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Change of Command Ceremony for the Chairman of the Dankook Foundation
Writer 글로벌전략팀 방민혁
Date 2021.01.09 (Modified Date : 2021.01.21)
View Count 1,166
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Outgoing 26th Chairman Choong-sik Chang and incoming 27th Chairman Hosung Chang

“Faith and service are the pillars of my life,” says outgoing Chairman JoongJae Choong-sik Chang, while incoming Chairman Hosung Chang states “only truth and service will be the roads I follow.”

On December 28th, the change of command ceremony was held at the Nanpa Concert Hall at Dankook University’s Jukjeon campus for the 26th and 27th Chairmans of the Dankook University Foundation. The event was kept simple and held in compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols. Guests included former Chairman of the Dankook Foundation, Choong-sik Chang, along with its new Chairman, Hosung Chang, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, Director Yoo-cheol Park and other board officials, as well as President Sang-bae Lee of the Dankook Alumni Association. The ceremony started with participants reminiscing about the past 60 years of Chairman Choong-sik Chang’s dedication and leadership that shaped Dankook. 

“Sacrifice·Dedication·Philanthropy … Dankook trusted Choong-sik Chang even throughout crises”

"Education eventually comes down to loving other people and defending their dignity,” said former Dankook Foundation Chairman Choong-sik Chang as he looked back on his 60 years of love and devotion as a teacher. In his remarks, he shared how “[he] strived to save the university from crisis and difficulties when first being appointed as Head of Student Affairs at the young age of 30,” and added that “[he] was determined to make sure not a single student was sacrificed to political or judicial authorities and was dedicated to nurturing our students to support the nation.”

“Founded following Korea’s liberation amid the agony of being ruled by surrounding powers and separation on the peninsula, our university has been at the forefront of democratic university operations, despite political pressure, thanks to a strong drive for education and strength of knowledge,” continued Choong-sik Chang who also asked “for the newly appointed Dankook Foundation Chairman Hosung Chang, DKU President Soo-bok Kim, professors and faculty members out in the education field, and our 230 thousand alumni and students to work together to seek new roads toward transforming the university in the name of tradition and innovation.” He also added that he would “like to spend the rest of [his] life focusing on a project to relive the spirit of Nelson Mandela, who was dedicated to practicing reconciliation and tolerance,” and asked for “young students on campus to learn and practice philanthropy for their lives to beautifully bloom, as well.”

Incoming Chairman Hosung Chang to “place all efforts on securing stable resources for the Board to pursue future educational innovation”

“Dankook University today is the result of 60 years of leadership by my predecessor Choong-sik Chang that displayed patience, modesty, sacrifice, and dedication,” said newly appointed Chairman Hosung Chang in his inauguration speech. He added, “I am aware of my calling and the responsibilities bestowed upon me and will take the road of truth and services along with DKU President Soo-bok Kim, professors and faculty members out in the education field, and the 230 thousand Dankook alumni and students.”

The new chairman also promised to take the lead in making sure Dankook University can respond wisely to situations in the internal and external environment, such as by carrying out restructuring to address the decreasing school-age population as well as by preparing for the 4th industrial revolution and a post-COVID-19 era with educational innovation. In his remarks, he said that he will “do [his] utmost to increase profits from the various business sites and hospitals belonging to the foundation to support the basic education and research purposes of the university.”

“I will do all that I can to preserve the tradition and values of Dankook that portray the spirit of our founders and will go further to realize the values to which my predecessor dedicated his entire life, which are humanism, love for the Korean people and hope for overcoming separation between South and North Korea.”