한규동 | 의과대학 의예과
단국대학교 미생물학과를 2000년에 졸업한 후, 동대학원에서 손승렬 교수님의 지도하에 Phenanthrene을 분해하는 Sphingomonas의 특성과 계통 유전학적 연구로 석사학위를 하였고, 미국 바톤루지에 있는 Louisiana State University 생물학과에서 Dr. Batzer의 지도하에 인간과 침팬지 종에서 레트로트렌스포존에 의해 유발되는 유전체 유동성에 관한 연구로 3년만에 박사학위를 취득하였습니다. 박사학위 과정 동안 루이지에나 주립대에서 기초생물학실험, 생화학 실험, 그리고 분자 유전학을 가르쳤으며, 2006년 생물학과에서 매년 단 한 명에게만 주어지는 William H. Gates (Teaching Excellence) award를 받았습니다. 동실험실에서 박사 후 연구과정으로 3년 재직하였고, 이 과정동안 두편의 science 논문을 포함해 총 11편의 SCI논문을 발표하였습니다. 이러한 연구성과 때문에 2007년 과학기술부로부터 "미래를 여는 우수 과학자 10인"에 선정되었습니다. 2009년 7월 두번째 박사 후 연구과정으로 텍사스 어스틴 대학에 분자 유전학/미생물학과 Dr. Sawyer lab에 합류하였고, 이곳에선 레트로바이러스들에 의해 감염된 세포의 세포질에서 레트로바이러스의 감염을 저해하는 유전자와 단백질을 연구하였습니다. 이후 2010년 9월부터 단국대학교 생명과학부 미생물학과 교수로 재직 중입니다.
2012.01 ~ 현재: DTiNa (DKU-Theragen institute for NGS analysis) 연구소장
2019.06 ~ 현재: 바이오의료공학 핵심연구지원센터 센터장
2019.09 ~ 2024.02: 단국대학교 천안캠퍼스 공동기기센터 센터장
2021.07 ~ 2024.02: 미래융합연구원 원장
2021.10 ~ 현재: (주)휴앤바이옴 최고 기술 책임자(CTO)
2023.02 ~ 현재: Genes & Genomics 편집장(Editor-in-Chief)
2024.04 ~ 현재: DCIC (DKU-COSMAX Innobeauty Center) 센터장
2024.09 ~ 2025.08: J1-Research Scholar (Faculty) at University of Florida, USA
[주요 수상]
2006. William H. Gates Award for Teaching Excellence, 루이지애나 주립대학교
2007. 미래를 여는 우수과학자 10인, 부총리 겸 과학기술부장관상
2021. 산학협력 유공표창, 부총리 겸 교육부장관상
2022. 범은학술상(연구업적부문), 단국대학교
2024. 한국유전학회 생명과학자상
- [2000] 학사 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) / 미생물학
- [2002] 석사 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) / 미생물학 / 미생물학
- [2006] 박사 Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural and Mechanical College / 생물학과 / 생물정보학
- Louisiana State University (2006-08-01)
- University of Texas Austin (2009-07-01)
인간 및 영장류 유전체 불안정성
레트로트렌스포존을 이용한 계통 분석학
비교 유전체학과 군집 유전학
암 유전체학
분자진단 키트 개발
Next-Generation Sequencing (Whole genome sequencing, Exome sequencing, transcriptome, and Metagenomics)
Skin Microbiome 및 디지털 플랫폼
컨설팅 가능 분야
유전자 마커 개발
레트로트렌스포존에 관련된 질병 탐지
생물정보학 프로그램 개발
- 일반논문[20241201] Dietary Bacillus spp. supplementation to both sow and progenies improved post-weaning growth rate, gut function, and reduce the pro-inflammatory cytokine production in weaners challenged with Escherichia coli K88
- 일반논문[20241201] Characteristics of Malassezia furfur at various pH and effects of Malassezia lipids on skin cells
- 일반논문[20241201] Shared alleles and genetic structures in different Thai domestic cat breeds: the possible influence of common racial origins
- 일반논문[20241115] Microalgae: a multifaceted catalyst for sustainable solutions in renewable energy, food security, and environmental management
- 일반논문[20241101] Effect of Helicobacter pylori on sleeve gastrectomy and gastric microbiome differences in patients with obesity and diabetes
- 일반논문[20241001] Purposive breeding strategies drive genetic differentiation in Thai fighting cock breeds
- 일반논문[20240925] Weak purifying selection in allelic diversity of the ADSL gene in indigenous and local chicken breeds and red junglefowl in Thailand
- 일반논문[20240921] Metabolome Shift in Centella asiatica Leaves Induced by the Novel Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium, Priestia megaterium HyangYak-01
- 일반논문[20240906] Development of an Effective Microalgae Cultivation System Utilizing CO2 in the Air by Injecting CaCO3
- 일반논문[20240817] Exploring oral bacterial compositional network in two oral disease groups using a convergent approach of NGS‑molecular diagnostics
- 일반논문[20240701] Genome-wide sequence divergence of satellite DNA could underlie meiotic failure in male hybrids of bighead catfish and North African catfish (Clarias, Clariidae)
- 일반논문[20240601] Optimizing Bangkaew dog breed identification using DNA technology
- 일반논문[20240506] Questioning inbreeding: Could outbreeding affect productivity in the North African catfish in Thailand?
- 일반논문[20240401] Research Note: Possible influence of thermal selection on patterns of HSP70 and HSP90 gene polymorphisms in Thai indigenous and local chicken breeds and red junglefowls
- 일반논문[20240401] Comparative whole genome analysis of face-derived Streptococcus infantis CX-4 unravels the functions related to skin barrier
- 일반논문[20240328] Multilocus sequence typing and antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas isolated from freshwater fish in Hebei Province
- 일반논문[20240211] A Glance into the Destiny of Transcriptomic Activity, Embodied by the HOX Genes, in Neonatal and Aging Dermal Cells
- 일반논문[20240112] Disclosing the hidden nucleotide sequences: a journey into DNA barcoding of raptor species in public repositories
- 일반논문[20240111] Genetic insights: mapping sex‑specific loci in Siamese cobra (Naja kaouthia) sheds light on the putative sex determining region
- 일반논문[20240111] Skin benefits of postbiotics derived from Micrococcus luteus derived from human skin: an untapped potential for dermatological health
- 일반논문[20231229] Comparison of microbial molecular diagnosis efficiency within unstable template metagenomic DNA samples between qRT-PCR and chip-based digital PCR platforms
- 일반논문[20231229] Genome-wide SNP analysis provides insights into the XX/XY sexdetermination system in silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus)
- 일반논문[20231208] Marine-derived Ca-Mg complex influences lipid and glucose metabolism, serum metabolites, colostrum profile, and stress hormone in sows over four-parity periods
- 일반논문[20231203] Alterations in gastric and gut microbiota following sleeve gastrectomy in high fat diet induced obese rats
- 일반논문[20231201] StringFix an annotation guided transcriptome assembler improves the recovery of amino acid sequences from RNA Seq reads
- 일반논문[20231201] Hi-C sequencing unravels dynamic three-dimensional chromatin interactions in muntjac lineage: insights from chromosome fusions in Fea's muntjac genome
- 일반논문[20231128] Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K (HML-2)-Related Genetic Variation: Human Genome Diversity and Disease
- 일반논문[20231101] Dermatobacter hominis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Iamiaceae, revealed the potential utilisation of skin‑derived metabolites
- 일반논문[20231004] Genetic admixture and diversity in Thai domestic chickens revealed through analysis of Lao Pa Koi fighting cocks
- 일반논문[20231001] MicrosatNavigator: exploring nonrandom distribution and lineage-specificity of microsatellite repeat motifs on vertebrate sex chromosomes across 186 whole genomes
- 일반논문[20230929] Overcoming taxonomic challenges in DNA barcoding for improvement of identification and preservation of clariid catfish species
- 일반논문[20230925] Optimizing Microsatellite Marker Panels for Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Studies: An Ant Colony Algorithm Approach with Polymorphic Information Content
- 일반논문[20230807] Comparison of genetic variation between primary colorectal cancer and metastatic peritoneal cancer
- 일반논문[20230801] Emerging importance of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) and north African catfish (C. gariepinus) as a bioresource and their genomic perspective
- 일반논문[20230630] Comparison of digital PCR platforms using the molecular marker
- 일반논문[20230610] Environmental and Socio–Cultural Factors Impacting the Unique Gene Pool Pattern of Mae Hong-Son Chicken
- 일반논문[20230501] Mucosal immunization with lactiplantibacillus plantarum-displaying recombinant SARS-CoV-2 epitopes on the surface induces humoral and mucosal immune responses in mice
- 일반논문[20230401] Should the Identification Guidelines for Siamese Crocodiles Be Revised? Differing Post-Occipital Scute Scale Numbers Show Phenotypic Variation Does Not Result from Hybridization with Saltwater Crocodiles
- 일반논문[20230401] Thai Local Chicken Breeds, Chee Fah and Fah Luang, Originated from Chinese Black-Boned Chicken with Introgression of Red Junglefowl and Domestic Chicken Breeds
- 일반논문[20230331] Effective microbial molecular diagnosis of periodontitis-related pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis from salivary samples using rgpA gene
- 일반논문[20230301] Understanding the bacterial compositional network associations between oral and gut microbiome within healthy Koreans
- 일반논문[20230301] Genome-Wide Pathway Exploration of the Epidermidibacterium keratini EPI-7T
- 일반논문[20230301] Effects of fermented soybean meal supplementation on the growth performance and apparent total tract digestibility by modulating the gut microbiome of weaned piglets
