엄익란 사진

Eum Ik Ran | College of Liberal Arts

  • Grade:
    Associate Professor


Ikran Eum received PhD in Middle East Studies at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, UK in 2004. She is currently working as assistant professor at the College of General Education, Dankook University in Korea, and gives lectures related to Middle Eastern cultural and social studies both for the students as an academia and for the public including office workers and civil servants as an area specialists. Her current research interests are consumerism and Islam, family and gender issues in the Arab Gulf countries. She is associated as a policy advisor of Middle Eastern Division at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) for Muslim Friendly Restaurant classification, and a member of advisory board for Middle Eastern affairs at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). She published several books on Middle East and Islamic Culture, and they include Gulf women and Womenomics (2018), Taboo, Unseen seen Muslim women (2015), Islamic Marketing and Halal Business (2014), Halal, what is allowed: Arab food and Cultural code (2011), How to read cultural code among the Arabs through everyday life (2009), Marriage Culture and Gender in Islam (2007). Among the lists, two books are awarded from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as an excellent book of the year.


Arab culture and society, Muslim, Middle East, Islam, Halal, Muslim women, Gulf Vision


Middle East, Islam, Halal, Tourism, Muslim

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