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Three DKU alumni pass the Korean National Bar Exam and 17 go on to Law School
Writer 글로벌전략팀 장지훈
Date 2017.03.02 (Modified Date : 2017.04.13)
View Count 3,091
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Three DKU alumni pass the Korean National Bar Exam and 17 go on to Law School
- the most successful applicants yet!

Dankook University’s efforts to foster outstanding talent to move into legal professions are bearing fruit. In fact, DKU alumni have been performing solidly in law school admissions, the Korean National Bar Exam and the certified public labor attorney exam.

Seventeen DKU alumni were accepted into professional graduate schools for legal studies (law school) for the 2017 academic year (as of February 13, 2017). This sets a record for the most successful number of applicants since the law school system was first introduced in Korea in 2009.

DKU’s College of Law has continuously presented successful candidates for the Korean National Bar Exam (judicial examination) and has also made efforts to increase acceptance into law schools. In particular, as law schools become the mainstream route to legal professions, the College of Law opened a law school preparation class to extend full-fledge support to students.

Sophomore and junior students enrolled in the law school preparation class focus on managing their GPA, sharpening foreign language skills and strengthening reading and debating skills tailored to the LEET (Legal Education Eligibility Test). Lectures are designed to prepare students for aptitude tests when they reach their senior year; study groups and practice interviews where professors also participate are offered, as well. Advisors and all professors of the College of Law engage first-hand in consulting with students while preparing for such exams.

As a result, the annual number of successful applicants went up from an average of two to four by 2014, to reach double digits with a record of 11 in 2016. In 2017, the number increased by six more with a total 17 students being accepted by law schools in Korea.

In addition, three DKU alumni accomplished a remarkable achievement in passing the 59th Korean National Bar Exam held in 2016 and registering the best outcome during the past five years for DKU alumni taking the bar exam. It also placed Dankook among the top ten schools in terms of successful applicants in the bar exam.

Six of our alumni also passed the 25th public labor attorney exam in 2016. Six alumni made the cut in 2012 followed by five in 2013, but then figures dropped to three in 2014 and zero in 2015. This year, DKU restored its reputation as six students successfully passed the exam.

In 2016, most of the recruiting court officials were from DKU among all the representatives from other Korean universities. This shows how DKU alumni are playing an active role in all areas of legal practice such as the Korean Bar, law schools, public labor attorneys and court officials.