Shin, Eun-Kyoung | Department of Social Welfare
- Telephone :041-550-3241
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- Grade:Professor
The main research area is social welfare practice and the welfare of the disabled.
She has focused on research on services, policies, and systems that affect the practice of welfare for the disabled, and has field experience and lectures on case management of vulnerable groups such as the disabled, the elderly, children, and women.
The main areas of interest in the study are the development of measurement scales related to welfare policies and services for the disabled and the development of standard indicators related to social welfare related environmental systems.
In addition, she is interested in research on the needs assessment tools and case management in health and social service. She has experience in conducting research in this field by the central ministry and National Research Foundation of Korea.
2020. 8~2020.11., An Exploratory Study on Development of health promotion model for the disabled in the community by Health and Welfare Network, Hosted by Ministry of Health Welfare. (as project in charge)
2019. 5 ~ 2020. 1., A Study on the Performance Analysis of the Pilot Project for Health Status Evaluation of the Disabled by WHODAS Ⅱ, Hosted by Ministry of Health Welfare. (as project in charge)
2018. 7 ~ 2020. 6. the Social Model of disability and the transition from ideology to practice: Developing alternative practice and assessment methods, Hosted by National Research Foundation of Korea(under Ministry of Education). (as project in charge)
2023 장애인 개인예산제 모의적용 연구. Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2022. 장애인 개인예산제 도입을 위한 1단계 시범사업 기초모델 개발 연구. Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2022. 지역사회 장애인 보건,의료,복지 통합 서비스에 관한 정보 및 업무프로세스 쳬계화와 고도화 방안 마련 연구. Hosted by National Rehabilitation Center. (as co-researcher)
2021. 장애인활동지원 노인장기요양 전환자 서비스 감소분 지원 시범사업 모니터링 조사. Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2020. 돌봄 제도 이용자의 돌봄 서비스 이용 현황분석. Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2019. 장애인차별금지법 실태조사 방안 등 연구, Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2018. 장애인 이동서비스 지원을 위한 종합조사도구 개발 연구, Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affiars. (as co-researcher)
2017, 2017 장애통계연보, Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2016. 장애인차별금지법 실태조사 틀 개발연구(8차), , Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2016. Development of Korean Classification Functioning, Disability and Health (KCF), 7th year, hosted by Statistics Korea. (as co-researcher)
2015. 장애인차별금지법 실태조사 틀 개발연구(7차), , Hosted by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute. (as co-researcher)
2015. Development of Korean Classification Functioning, Disability and Health (KCF), 6th year, hosted by Statistics Korea. (as co-researcher)
2014. Development of Korean Classification Functioning, Disability and Health (KCF), 5th year, hosted by Statistics Korea. (as co-researcher)
2012. A Study on the Application of ICF in Korea: Developing Qualifier and Classification Standardization, hosted by Statistics Korea. (as project in charge)
2012. The Validation of 'World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II', , hosted by National Research Foundation of Korea(Ministry of Education). (as project in charge)
2010. A Study on the Application of ICF in Korea: Developing Practical Guide and Manual, hosted by Statistics Korea. (as project in charge)
2010. A Study on the Comprehensive ICF Core sets Development for Persons with physical disabilities- focusing the Musculoskeletal Disorders II' , hosted by National Research Foundation of Korea( Ministry of Education). (as project in charge)
case management
program development and evaluation
scale development and verification
index development and verification
research method
need assessment and effect diagnosis