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Former recipients of special scholarships give back to return the gift of scholarships
Writer 글로벌전략팀 김유인
Date 2019.03.27 (Modified Date : 2019.04.19)
View Count 1,854
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Graduate Jong-ran Kim(entered the Department of Law in 1984) extends donations of a total of 70 million and graduate Yong-rok Kim (entered the Department of Special Education in 1984) donates 50 million KRW 

“Giving back scholarship benefits enjoyed during college”

Alumni who received scholarships as freshmen are attracting attention as they return to make donations to be used as scholarships. 

Jong-ran Kim, who has been quietly donating 10 million KRW each year for seven years, is an inspiring example. Kim, who received a special scholarship when entering the university in 1984, has made a cumulative donation of 70 million KRW (College of Law Kim Jong-ran scholarship). Kim currently serves as the vice president of the Trust Division at KB Bank. She was in the media spotlight earlier this year as one of the newly promoted female executives after serving as the manager of the KB Seodaemun branch, Bangbae-South branch and head of the bank’s Campus Plaza Group. 

On March 8th, Yong-rok Kim, another alumnus who entered Dankook University in 1984, donated 50 million KRW to be used as scholarships for the Department of Special Education from where he graduated. Kim, who was also a special scholarship recipient as a freshman, was appointed as a teacher in 1988 upon graduating from Dankook and served in the frontline of education for disabled students for 31 years before retiring this year from Seoul Jeongin School.

“The special scholarship I received helped me study and enabled me to pass the teacher’s exam,” explained Kim when asked about the reason for making such donations. He added that “preparing for my own retirement may be important but I believe the time is right for me to give back what I received.” The External Cooperation Team did not take a picture of Kim as he turned down requests for a photo and asked that his donation be kept quiet.