will be able to step up our efforts in nurturing skilled talent and engineering design experts through this agreement,” said DKU President Soo-bok Kim, who also added that “the donated software will be used to educate students and faculty members and is sure to help strengthen their skills.”


Professor Young-seok Song (Fiber System Engineering major) develops photosynthetic cell battery with nearly 20 times higher efficiency




Professor Young-seok Song (Fiber Systems Engineering) used algae to develop a photosynthetic cell battery with nearly 20 times higher efficiency than before. His study, entitled “A broadband multiplex living solar cell” with corresponding author Young-seok Song, was recently published. Recognized for its excellence, Professor Song’s research was published in the online edition of Nano Letters (impact factor: 12.279), an international scientific journal for nanoscience and nanotechnology, and was also introduced on the cover of its print edition. Sunlight absorbed by algae drifting on water surfaces is an excellent source of electric energy. Placing algae in a photosynthetic electron extraction system can convert solar energy into electric power. The electric power extracted from algae this way is globally in the spotlight as a sustainable and eco-friendly energy source with various studies currently underway; however, most studies have been limited to low energy efficiency and certain visible wavelengths. Professor Song used gold nanoparticles and zinc oxide nanorods to develop a ‘hybrid nanostructure.’ Combined with the photosynthetic electron extraction system based on cyanobacteria, Song succeeded in extracting energy with around 17 times more density in wider bands than existing plant cells. “Various technologies such as nanotechnology, optical technology, biotechnology and energy converged to develop a high-density energy cell system that works in broadband,” explained professor Song who also added that “even though it may not be commercialized immediately, [I am] looking forward to this study serving as a foundation for research in developing technology for photovoltaic conversions.” This study was carried out with the support of the National Research Foundation of Korea and the Gyeonggi Regional Research Center (GRRC).


Face-to-face classes begin for lab, field experience, and practical courses




Face-to-face classes begin for lab, field experience, and practical courses…"placing safety as a top priority" “Today we will begin with a basic plié move we learned while distance learning.” It is twelve thirty in the afternoon on Monday, April 20th. The basic ballet technique class is in full swing in room 402 of the Jukjeon campus Dance Hall. The six students participating in the class are all freshmen who joined the department this year. As the professor calls through the drill, students perform basic moves learned during remote learning. When a movement is not executed properly, the professor demonstrates the move and helps students make corrections. “This is the first time I've come to school since becoming a university student. Everything is still new to me but I'm excited and motivated to finally be in an actual classroom,” said Do-gyeong Kim, a freshman majoring in ballet in the Department of Dance. Classes are taking place while strictly observing COVID-19 preventive guidelines. Students must first fill out an online questionnaire on their current conditions prior to attending classes. People entering buildings such as the Dance Hall or Music Hall, where face-to-face classes are taking place, are obligated to undergo fever checks and sanitize their hands before entering. Students must not only wear masks during classes but also maintain a certain distance between each other. “It is normally a class of 12 students but we have split the class into two groups of six. Learning the basics is essential for performance arts classes like ours and seeing the students in person makes it possible to instruct them with more precision than through distance learning,” said Professor Sobin Choi (Ballet, Dept. of Dance) who is in charge of the class. Dankook University has strived to make improvements in remote learning by identifying issues through class evaluations and satisfaction surveys. It found there is a limit to how much can be done online for lab, field experience, and practical courses and decided to start offline classes for these courses. Instructors and professors for each course and a special committee desigated for the process held closed discussions to determine which lab, field experience, and practical courses to hold in person. As a result, 322 of the 4,920 undergraduate courses have been selected to start face-to-face classes. On April 11th and 12th, all buildings on campus were cleaned and disinfected in order to prepare for the opening of classrooms. In addition, the classrooms where actual courses take place will go through separate disinfection and sanitizing procedures every night.


4 Chinese educational institutions, including Shandong University of Arts and Dankook's Chinese alumni, donate 4,000 face masks




Cross-border 'friendship' blooms in the age of the coronavirus 4 Chinese educational institutions, including Shandong University of Arts and Dankook's Chinese alumni, donate 4,000 face masks Four thousand face masks and a touching handwritten letter were delivered to the Office of International Affairs in support of Dankookites. Behind the special gift were Shandong University of Arts and 3 other Chinese educational institutions (Peking University’s Overseas Study Program, Yanzhiyu’s Language Center and Northwestern Polytechnical High School), along with Chinese alumni couples Gao Yang and Sun Meng (Dept. of Dance at Dankook’s Graduate School) and Zhuo Yan and Seonghyeon Yun (Dept. of Sports Science at Dankook’s Graduate School). Earlier in March, the four educational institutions first contacted the Office of International Affairs to express wishes to donate masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Chinese local educational institutions that took part in the donation are organizations that have been working closely with Dankook University in international cultural and mobility exchanges across various fields. With more than 170 Chinese students entering temporary living facilities and hearing news of how difficult it was to buy masks in Korea as the coronavirus rapidly spread, the group proposed donating masks. Gao Yang wrote in the letter that “(we) wanted to do our part in helping our alma mater which is undergoing tough times due to the novel coronavirus. We have been touched by how Dankook has managed the crisis until every single foreign student was released healthy from temporary facilities,” and added that “studying abroad can be lonely and tough, so (we) wanted to express our gratitude to the members of the Office of International Affairs for being there for these students.” Meanwhile, the masks were delivered in front of the International Hall on Monday, April 13th. The masks will be handed out to all international students and currently enrolled students who entered dormitories beginning on Friday, April 17th.


