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DESP tackles student employment concerns
Writer 글로벌전략팀 장지훈
Date 2018.01.16
View Count 3,151
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Dankook University is nurturing talent that can be immediately assigned to the workforce through ‘DESP,’ a customized employment support education curriculum module. 

DESP, which stands for the Dankook Enterprise Simulation Program, is an employment related curriculum, part of the Dankook University I-Dasan LINC+ project, that covers job theory, simulation workshops and internships in partnership with businesses.

Unlike general internships that are offered temporarily to provide work experience, in the DESP model, partner companies are involved across the entire curriculum, which enables students to become ‘tailored talent’ needed by the given company.

Students who received modular training will begin participating in a corporate simulation job workshop starting in January 2018. Dankook will offer training in real-world skills needed at Oracle, such as in HR, accounting, marketing, administration, production management, etc. Oracle employees and executives will serve as instructors during the workshops to share professional knowledge on mobile programming contents, utilizing cloud-based business data and other topics.

Afterwards, the students will start internships at Oracle Korea’s head office. There, they will be assigned roles that go beyond mere administrative tasks; they will learn more about corporate culture, how to give presentations, and even plan and present their own projects during their practicum period. 

Companies are actively engaging in DKU’s modular education as it can narrow the gap between university education and practical work skills needed in the field, not to mention cutting down on retraining costs for those rehired later at the company.

As much as companies are investing their time and effort to train students, more opportunities to work at partner companies will also be extended to the students upon completion of their internships.

The DKU Graduate School’s department of data sciences already introduced a modular training internship in partnership with SAP two years ago. Some of its graduates are now working as full-time employees at the company. In addition, SAP plans to start a six-month, long-term internship program with Dankook University in 2018