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97 Chinese Dankook University students deliver donations of 3.3 million KRW to the City of Daegu
Writer 글로벌전략팀 방민혁
Date 2020.04.04
View Count 1,429
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Chinese students studying at Dankook University gathered 2.3 million KRW along with a generous donation of 1 million KRW from DKU President Soo-bok Kim
The first group of Chinese students in Korea to deliver donations

Chinese students studying at Dankook University collected 2.3 million KRW for the citizens of Daegu. It was the first donation to be gathered by Chinese students studying in Korea. DKU President Soo-bok Kim, who heard of the news, added 1 million KRW to deliver a total 3.3 million KRW to the Korean Red Cross branch in Daegu, the city which was recently hit hard by the global pandemic.

Chinese students in doctoral programs started collecting donations on February 27th after witnessing the fast spread of COVID-19 upon arriving in Korea. They wished to extend help to low income citizens who were suffering from shortages of emergency protective equipment, such as hand sanitizer and masks. Ninety-seven Chinese undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty members participated in the three-day fundraising drive.

Most Chinese students were in self-quarantine in temporary living facilities prepared at the university’s dormitories before the school year started on March 16. Everyone had been assigned to single rooms to prevent the spread of possible infections; however, not being able to meet face-to-face did not stop donations from being gathered quickly through online communities.

Chen Ling-Wun (Department of Fine Arts, Doctoral Program) and Liu Wen-Hao (Department of Physical Education, Doctoral Program), who started the fundraising campaign, said that they were “aware of how Korea helped China when it was faced with the coronavirus crisis,” and added that “(we) wanted to also express our appreciation for how Dankook University has been considerate towards Chinese students.”

“I was proud to see how the students voluntarily gathered the donations and I hope they will be able to help the Daegu citizens suffering from the coronavirus outbreak,” said DKU President Soo-bok Kim, who added that “(we) will do our utmost to make sure students, both domestic and international, can study safely on campus.”