- 일반논문[20230201] Efficacy and Safety of Epidermidibacterium Keratini EPI-7 Derived Postbiotics in Skin Aging: A Prospective Clinical Study
- 일반논문[20230101] Asian Elephant Evolutionary Relationships: New Perspectives from Mitochondrial D-Loop Haplotype Diversity
- 일반논문[20230101] Tributyrin and anise mixture supplementation improves growth performance, nutrient digestibility, jejunal villus height, and fecal microbiota in weaned pigs
- 일반논문[20230101] Quality control of fighting fish nucleotide sequences in public repositories reveals a dark matter of systematic taxonomic implication
- 일반논문[20221201] Nourishing neonatal piglets with synthetic milk and Lactobacillus sp. at birth highly modifies the gut microbial communities at the post-weaning stage
- 일반논문[20221201] Impact of Artificial Colostrum Supplement on the Growth Performance and Blood Profile in Piglets
- 일반논문[20221001] Human Retrotransposons and Effective Computational Detection Methods for Next-Generation Sequencing Data
- 일반논문[20221001] The inflammatory signature in monocytes of Sjogren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus, revealed by the integrated Reactome and drug target analysis
- 일반논문[20220901] Inclusion of non-toxic sulfur in the diet positively affects daily growth, serum lipid profile and meat quality in finishing pigs
- 일반논문[20220701] The Time Sequence of Gene Expression Changes after Spinal Cord Injury
- 일반논문[20220601] Comparison of the oral microbial composition between healthy individuals and periodontitis patients in different oral sampling sites using 16S metagenome profiling
- 일반논문[20220601] Alu RNA induces NLRP3 expression through TLR7 activation in alpha-1-antitrypsin-deficient macrophages
- 일반논문[20220601] Whole-exome sequencing reveals rare genetic variations in ovarian cell tumor
- 일반논문[20220501] Rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2 in the point-of-care using digital PCR-based Dr. PCR (TM) Di20K COVID-19 Detection Kit without viral RNA extraction
- 일반논문[20220501] Microarray analysis of lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemia in the cochlea
- 일반논문[20220401] Identification of Potentially Pathogenic Variants Associated with Recurrence in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) Patients Using Whole-Exome Sequencing
- 일반논문[20220401] A Real-Time Detection Device for the Rapid Quantification of Skin Casual Sebum Using the Oil Red O Staining Method
- 일반논문[20220401] Evaluation of Lactobacillus Plantarum Additive on Growth Performance, Excreta Microbiota, Nutrient Digestibility, Gas Emission, and Meat Quality in Ross308-Broilers
- 일반논문[20220301] Impact of yeast hydrolysate (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, noxious gas emission, blood profile, and meat quality of finishing pigs
- 일반논문[20220301] Supplementing volatile-flavour herbal-extract mixture to the diet of sows and their weaned offspring improves the growth performance of weaned piglets
- 일반논문[20220101] A qRT-PCR Method Capable of Quantifying Specific Microorganisms Compared to NGS-Based Metagenome Profiling Data
- 일반논문[20211201] Comparative analysis of human facial skin microbiome between topical sites compared to entire face
- 일반논문[20211101] Diagnostic evaluation of qRT-PCR-based kit and dPCR-based kit for COVID-19
- 일반논문[20211001] A comprehensive analysis of gorilla-specific LINE-1 retrotransposons
- 일반논문[20210901] Investigation of single nucleotide polymorphism in TSH-β and CaSR associated with body weight in Korean native chickens (Gray Brown)
- 일반논문[20210901] High-accuracy quantitative principle of a new compact digital PCR equipment: Lab on an array
- 일반논문[20210810] Nuku, a family of primate retrocopies derived from KU70
- 일반논문[20210801] Clinical usefulness of anti-muscarinic type 3 receptor autoantibodies in patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome
- 일반논문[20210801] Investigation of high correlation with carcass traits of SNPs of the PLCB1, C/EBP alpha, and TDRKH genes and the combinations of SNPs using the MDR method in the Hanwoo
- 일반논문[20210601] Comparative Analysis for Genetic Characterization in Korean Native Jeju Horse
- 일반논문[20210401] A study of transposable element-associated structural variations (TASVs) using a de novo-assembled Korean genome
- 일반논문[20210401] Influence of yeast hydrolysate supplement on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, microflora, gas emission, blood profile, and meat quality in broilers
