박창수 사진

Changsoo Park | Department of Physics

  • Grade:
    Professor Emeritus


Professor Changsoo Park received his Ph.D. from Washington University in theoretical condensed matter physics. He has been a professor of physics department at Dankook university since 1992. The research interests of Professor Park center around various phenomena associated with quantum tunneling. In particular, his research has been concentrated on the problem of tunneling time. In recent years, he is also interested in the two-dimensional transmission through a potential barrier and relativistice quantum effects in graphene and other 2D materials, such as Klein tunneling, Aharonov-Bohm effect, and valley electronics.

Educational Background

  • [1981] bachelor's degree Bachelor inPhysics, Korea University (Korea)
  • [1986] master's degree Master in Physics, University of Missouri (USA)
  • [1991] doctor's degree PhD in Physics (Condensed matter theory), Washngton University (USA)


- Quantum transport in nanostructure, in particular quantum tunneling
- Relativistic quantum tunneling and 2D electron transport in graphene and related 2D amterials

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