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Mongolia and Cambodia Summer Overseas Volunteer Corps Hold Kick-off Ceremony
Writer 국제교류팀 최지영
Date 2024.07.19
View Count 1,075
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Dankook University’s student volunteer corps, part of the Office of Student Affairs area, are traveling to Mongolia and Cambodia over the summer break to exemplify Dankook’s guiding principles of truth and service.

Thirty-five members from the Jukjeon campus overseas volunteer corps (32 students, 3 faculty) will visit Puok Elementary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia from June 24 to July 4. On June 21, the volunteers held a kick-off ceremony at the small auditorium in the Jukjeon campus’ Humanities Hall in hopes of a successful trip. The volunteer corps will start by serving meals through the Dail Community’s Babfor Services. They will teach math, science, art, physical education, and Korean language and culture, draw murals, repair school facilities, and conduct musical and cultural performances.

Meanwhile, 24 members of the Cheonan campus overseas volunteer corps (lead by Professor Il Suk Lee) will embark on a volunteer trip to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from June 29 to July 8. The delegation will visit School #9 to volunteer. They will teach Korean language, science, art, physical education, carbon neutrality, and environmental education. Additionally, they will create wall murals, carry out maintenance work around the school, install recreational facilities, offer health education, and deliver a special performance and village festival for the local community.

“[I] see our students’ efforts of practicing and preparing for the volunteer trip will help them flourish at the volunteer sites,” said professor Sung-soon Park, head of the volunteer corps, who added, “I hope everyone will be able to share our values of truth and service and return home safely.”

Since the volunteer corps was inaugurated in 2007, Dankook University has been actively carrying out volunteer work at home and abroad. Over 2,500 students and faculty members have provided services in different countries, including Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, and Laos to practice the university’s educational direction of truth and service.