김종무 사진

KIM JONG MOO I | School of Communication

  • Grade:


I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Media Arts at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in Halifax, Canada. I then earned a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Arts at Concordia University in Montreal. Following this, I obtained a Ph.D. in Visual Design from Hanyang University.

My research interests primarily focus on the impact of various elements of cinematography on images and the relationship between human emotional vocabulary preferences. Additionally, I have a keen interest in the production and evaluation of multimedia content, cinematography and editing techniques, as well as the use of social media and interactive media.

Educational Background

  • [1999] bachelor's degree Nova Scotia College of Art & Design Media Arts
  • [2002] master's degree Concordia University
  • [2011] doctor's degree Hanyang University, Department of Visual and Multimedia Design, Visual and Multimedia Design Major


One-person media
Multimedia content
The relationship between video and emotion
Cinematography and editing
Social media, interactive media
Visual culture and arts


Video content production and editing
Promotional video production
Interactive media
Motion graphics design
One-person media

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