KIM SEHWAN | Department of Medical Science
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- Grade:Associate Professor
Sehwan Kim is Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Vice Director of Beckman Laser Institute Korea at the Dankook University in South Korea, and a joint appointment with the Beckman Laser Institute at University of California, Irvine, CA USA. His research interests are a IoT (Internet of Things) platform for wireless sensing and efficient energy harvesting and design and development low power platforms for the applications of biophotonics, medical devices, civil and environmental engineering.
He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from the University of California, Irvine (2011), under Prof. Pai Chou (Advisor) and Prof. Masanobu Shinozuka (co-advisor). He also worked as a post doctorate scholar at Center for Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems (CECS) at UC, Irvine. Since 2008, he has built a number of wireless sensor platforms, energy harvesting systems (NAVY project), and applications, including DuraMote for civil engineering (NIST project), and the wearable wireless sensor node for infant monitoring (NIH project).
He joined Dankook University as Research Professor in the Beckman Laser Institute Korea since February 2013 and became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering Electrical since September 2013. He worked on the miniaturized light source for biomedical applications and the Recursive algorithm for power optimization. He received the Low Power Design Contest Award in 2013 for his work on wireless embedded sensing systems.
He served on the Technical Program Commitee for ASP-DAC in 2015, and has served on the Reviewer for numerous journals on IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, IEEE Sensors Journal, Smart Structures and Systems, and MDPI sensors.
Before joining academic area, he has 8-year industrial experience including Samsung Electronics Telecommunication Network R&D Center as a senior engineer for R&D of mobile phones.
Teaching Philosophy
My educational philosophy is to use encouraging and supportive strategies, which can challenge students grow their full potential.
From my educational experiences, I know how valuable professor encouragement and consideration is for student's motivation. I intend to motivate students while teaching them to be intrinsically motivated through challenging yet supportive lessons and assignments.
In addition, as an Engineering professor, I desire to help the students understand and continue to learn about their engineering skills both theoretically and practically. I also believe that energetic and positive attitude from the professor are key elements to a successful learning environment.
Educational Background
- [2011] doctor's degree University of California, Irvine
- Postdoctoral scholar, Dept. Electrical Eng. & Computer Science, Univ. of California, Irvine (2012-01-17)
General interests:
- Low-power system design,
- IoT-based wireless sensors and systems,
- Medical devices using biophotonics,
- Efficient energy harvesting,
I work on the following topics in embedded systems:
- Platforms for wireless sensing, including both hardware and software
- Power for wireless sensors, including energy harvesting using supercapacitor-based storage
- Applications of embedded systems, including biomedical optics, lipid metalbolism, civil engineering, power and energy
- Platform design for IoT-based medical devices
- Low Power design for wearable or attachable sensing devices
- Design Optimization in terms of performance, power and cost
- Translational Research in Biomedical Optics
- Wireless Sensing Networks (WSNs)