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Woori-pol launches a Partnership with Yongin Seobu Police Station
Writer 글로벌전략팀 장지훈
Date 2016.04.29
View Count 3,798
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Dankook University and Yongin Seobu Police Station are cooperating with a joint initiative, a foreign student safety patrol volunteer group called “Woori-pol”, which was launched on March 24th. The joint cooperation will involve night patrolling around colleges in the Yongin area and crime prevention campaigns.

Dankook University and Yongin Seobu Police Station are working together join forces and target crime prevention against foreign students.

On March 24th, Dankook University held the inauguration ceremony for Woori-pol, the Dankook University Safety Patrol Volunteer Group for Foreign Students’ at the Yongin Seobu Police Station. Woori-pol will start patrolling to prevent crimes and to help foreign students settle into university life in Korea.

More than 70 people attended the ceremony including Dankook University’s Vice President of External Affairs, Kang Daeshik, Commissioner Choi Byung-bu of the Yongin Seobu Police Station, Dean of External Affairs, Kim Yongbin, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs, Chang Woohyeok, and head of the security department at Yongin Seobu Police Station, Koh Wonsik.

Composed of 51 foreign students from various countries including China, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Kazakhstan, Woori-pol plans to regularly carry out night patrols in college neighborhoods around Suji-gu, Yongin where many foreign students reside and to also conduct crime prevention campaigns.

The head of the foreign student volunteer group, Feng Wusheng, a 3rd year student in the Dept of Polymer Science & Engineering, commented “we are committed to creating a safer environment for the foreign students, specifically by taking into account misunderstandings which may occur due to cultural and social differences. For example, we are beginning a campaign to prevent drinking in public places, which may be common in some cultures.”