박희정 | 과학기술대학 신소재공학과
- University of California, Davis (2005-08-15)
- 삼성전자종합기술원 (2007-10-01)
수소기술(수전해, 연료전지). SOEC/SOFC/PEMEC
차세대 이차전지(리튬금속전지, 전고체전지)
저차원 나노소재(0D, 2D)
- 일반논문[20241210] Modification of RuO2 nanosheet microstructure via hydrogen plasma treatment for transparent electrode applications
- 일반논문[20241203] Evaporated, Semitransparent Rudorffite AgBiI4 Films for Pb-Free Indoor Photovoltaics
- 일반논문[20241101] Enhancing electrical conductivity of RuO2 nanosheet-coated films by enlarging the nanosheet area
- 일반논문[20240814] 2D Metal-Oxide Nanosheets as a Homogeneous Li-Ion Flux Regulator for High-Performance Anodeless Lithium Metal Batteries
- 일반논문[20240716] Cobalt-Doped Ceria Sensitizer Effects on Metal Oxide Nanofibers: Heightened Surface Reactivity for High-Performing Chemiresistive Sensors
- 일반논문[20240701] Excellent electrochemical response of Ce stabilized cubic Li7La3Zr2O12
- 일반논문[20240501] Thermoelectric properties of Mn-doped ZnSbs fabricated without sintering process
- 일반논문[20240331] Li7La3Zr2O12 고체전해질의 이종 도핑 효과에 따른 구조적, 전기적 특성 연구
- 일반논문[20240108] Highly Active Cobalt−Copper−Selenide Electrocatalysts for SolarDriven Oxygen Evolution Reaction: An Electrochemical Activation Energy Aspect
- 일반논문[20230601] Exceptional performance of water splitting coupled with methane partial oxidation by oxygen-permeable membrane reactor
- 일반논문[20230508] Li-La-Zr-O Garnets with High Li-ion Conductivity and Air-Stability by Microstructure-Engineering
- 일반논문[20230301] Room-temperature ammonia gas sensing via Au nanoparticle-decorated TiO2 nanosheets
- 일반논문[20230201] Study on the decisive factor for metal–insulator transitions in a LaVO3 Mott–Hubbard insulator
- 일반논문[20230101] Synthesis of ultra-thin nanobelt-like vanadium-oxide and its abnormal optical-electrical properties
- 일반논문[20221201] Temperature-Dependent n-to-p-Type Transition of 2D Mn Oxide Nanosheets toward NO2 for Flexible Gas Sensor Application
- 일반논문[20220601] Electrochemical Performance of the Ni-Fe Based Metal-Support Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Ba-Sr-Co-Fe-O and La-Sr-Mn-O Cathodes
- 일반논문[20220401] Anomalous optoelectric properties of an ultra-thin ruthenium film with a surface oxide layer for flexible transparent conducting electrodes
- 일반논문[20220301] Electrochemical properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3 and BaZr0.65Ce0.20Y0.15O3 composite cathodes on Y-doped barium-cerium-zirconium oxide solid electrolyte
- 일반논문[20220101] 2D layered Mn and Ru oxide nanosheets for real-time breath humidity monitoring
- 일반논문[20211201] Effect of cerium on yttrium-doped barium zirconate with a ZnO sintering aid: Grain and grain boundary protonic conduction
- 일반논문[20211101] Nitric oxide utilization for ammonia production using solid electrolysis cell at atmospheric pressure
- 일반논문[20211001] Anomalous Electronic and Protonic Conductivity of 2D Titanium Oxide and Low-Temperature Power Generation Using Its Protonic Conduction
- 일반논문[20210901] Modulation of Conductivity and Contact Resistance of RuO2 Nanosheets via Metal Nano-Particles Surface Decoration
- 일반논문[20210901] PrBaFe2O5+delta promising electrode for redox-stable symmetrical proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells
- 일반논문[20210401] Investigation of oxygen ion transport and surface exchange properties of PrBaFe2O5+delta
- 일반논문[20200120] Improved polaronic transport under a strong Mott-Hubbard interaction in Cu-substituted NiO
- 일반논문[20200101] Reduced Bipolar Conduction in Bandgap-Engineered n-type Cu0.008Bi2(Te,Se)3 by Sulfur doping
- 일반논문[20191201] Influence of Pd Doping on Electrical and Thermal Properties of n-Type Cu0.008Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 Alloys
- 일반논문[20191001] Heterogeneous, Porous 2D Oxide Sheets via Rapid Galvanic Replacement: Toward Superior HCHO Sensing Application
- 일반논문[20191001] 억셉터(Sr, Mg)가 첨가된 LaAlO3의 고온 전도 특성
- 일반논문[20190321] Electrochemical properties of a zirconia membrane with a lanthanum manganate-zirconia composite electrode and its oxygen permeation characteristics by applied currents
- 저서/역서[20231231] 2023 세라믹 기술백서
- 저서/역서[20220930] 수소 생산용 고프로톤 전도도 세라믹 소재
- 학술발표[20190618] Electrochemical Properties of a Zirconia Membrane with a Lanthanum Manganate-Zirconia Composite Electrode and its Oxygen Permeation Characteristics by Applied Currents
- 학술발표[20190510] 중저온 고체산화물연료전지 용 페로브스카이트계 양극의 전기화학적 특성
- 학술발표[20190412] 나노구조 세라믹스의 수소이온전도