First YouTube live stream with DKU President attracts 10 thousand views




First streaming session records 10 thousand views, peaking at 1,800 concurrent viewers and gaining 5,950 subscribers DKU President’s words of encouragement and support for new Dankook members…widely welcomed by freshmen 'Danggul Live' on Dankook University's official YouTube channel invited Dankook University’s President to a live streaming session to talk to the 5,037 (2,540 in Jukjeon, 2,497 in Cheonan) freshmen starting their college life via distant learning. The first live stream, with contents for Dankook's newest members, took place at five thirty in the afternoon on March 26th and has recorded over 10 thousand views. The highest number of viewers at a given time was 1,800 as of 10 am on March 27th. Instead of a formal orientation and matriculation ceremony, the conversation was tailored for YouTube and grabbed the attention of viewers with relevant communication for new Dankookites. It offered freshmen information on the overall academic calendar, campus details, student clubs, student cafeterias, the hottest places to eat near campus, and even dating tips. The live streaming session with DKU President Soo-bok Kim, Jukjeon campus Student Union President Seon-woo Min (Senior, Department of Applied Statistics) and Cheonan campus Student Union President Min-ho Kim (Senior, Department of Chinese Language) included a Q & A session, in addition to special events for viewers. Prizes such as an AirPod Pro (1 person) and mobile coupons for fried chicken (100 people) were given to select freshmen who sent in acrostic poems using 'Dankook University' or who took part in the pop quiz. Excitement was added as the streaming also included congratulatory messages from alumni, including Seoul Mayor Won Soon Park (Department of History, entered in 1979), history lecturer Min-seok Seol (Department of Theater and Film, entered in 1994), and actor Hae-soo Park (Department of Theater and Film, entered in 2000). “These are tough times for us due to COVID-19, but we should gather our intellect to overcome this crisis,” said DKU President Soo-bok Kim who also added that “although we cannot gather together on campus for the time being, (I) will do my utmost to continue communicating with students regularly through YouTube Live.” Meanwhile, the YouTube broadcast for freshmen can be viewed again on Dankook University's official YouTube channel. The second live stream is scheduled to air at 5:30 pm on April 9th.


Dankook selected to lead the 2020 Initial Startup Support Package program…




Designated as a 'Leading University for Startups' every year since 2014, to receive 6.9 billion KRW in funds over the next 3 years Achieved cumulative revenues of 55 billion KRW and attracted investments of 4.2 billion KRW over the past 3 years Dankook University was named the lead organization for the Ministry of SMEs and Startups’ ‘2020 Initial Startup Support Package.’ DKU has been a part of the Ministry's startup support program for seven consecutive years since first being designated as a ‘Leading University for Startups (former name of the Initial Startup Support Package)' in 2014, reaffirming its position as an innovative base for entrepreneurship in Gyeonggi Province. The university will be sponsored 6.9 billion KRW over the next 3 years and plans to nurture student entrepreneurs and new business founders to contribute to fostering new industries in Korea. During the past 6 years, DKU has transformed into a 'startup-friendly campus' with more than 17 thousand students taking part in the 500 or so courses offered by the university related to establishing businesses. With over 1,000 students participating in student clubs for startups, the university hosts a 'Festival for Student Startup Clubs' each year to promote their pilot products and also attract investments. Moreover, efforts have been made in connection with the local community to address difficulties faced by 'the entrepreneurially unprivileged' including the K-Startup Academy for immigrants and multi-cultural families, startup training and support for North Korean defectors, partnership programs with schools for the disabled, and a startup contest for universities in Yongin City, just to name a few. There have been tangible results since 2018 such as cumulative revenues of 55 billion KRW, the creation of over 450 jobs, 1.2 billion KRW in exports, and achieving 4.2 billion KRW in investments. The university plans to leverage the foundation for startups built by Dankook to cooperate with other organizations in the province such as the Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy & Innovation and the Gyeonggi Business & Science Accelerator to leap forward as a true startup hub in the Gyeonggi region. DKU will help with financing to attract direct investments for businesses early on, incubate experts for the fourth industrial revolution, and diversify inroads to global markets. “The goal of this year's program is to materialize 'Win-win Glocal Startups' as part of the university's 'Dynamic Dankook 2027' vision,” said Ki-hoon Yum, head of Dankook's Startup Support Foundation, who went on to share aspirations to “go beyond startups and also develop unicorn companies and star venture businesses that can build various new growth engines for the future.”