- 일반논문[20210401] N,N-Dimethyl-4,4 '-azodianiline functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for enhanced sensitivity of nucleic acid amplification tests
- 일반논문[20210401] Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV)-K env Gene Knockout Affects Tumorigenic Characteristics of nupr1 Gene in DLD-1 Colorectal Cancer Cells
- 일반논문[20210302] Label-Free Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Au@MoS2-PANI for Escherichia coli Detection
- 일반논문[20210201] L1 retrotransposons exploit RNA m(6)A modification as an evolutionary driving force
- 일반논문[20210201] Role of Transposable Elements in Gene Regulation in the Human Genome
- 일반논문[20210105] Modulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Electrical Stimulation Using an Enzymatic Biofuel Cell
- 일반논문[20210101] The effect of taxonomic classification by full-length 16S rRNA sequencing with a synthetic long-read technology (vol 11, 1727, 2021)
- 일반논문[20201201] Molecular subtypes of triple-negative breast cancer: understanding of subtype categories and clinical implication
- 일반논문[20201201] The nature of triple-negative breast cancer classification and antitumoral strategies
- 일반논문[20201101] A High Quality Asian Genome Assembly Identifies Features of Common Missing Regions
- 일반논문[20201101] AbaR is a LuxR type regulator essential for motility and the formation of biofilm and pellicle in Acinetobacter baumannii
- 일반논문[20201101] Alpha 1 Antitrypsin-Deficient Macrophages Have Impaired Efferocytosis of Apoptotic Neutrophils
- 일반논문[20201001] A comprehensive analysis of chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes)-specific AluYb8 element
- 일반논문[20200901] A single-tube sample preparation method based on a dual-electrostatic interaction strategy for molecular diagnosis of gram-negative bacteria
- 일반논문[20200801] Investigation of high correlation with carcass traits of SNPs of the PLCB1, C/EBPα, and TDRKH genes and the combinations of SNPs using the MDR method in the Hanwoo
- 일반논문[20200801] Performance comparison of fecal preservative and stock solutions for gut microbiome storage at room temperature
- 일반논문[20200701] Differential expressions of L1-chimeric transcripts in normal and matchedcancer tissues
- 일반논문[20200601] Enhanced Inner-Ear Organoid Formation from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Photobiomodulation
- 일반논문[20200401] Application of NanoString Technologies in angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma
- 일반논문[20200301] Quantitative evaluation of the molecular marker using droplet digital PCR
- 일반논문[20200201] Genetic risk of extranodal natural killer T-cell lymphoma: a genome-wide association study in multiple populations
- 일반논문[20191001] Transposable element-mediated structural variation analysis in dog breeds using whole-genome sequencing
- 일반논문[20190901] Complete genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of nosocomial pathogen Acinetobacter nosocomialis strain NCTC 8102
- 일반논문[20190701] A comprehensive analysis of the Baboon-specific full-length LINE-1 retrotransposons
- 일반논문[20190701] Comparison of library construction kits for mRNA sequencing in the Illumina platform
- 일반논문[20190420] A comprehensive analysis of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)-specific LINE-1 retrotransposons
- 일반논문[20190306] Amelogenic transcriptome profiling in ameloblast-like cells derived from adult gingival epithelial cells
- 일반논문[20190224] Investigation of Hanwoo-specific structural variations using wholegenome sequencing data
- 일반논문[20190125] Novel Discovery of LINE-1 in a Korean Individual by a Target Enrichment Method
- 일반논문[20181228] MicroRNAs in Autoimmune Sjögren’s Syndrome
- 일반논문[20181213] Characterization of five complete Cyrtodactylus mitogenome structures reveals low structural diversity and conservation of repeated sequences in the lineage
- 일반논문[20181201] A case of interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma studied by whole-exome sequencing
- 일반논문[20181104] A Simple Guideline to Assess the Characteristics of RNA-Seq Data
- 일반논문[20181001] Mobile elements contribute to the uniqueness of human genome with 15,000 human-specific insertions and 14 Mbp sequence increase
- 일반논문[20181001] Simple and Low‐Cost Sampling of Cell‐Free Nucleic Acids from Blood Plasma for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Circulating Tumor DNA
- 일반논문[20180901] Superior single nucleotide polymorphisms that contribute to two main routes of the fatty acid synthesis pathway in Korean cattle
