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Development of a Model for the Creation of Employment, Selected as "Model University"
Writer 글로벌전략팀 최지영
Date 2015.10.08
View Count 2,982
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Dankook University was chosen as a "model university" for Industry Professional Practice (IPP) by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea as Dankook developed a notable model related to IPP.

The institutions participating in the "Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation" project and schools focusing on fieldwork were evaluated to select the "Model University for IPP" through which exemplary operation models will be developed. A total of 5 schools were chosen nation-wide and Dankook was selected for the Chungcheong area.

Dankook's students have made use of their field experience and sought employment at the company where they did their field work and this has been selected as a best practice. Dankook's efforts include proposing an employment plan when searching for companies and close supervision throughout the whole process and as a result over 80% of the students who participated in this experience were employed. Dankook also saw an increase in number of students seeking employment at these companies from 65.4% in 2012 to 82.5% in 2014.

As Dankook was selected as a "model university," it is now focusing on continuously developing outstanding operation models based on experience managing IPP and performance analysis. Also, through cooperation with the Industry-University Cooperation Mediation Center, Dankook should put in efforts to spread models to other institution within the area.

Dankook is planning to create an ecosystem in which universities and communities can co-develop and improve employment rate through 'employment plans and industry practice.' In addition, Dankook will introduce interdisciplinary fieldwork and promote substantiality by making fieldwork a regular course. Moreover, Dankook plans to increase the number of beneficiaries through subsidies from businesses and establish a global system through partnerships with family companies overseas.