PARK JIHWAN | College of Liberal Arts
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- Grade:Assistant Professor
He is mainly conducting research in the field of artificial intelligence healthcare and CDSS(Clinical Decision Support Systems).
Currently, research is being conducted to predict the recurrence of lung cancer patients by image analysis.
<Brain Science Training> Georgetown Univ. Basic Science CFMI Lab : fMRI
He graduated from Chung-Ang University's Computer Science Department and worked as a consultant at Oracle Korea.
During his Ph.D. in Medical Informatics at Catholic University, he was in charge of Dr. Answer, a Korean AI medical software development project.
During his overseas training, he worked as a Senior Engineer at the Open Source Electronic Health Record Association, responsible for the US Veterans Office EMR. The institution has developed CDSS in collaboration with Georgetown University Hospital and is currently applying the system in 2021.
He has built and developed the Common Data Model and Distributed Research Network for multi-center, integrated research of medical data.
As an empirical study, he developed an application by developing a model that measures the degree of dependence on a smartphone.
Teaching Philosophy
[Deliver education to students to realize their true dreams]
First, help students think and make decisions for themselves
Second, it allows them to recognize their interests and abilities.
Third, the level of development of abilities and interests varies from student to student, so they are constantly interested.
Database construction and analysis design, medical clinical/image big data machine learning and AI prognosis prediction, public medical big data analysis,
Common data model (CDM) and blockchain-based distributed research network (DRN) implementation,
Implementation of an open source-based patient prognosis prediction decision support system, development of a machine learning-based smartphone addiction prediction model
Big Data Consulting, Medical Artificial Intelligence Project, Common Data Model (CDM), Distributed Research Network (DRN), Medical Decision Support System (CDSS)