- 일반논문[20180601] Rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella based on microfluidic enrichment with a label-free nanobiosensing platform
- 일반논문[20180601] Virulence properties of uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from children with urinary tract infection in Korea
- 일반논문[20180601] Complete genome sequence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolate UPEC 26-1
- 일반논문[20180401] KoVariome: Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses
- 일반논문[20180301] In vivo evidence on the functional variation within fatty acid synthase gene associated with lipid metabolism in bovine longissimus dorsi muscle tissue
- 일반논문[20180301] An efficient and tunable parameter to improve variant calling for whole genome and exome sequencing data
- 일반논문[20180301] Temperature-dependent immune response of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) infected with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV)
- 일반논문[20180101] Accurate, predictable, repeatable micro-assembly technology for polymer, microfluidic modules
- 일반논문[20171201] Targeted next-generation sequencing for identifying genes related to horse temperament
- 일반논문[20171201] Human Primary Epithelial Cells Acquire an Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Transition Phenotype during Long-Term Infection by the Oral Opportunistic Pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis
- 일반논문[20171001] Structural variations generated by simian foamy virus-like (SFV) in Crocodylus siamensis
- 일반논문[20171001] Comprehensive Transcriptome Profiling of Balding and Non-Balding Scalps in Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome Type I Patient
- 일반논문[20170901] The Whole-Genome and Transcriptome of the Manila Clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)
- 일반논문[20170401] Whole-exome sequencing in Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome (TRPS) type I in a Korean family
- 일반논문[20170101] Chicken (Gallus gallus) endogenous retrovirus generates genomic variations in the chicken genome
- 일반논문[20161201] Modulation of LINE-1 Retrotransposition by a Human SAMHD1 Polymorphism
- 일반논문[20161001] An adaptive detection method for fetal chromosomal aneuploidy using cell-free DNA from 447 Korean women
- 일반논문[20160901] Structural Variation of Alu Element and Human Disease
- 일반논문[20160901] Mutational Analysis of Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma Using Targeted Sequencing with a Comprehensive Cancer Panel
- 일반논문[20160801] A Genome-Wide Methylation Approach Identifies a New Hypermethylated Gene Panel in Ulcerative Colitis
- 일반논문[20160501] Comparison of two high-throughput semiconductor chip sequencing platforms in noninvasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome in early pregnancy
- 일반논문[20160201] Relationship between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Gene and Fatty Acid Composition in Korean Native Cattle
- 일반논문[20160201] Whole Genome Re-sequencing of Three Domesticated Chicken Breeds
- 일반논문[20160101] Analysis of L1-chimeric transcripts derived from bidirectional promoter of human-specific L1
- 일반논문[20151201] Gene structure variation in segmental duplication block C of human chromosome 7q 11.23 during primate evolution
- 일반논문[20151201] identification of transposable element-mediated deletions in 27 korean individuals based on whole genome sequencing data
- 일반논문[20151101] Dynamic changes in host gene expression associated with H5N8 avian influenza virus infection in mice
- 일반논문[20151001] The first whole genome and transcriptome of the cinereous vulture reveals adaptation in the gastric and immune defense systems and possible convergent evolution between the Old and New World vultures
- 일반논문[20150901] Identification and expression analysis of human endogenous retrovirus Y (HERV-Y) in various human tissues
- 일반논문[20150701] Meeting report: The biology of genomes and proteomes
- 일반논문[20150501] Simple method for markerless 1 gene deletion of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
- 일반논문[20150501] Genome-wide target site triplication of Alu elements in the human genome
- 일반논문[20150301] Endogenous retrovirus-mediated genomic variations in chimpanzees
- 일반논문[20150301] An automated analysis pipeline for a large set of ChIP-seq data: AutoChIP
- 일반논문[20150301] Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation before-and after Exercise in the Thoroughbred Horse with MeDIP-Seq
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