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안승철 | 의과대학 의예과 (의학관)

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본인의 전기생리학을 기반으로 선회생쥐 청각신경로의 발달에 관해 연구하고 있습니다. 선회생쥐는 선천적으로 내이의 와우가 자연적으로 파괴되어 결국에는 듣지 못하게 되는, 인간의 선천성 귀먹음의 동물모델입니다. 내이가 유전적인 원인에 의해 파괴되는 것이 병인으로 알려져 있지만 그로 인한 중추신경계의 변화에 대해서는 자세히 알려진 것이 없어 일차적으로 중추신경계의 변화를 밝히는 것에 연구의 우선순위를 두고 있습니다. 앞으로는 연구의 범위를 더욱 넓혀 내이의 와우가 파괴되는 원인을 밝히고 이를 바탕으로 선천성 귀먹음을 치료하는 방법을 찾고자 합니다.


  • [1993] 학사 서울대학교 / 의학
  • [1995] 석사 서울대학교 / 생리학 / 평활근생리학
  • [2000] 박사 서울대학교 / 생리학 / 평활근생리학



컨설팅 가능 분야

세포의 기능과 관련된 분야 및 전정기능과 관련된 분야


  • 일반논문[20190416] Abrupt Change in Electrophysiological Properties Begins From Postnatal Day 7 Before Hearing Onset in the Developing Mice Auditory Cortical Layer II/III Neurons
  • 일반논문[20190123] Early exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields at 1850 MHz affects auditory circuits in early postnatal mice
  • 일반논문[20170201] Inhibition of K+ outward currents by linopirdine in the cochlear outer hair cells of circling mice within the first postnatal week
  • 일반논문[20150701] Characteristics of K+ Outward Currents in the Cochlear Outer Hair Cells of Circling Mice within the First Postnatal Week
  • 일반논문[20150501] Reinvestigation of cochlear pathology in circling mice
  • 일반논문[20141117] vesicular glutamate transporter 3 is strongly upregulated in cochlear inner hair cells and spiral ganglion cells of developing circling mice
  • 일반논문[20121130] Long term depression of MNTB-LSO synapses is expressed postsynaptically in developing circling mice
  • 일반논문[20120920] Decreased immunoreactivities of the chloride transporters, KCC2 and NKCC1, in the lateral superior olive neurons of kanamycin-treated rats
  • 일반논문[20111114] Sustained Fos expression is observed in the developing brainstem auditory circuits of kanamycin-treated rats
  • 일반논문[20110301] Decreased Immunoreactivities and Functions of the Chloride Transporters, KCC2 and NKCC1, in the Lateral Superior Olive Neurons of Circling Mice
  • 일반논문[20110201] Glycine-induced currents are insensitive to the glycine receptor α(1) subunit-specific blocker, cyanotriphenylborate, in older circling mice.
  • 일반논문[20110201] Glutamate co-transmission from developing medial nucleus of the trapezoid body - Lateral superior olive synapses is cochlear dependent in kanamycin-treated rats.
  • 일반논문[20100811] Immunohistochemical localization of calbindin D28-k, parvalbumin, and calretinin in the cerebellar cortex of the circling mouse
  • 일반논문[20090908] 발달중인 선회생쥐 가쪽위올리브핵 신경세포에 대한 안쪽마름섬유체핵 축삭의 수렴비 변화에 관한 연구
  • 일반논문[20090530] Propofol의 청각뇌간반응과 뇌교 청신경핵 부위 절편에서의 시냅스후전류에 대한 효과 사이의 상관성 연구
  • 일반논문[20081126] Glutamatergic transmission is sustained at a later period of development of MNTB-LSO synapses in circling mice.
  • 일반논문[20080801] Characterization of ionic currents in human neural stem cells
  • 일반논문[20080710] neural induction with neurogenin1 increases the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells in the ischemic brain
  • 일반논문[20070630] Tetanus induced LTD of developing MNTB-LSO synapses in rat is dependent on postsynaptic Ca2+
  • 일반논문[20050822] cAMP induces neuronal differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells via activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase/MAPK
  • 일반논문[20040301] Li+ enhances GABAergic inputs to granule cells in the rat hippocampal dentate gyrus
  • 일반논문[20040101] Characteristics and a functional implication of Ca2+ activated K+ current in mouse aortic endothelial cells
  • 일반논문[20040101] Inhibition of endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation by extracellular K+ : a novel controlling signal for vascular contractility
  • 일반논문[20031020] Inhibitory effects of potassium channel blockers on carbachol-induced contraction in rat detrusor muscle
  • 일반논문[20030301] short-term vestibular responses to repeated rotations in pilots
  • 일반논문[20011231] 조종사의 전정기능 연구
  • 일반논문[20010420] 공군 조종사의 전정기능 연구
  • 일반논문[20010420] 저압실 비행훈련의 유효의식시간에 영향을 미치는 생리적 요인
  • 일반논문[20010106] Protein kinase C suppresses spontaneous transient outward K currents through modulation of the Na/Ca exchanger in guinea-pig gastric myocytes
  • 일반논문[20000826] 기니피그 위 평활근에서 자발적 수축에 대한 protein kinase C의 작용기전
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  • 일반논문[20000105] Short-term vestibular responses to repeated rotations
  • 일반논문[19990626] 일부 대한민국 공군 조종사의 항공생리 신체검사 및 가속도 내성훈련에 대한 보고
  • 일반논문[19990309] Carbachol-induced sustained tonic contraction of rat detrusor muscle
  • 일반논문[19970806] Changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by L-type Ca2+ channel current in guinea-pig gastric myocytes
  • 일반논문[19970603] Inhibitory effect of phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate on carbachol-activated nonselective cationic current in guinea-pig gastric myocytes
  • 일반논문[19970226] Dual roles of phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate in the regulation of guinea-pig gastric contraction
  • 일반논문[19950801] Effect of intracellular cAMP on K current in single gastric myocytes of guinea-pig
  • 일반논문[19950801] Effects of purinergic agonists on mechanical and electrical activities of gastric smooth muscle of guinea-pig
  • 일반논문[19950509] Role of calmodulin in the activation of carbachol-activated cationic current in guinea-pig gastric antral myocytes
  • 일반논문[19950505] Quinidine blockade of the carbachol-activated non-selective cationic current in guinea-pig gastric myocytes
  • 일반논문[19950226] Forskolin과 Sodium nitroprusside가 유문동 윤상근의 수축 및 전기적 활동에 미치는 영향
  • 일반논문[19940301] The possible role of nitric oxide on enteric nerves-mediated relaxation of the gastric smooth muscle of the guinea-pig
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  • 학술발표[20180519] Electrophysiologic characteristics of cortical pyramidal neurons in developing mice
  • 학술발표[20101030] Enhanced glutamatergic co-release from developing MNTB-LSO synapses in kanamycin treated rats
  • 학술발표[20090425] Changes of convergence ratios of developing MNTB-LSO synapses in circling mice
  • 학술발표[20081025] Glutamate is the major neurotransmitter of MNTB-LSO synapses in developing circling mice
  • 학술발표[20071025] The developing inhibitory synapses of the auditory brainstem in circling mice are glutamatergic
  • 학술발표[20061104] 발달중인 circling mouse 억제성 MNTB-LSO synapse에서 공동분비되는 glutamate에 관한 연구
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  • 학술발표[20020705] Characterization of calcium activated potassium current in cultured mouse aortic endothelial cells
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