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DKU LA Literature Academy “Embracing the joy and sorrow of Korean-Americans through Korean literature”
Writer 마스터
Date 2014.09.22 (Modified Date : 2014.10.21)
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Dankook International Creative Writing Center holds ‘LA Literature Academy’ for Korean-Americans in the U.S.
Plans to host regular courses to 'spread Korean literature across the world’

Dankook University held a series of literature lectures for Korean-Americans in Los Angeles, California.
The Dankook International Creative Writing Center (headed by Siyoung Lee) hosted a special literature program titled ‘Understanding Korean literature through Creative Writing’ that was held at the DKU LA Literature Academy from July 18th to 29th for more than 90 Korean-Americans living in the U.S.

Dankook University is the first Korean educational institution to regularly hold literature lectures overseas. This program was offered for free to embrace the joy and sorrow of Korean-Americans through Korean literature as they long for their home country. The program was welcomed by floods of Korean-Americans who rushed to sign up and fulfill their desire to write. In fact, there were so many people that the program had to limit its participants to a first come, first served basis.
Siyoung Lee, the Director of Dankook International Creative Writing Center, was pleased to have offered the chance for Koreans abroad to encounter their homeland through Korean literature and said, “I look forward to Korean literature building on this opportunity to spread out wider across the world.”