주수현 | 과학기술대학 신소재공학과
- [2009] 학사 한양대학교 / 신소재공학부
- [2011] 석사 포항공과대학교 / 신소재공학과 / 공정 및 변형거동
- [2014] 박사 포항공과대학교 / 신소재공학과 / 공정 및 미세조직 제어
- 포항공과대학교 (2014-08-09)
- 포항공과대학교 (2015-04-16)
- Tohoku University(일본) (2016-03-01)
3차원 연속연결 나노포러스 금속 및 금속기지 복합재료 개발과 특성분석
& 고엔트로피 합금 (High-entropy alloy, HEA)
- 일반논문[20250201] Effect of laser surface treatment on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Co–Cr–Fe–Ni–Mo medium–entropy alloy
- 일반논문[20241101] Improvement in mechanical properties of extruded Mg alloy through shape control of extrusion billet
- 일반논문[20241005] 금속 용탕 탈성분법 공정에서 Mg 용탕에 첨가된 Al 합금원소가 Mg-Ti 복합재료의 미세조직에 미치는 영향
- 일반논문[20240901] Fabrication of 3D Interconnected Fe80Cr20-Mg Ultrafine-grained Heterostructure Composite Materials Using High-pressure Torsion: Effects of Sample Thickness
- 일반논문[20240801] Magnetic behavior of 3D interconnect nanoporous FeCo synthesized by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20240523] Mechanically Robust Self-Organized Crack-Free Nanocellular Graphene with Outstanding Electrochemical Properties in Sodium Ion Battery
- 일반논문[20231215] Exceptional abrasive wear resistance of immiscible Mg-Fe80Cr20 composites with 3D interconnected structure developed by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20231102] Development of 3D bicontinuous metal intermetallic composites through subsequent alloying process after liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20230301] Microstructural characteristics and low-cycle fatigue properties of AZ91 and AZ91–Ca–Y alloys extruded at different temperatures
- 일반논문[20220701] 3D interconnected nanoporous FeCo soft magnetic materials synthesized by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20220401] Inhomogeneous dealloying kinetics along grain boundaries during liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20211101] Hierarchical heterostructured FeCr-(Mg-Mg2Ni) composite with 3D interconnected and lamellar structures synthesized by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20211101] Enhancing tensile strength and ductility of high-speed-extruded Mg-5Bi-2Al through trace Mn addition
- 일반논문[20211101] Microstructure and corrosion study of Fe-based bulk metallic glass obtained by spark plasma sintering
- 일반논문[20211001] Evolution of 3D interconnected composites of high-entropy TiVNbMoTa alloys and Mg during liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20210901] Beyond strength-ductility trade-off: 3D interconnected heterostructured composites by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20210801] Unusual two-step dealloying mechanism of nanoporous TiVNbMoTa high-entropy alloy during liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20210301] Anomalous compliance of interpenetrating-phase composite of Ti and Mg synthesized by liquid metal dealloying
- 일반논문[20201001] Nanoporous High-Entropy Alloy by Liquid Metal Dealloying
- 학술발표[20211021] Beyond strength-ductility trade-off: 3D interconnected heterostructured composites by liquid metal dealloying
- 학술발표[20201029] Nanoporous TiVNbMoTa high-entropy alloy beating thermal coarsening; its characteristics of amorphous oxide layer and capacitance properties