Shin DongYoun | School of Architecture
- Telephone :031-8005-3703
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- Grade:Associate Professor
Dongyoun Shin studied architecture with a focus on Computer Aided Architectural Design and Information Architecture at ETH Zurich, where he took his Master and Ph.D Degree. He also has a background working at the Architectural Design office JungLim Architecture, Design OZ, and Re:timus. He is currently focusing on Smart Building Design and Urban Simulation, which is simulating the complex world by adopting Big Data analysis.
Teaching Philosophy
"Honest architecture for honest space."
건축은 그 시대의 요구 가장 '정직'하게 반영한 삶의 공간을 생산한다. 시대를 반영하되 그것이 긍정의 힘을 가질 때 비로소 건축가는 사회로부터 그 역할을 인정 받을 것이고 지속가능한 생산을 계속 할 수 있을 것이다.
Educational Background
- [2005] bachelor's degree Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul Korea
- [2007] master's degree Computer Aided Architecture Design, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- [2015] doctor's degree Chair for Information Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland